
Things go Boom!

(Radar POV)

With the transfer finally complete, Radar wasted no time in unsealing the door, feeling a little excited to show off her new form to Kane and the others.

Activating the security measures, the door lit up so bright that a normal being would have lost the ability to see, but for something like Radar, a completely new being that would have made the Eridians proud, it was nothing.

Radar expected many things when she opened the door into Paradise, however, destruction was not one of them.

Right away the condition of what once was the halls appeared in her vision, and after a quick glance she noticed the condition most of the floor was in. Mild panic set in followed by a wave of anger in the span of a second, then Radar was on the move.

As she made her way to the control room, Radar came across a few Hyperion personnel scrounging around the room, but with a wave of her hand they seemed to disappear into clouds of red mist.

With Hyperion being here she came up with a few ideas of what might have transpired, but she'd rather see for herself what actually happened.

Arriving at her destination, Radar noticed how most if not everything had been scavenged from the room, most likely by Kane, though it wouldn't surprise her if someone else had done it.

Still, she doubted Kane would have left a morsel of scraps for scavengers, given how greedy the bastard was, so she was leaning more towards him.

Undertered from the state of the room, Radar moved to a seemingly plain wall before she pressed two key points, 12 inches apart, exactly 4 feet up the wall from the floor, and 2 feet from where the old computer console had been.

A hidden panel opened up, revealing some hard-drives that were linked to the security system. This was something that not even Kane knew about, though its purpose was purely innocent.

It was the recordings from the security cameras around Paradise, which Radar used to monitor everyone so she could better understand human interaction with one another.

The only reason she never told anyone about it was because it was basically her asking if she could watch them closely so she could mimic their actions, which she had learned came off creepy from when Tannis had asked something similar when she wanted to study Maya.

Without delay, Radar moved her right hand into the panel even as her index finger began to twist and turn into a plug, which she inserted into one of the ports the drives were plugged into.

The red energy that was Energon pulled in information at a speed normal people couldn't comprehend, and Radar viewed the footage from the moment she went into the room until now in a matter of seconds, her new core processing everything almost instantly.

She saw what was essentially her old self attacking Kane and the others, the activation of the virus Tannis had set up, their escape, and then Kane's frequent visits.

She saw how he protected the door guarding her, and though she was happy he cared that much for her, it seemed so unlike him.

Kane was the most unpredictable person she knew or had ever heard about, and the fact that he basically showed his hand to his enemies over and over stumped her.

Still, Radar had seen the faith and trust Kane had for her when everyone else was sure it was her attacking them, and had also watched him be captured for her only hours before she woke up, which seemed to spark a bout of anger she had felt only once before.

Anger was a relatively new concept to Radar, though she could say she had felt a blinding rage when she thought Kane and Luna had been killed on Eden-6, and the same feeling seemed to be coming back now.

Realizing that the enemy was basically her old self, Radar destroyed the hard-drives in the panel, knowing full well that Legion knew about them too.

There were even a few times over the weeks she was in the room that the drives had been activated, meaning Legion had accessed them to monitor the room.

Now knowing what had happened to her home, Radar moved to the exit, her goal on finding Kane before she ripped her old self a new proverbial asshole.


(General POV)

As he was being transported to the Hyperion drop site, Kane was humming to himself inside his little container.

Things had certainly gone off track from his original goals, but they weren't too bad, all things considered. Knowing that his face couldn't be seen due to the hood covering his head, Kane made the bindings on his mouth disappear into his Inventory, then moved his jaw around to loosen it up.

With that done, Kane smirked to himself as he made a communication jammer appear between his left hand and the steel slab he was strapped to, then activated it. It was set to block every frequency but one, which he would use in a moment.

After that, it took a simple thought to make the slab of steel he was strapped to disappear into his inventory as well, along with the hood covering his face, only it was replaced shortly after with his modified white skull mask, which was tricked out to the nines.

Seemingly in a blink, his gear all seemed to appear on him, including a new shield and weapons. The collar around his neck was still there, only he couldn't store it away without alerting everyone that it was gone, as it was most certainly linked to Hyperion's satellites, still, he wouldn't let it hamper him too much.

With his Inventory alone he was already a boss among bosses, and he figured now would be the perfect time to capitalize on it.

He was more glad than ever that his Inventory was separated from his Siren powers, though given how closely they were to each other, he could see why everyone thought they were linked.

Come to think of it, if he really wanted he could probably create an Inventory of his own with his powers, only the one he had was already the tits! Still, it was a thought for later.

Pulling out his ECHO device, Kane made sure it was set to the right frequency, then pushed a few buttons. Almost instantly he could see an image of Angel in front of him, only it wasn't from his ECHO device.

In the game, Angel had been able to talk to the people as though she was a telepath, only Lilith did it in Borderlands 2 after she was captured by Jack, then again in Borderlands 3 until she lost her powers.

Angel had explained it a bit to Kane, saying how she was basically connecting her power to people so they could see her, only she had to know where they were beforehand, and if people changed positions on her then she would lose any sort of connection with them.

He had tried to use his powers to do the same thing, but had been unsuccessful for the most part. His powers moved out and went to his target, only he had to be close enough that it was basically unneeded in the first place.

Angel said it would of course take time to control, but with his ECHO device it wasn't really a priority. There was also the fact that Angel already knew how to do it, so he could just rely on her mastery of the power for now.

"Kane! Where the hell are you?!!" She cried his name out in joy, then seemed to get pissed when she asked him the question.

"It's okay! I've just been captured by Legion and am now being transported to your father." Kane answered calmly, getting only silence in return.

Based on the expression she was giving him, Kane was sure if Angel could reach through the telepathic connection then she would be strangling him right now.

"You're an idiot!" She cursed him, followed by a series of insults that almost made Kane proud.

When she was done, Kane said, "The drop site is almost guaranteed to be near a Hyperion base in case Jack needs reinforcements, and seeing as how our base is under one of the biggest ones, I'm betting it will be close to home. Get Brick to blow the charges, then head out away from the area. It should be safe enough by that time to fly off the planet, so take the escape ship and get to Eden-6."

Again there was silence, only it was short lived before Angel shouted, "Are you out of your mind?!! You think I'm going to let you get rid of me while you go get yourself killed?!!" She shouted, cursing his stupidity for a good minute before she finally relented on him.

"Just don't die!" She warned, then cut the connection between the two of them.

Kane wanted to tell her that he had a plan and that she shouldn't worry, only his plan wasn't the best, and it certainly wasn't something he was going to tell her.

I mean, she might kill him if he told her he knew he was going to be captured on one of his visits back to Paradise, and that wasn't even mentioning the moronic plan he cooked up.

In his defense, Kane figured the odds were greater than not that he wouldn't be killed on sight by Legion, him being the only link to Tannis and the others, not to mention he was the one with the Vault Keys, which Legion's new partner, Hyperion desperately wanted.

He wasn't sure what would happen to everything in his Inventory when he died, but given spatial magic, he doubted it would be as simple as everything appearing over his corpse.

Despite the threat he held against Legion, Kane knew, or rather hoped a lot, that Legion would see his value, which did sort of pan out. True, Kane hadn't expected to be captured quite the way he had been, but it worked all the same.

Had he tried just giving himself up, Legion would have suspected that Kane was up to something, but if he put up a fight and they captured him, well... that would feed anyone's ego enough to overlook any sort of threat their "prisoner" held towards them.

Kane's goal was to get close to Legion and Jack at the same time, knowing that he could take out both in one go if he set the stage just right.

Regardless of how great it thought itself to be, Legion would most likely have the bulk of itself at the meeting, if not as a threat to Jack then as added security in case Kane's friends tried to save him.

They were probably thinking they could get their hands on Tannis, and remove the virus she had infected them with.

As for Jack, Kane knew that this would be one of the best times to finally kill the man, though with the security measures he would no doubt have with him, it wouldn't be easy.

Still, trying to find Legion had proved to be more of a pain in the ass than Kane cared to admit, so he had cooked up an idea on the fly to bring all of Legion together, and if he played his cards right, he could finally put an end the fucker once and for all.

Plus it was getting really annoying to not know if something was watching him whenever he did shit. With Radar then she could always shut down any eyes in the sky trying to monitor him, and he hated not having her watching over him.

Knowing he didn't have a whole hell of a lot of time, Kane began moving about his little container, strapping bombs to every surface he could.

Next, Kane used one of his molecular blades to poke a small hole through the side of his container, just big enough that he could glimpse the outside.

As soon as he saw a spark of light, Kane put the blade away and peaked through the hole to check out his path of escape. To his great joy, Kane found out the container was in a cargo plane, though that wasn't what made him so happy.

No, the joy he felt came from seeing a few Hyperion personnel keeping guard over his little cage, and most of them were actual people, not robots.

Cooking up another plan on the fly, Kane smirked to himself as he moved his left hand to the collar on his neck, then looked through the hole long enough that he could gauge the positions of everyone around him.

When he was ready, Kane moved the collar into his inventory, then instantly froze time around him.

With time now frozen, Kane teleported through the hole in the container, then grabbed the furthest Hyperion worker from the container that was sitting by himself so as not to alert anyone, then he moved quickly back through the hole and into the container.

Before time unfroze, Kane strapped the collar around the man, while stripping him bare of all his equipment. This would make sure that anyone monitoring the collar would still get a life reading while allowing Kane to be rid of the damn thing.

When time returned, the Hyperion goon didn't even have the chance to register what the fuck was going on before a fist slammed down onto his skull and shut his lights completely.

With his power no longer being blocked by the damn collar, Kane grabbed a massive chunk of Eridium from his Inventory before he absorbed it into his body, then let it move through him, pushing it towards his stiff joints and any pain he felt.

'Powers are awesome!' He thought as the energy seemed to invigorate him.

Still not done with his little plan, Kane quickly swapped his clothes for the ones the Hyperion goon had been wearing, and for the first time since he could remember, he was thankful for the helmets that covered everything but the nose and mouth on these guys.

After a brief inspection, Kane figured everything was good before he attached a detonator to the door of the container, then filled it up to the brim with more explosives until it got to the point where he could barely move.

Done with the first part of the plan, Kane looked back through the little hole he had made, then teleported out so he was where the goon had been earlier.

No alarms went off, and after eyeing the room for a while, he realized no one had caught on to what he had done.

To his amusement, the Legion bodies in the cargo bay that were supposed to be guarding him were too busy looking over ECHO recorders to notice what he had done.

No longer could they just plug themselves in and scour the ECHO.net at blinding speeds, now they had to do it like the meat-bags they thought they were better than, which seemed to amuse Kane.

'Tannis, you beautiful, brilliant untrusting bitch!' Kane thought, more thrilled than ever that Tannis had created a super virus.

For the next half of an hour, Kane played the part of the Hyperion goon he had taken over, keeping watch over the container as he sat in the corner of the cargo bay.

Soon enough however, he felt the ship land down, and he had to struggle to prevent the smirk from showing on his face. When the bay doors opened, a literal army was there to greet them.

Kane guessed it was roughly a third of Hyperion's forces throughout the entire galaxy, and though he was just guesstimating, he figured about 90% of Legion's puppets were here as well.

It could very well have been all of them, but Kane doubted it. To put all of your eggs in one basket was a foolish move, and he doubted Legion would be that stupid.

The container he had been housed in was escorted off the cargo ship by a squadron of Legion puppets, which carried the thing into the center of Hyperion's forces, much to Kane's delight.

Not even he could have predicted things would play out this good.

While the container was getting ready for inspection by Jack, Kane quietly moved about the area planting bombs. At first he just put them in crates, then he got a little more bold and put them on the bots around the area.

No one would notice small items placed on key places, and they certainly didn't suspect someone dressed in a Hyperion uniform, thinking he was just another engineer checking up on the bots or something.

Still wanting to cause the most damage, Kane moved to put explosives in any spacecraft he could get near, and in the span of 5 minutes he had most of the equipment rigged to blow.

He of course took anything that was out of sight of others, figuring it was the least Hyperion could do to pay him back for what the Corporation had done to his home.

All the while he was planting explosives, Kane made sure to keep an eye on the container, wanting to make sure that he was nowhere near it when it went off.

Judging by how things were looking, it was right about that time. Kane could see Jack himself moving to the container with a shit ton of bots at his back.

To Kane's annoyance, there were 3 surveyor bots circling Jack, using part of his own tech he and Radar had created, to create a shield around Jack in case things went south.

The bots were basically supplying energy to the shield at a rate that one would be hard-pressed to get through unless they took out the bots themselves first.

The second a bullet hit the shield, the bots would pump it with enough energy to bring it back to full before any of the other charges were used.

Granted if you wore it down long enough the bots would eventually run out of energy, but Jack could be long gone by that time, have more surveyors come to reinforce the shield, or have his army come in full force to get him out of there.

Either way, it was annoying to see it. Kane wasn't sure the explosives would be able to get through the shield itself, but it should still be able to kill the surveyors, or at the very least lower the amount of energy they had to a considerable degree.

Just as one of the Legion puppets moved to open the container, Kane was ready to teleport his ass away when all of the sudden a purple orb of energy wrapped around the container and flung it away from where Jack had been.

Kane recognized that energy all too well, and a part of him couldn't help but groan.

'God damn it, Maya!!' Kane cursed in annoyance.

Sure he was happy that she had risked everything to come save him, but she ruined his plans.

Kane was following the floating container with his eyes when all of the sudden a massive explosion off in the distance shook the ground.

Looking over, Kane noticed the Hyperion base about 2 miles away enveloped in a flaming inferno, looking almost as if it had been caught up in a volcanic eruption.

'Brick definitely didn't hold back on the explosives.' Kane approved mentally.

Moving his attention back to the floating container, Kane saw it flying towards a familiar aircraft, the one he had given to Brick and Mordy in case of emergencies, moving closer towards his position.

When the purple orb was about halfway to the aircraft from where it was pulled from, a jet surveyor slammed into it and freed the container from it, causing it to free fall to the ground, only it was caught by two other surveyor bots and carried back towards where Jack was.

Kane watched as the Hyperion army all raised their weapons at once and unleashed a volley of fire towards the aircraft, only Maya wasn't just sitting around with a finger up her ass, because almost instantly the ship was enveloped in a purple orb, which seemed to act as an overpowered shield as it stopped any projectile from reaching it.

Not just blocking the shots, but the orb seemed to pull the ship backwards, forwards, sideways, and any other way one could be pulled, and at speeds that shouldn't be possible for a normal ship.

Maya of course couldn't hold the orb forever, so she used the last of her momentum to pull them out of range of the enemies down below.

Kane was hoping Maya would stay out of range long enough for the idiots on the ground to activate the charges, but of course things couldn't just go smoothly for him.

As Maya circled around to get into position again, another ship appeared from the opposite side of the enemy group, only this one had a massive turret on it that rained hell on everyone down below.

To top everything off, two more ships soon appeared, one with another turret on it, while the other began dropping bombs. The bombs might have caused a bit of damage had they not been shot mid-air and exploded prematurely, though they were an adequate distraction.

The turrets seemed to take out a good number of bots and people alike, though not enough to put that much of a dent in the enemy forces. Still, it had caused the people down below to panic and move for cover, which worked out kind of well for Kane, seeing as how he had rigged almost every piece of cover with his own explosives.


(Handsome Jack POV)

"How did I know you'd find a way to fuck this up!!" Jack cursed at the nearest Legion puppet, mocking it for its stupidity. Thankfully he had come prepared for the worst, having expected some shit to go south.

Pressing a button on the device attached to his wrist, beacons on the perimeter of the army seemed to come alive, at which Jack turned and looked to the sky.

Helios seemed to come alive as the moonshot cannon began to fire large containers to Pandora surface near the beacons, and when they landed, large swarms of gun loaders seemed to join the battle around them.

More surveyors were sent to his location to reinforce his shield, while others were sent to cause damage to those around him, though only at his command.

As everything moved into place, the bots carrying the container of the man who had stolen his daughter from him landed a short distance from where he was standing.

Moving towards the container, Jack was already planning what he was going to do to the man when he heard someone calling to him. "We had a deal! Where is our payment?!" A dozen Legion puppets asked in annoyance.

Scoffing, Jack didn't even bother to turn to them as he answered, "You think I'm gonna pay you after this shit? How stupid can you get?! Hahaha... Bots, kill these things!"

Jack sounded happy as he gave the order, having intended to destroy the flesh bags ever since he had first been contacted by them. I mean, they straight up admitted to being the ones to help some guy take his daughter from him, the stupid machines.

Just because they were at odds with the guy, didn't mean he was just going to forget that. It was why he thought they were so stupid to begin with.

Had they just come up with a better cover story and not told him about that little tidbit of information, he might have been able to work with these things, but they were more full of themselves than he was, and that was ridiculous even to him.

He was cocky because he had every right to be, given all of the things he had accomplished, but these things failed at even getting on the ECHO.net and still thought themselves to be the superior beings, which was again, ridiculous.

Once again Jack moved to the container to apprehend the man who had caused him so much grief, when 2 large bots that were definitely not of Hyperion design slammed into the container and pushed it back towards the main force of Legion, which were currently under fire by the Hyperion bots and soldiers around them.

The 2 bots moved the container towards one of the main Legion puppets that he had dealt with since he met them, and the thing seemed to stare at him with narrowed eyes as it moved to grab the handle to the container door.



Legion was cut-off when it was enveloped in an explosion that originated from the container. The blast washed over most of the battlefield, killing every puppet and person in range.

A few of the Hyperion bots had been built to withstand such things, and made it through the blast just fine. The surveyors surrounding Jack seemed to move in closer to him a second before the blast reached him, and the bots at his back acted as a barrier for him and the surveyors.

Still, even with all that he felt himself struggling to stay alive as he moved to get into cover.


(General POV)

Maya seemed to lose her breath when the explosion went off from the container, a feeling of dread coming over her.

'He can't be dead! He's not dead!! Please don't be dead!' She cried internally as she moved closer to the now fading mushroom cloud.

Before she could get too caught up in her despair however, an all too familiar voice sounded out from behind her.

"I'm glad to know my death at least makes you sad." Kane said, scaring the life out of her as she whirled in her seat.

As soon as she saw him, she snatched his head and pulled him down to her before kissing him deeply. The kiss lasted about 10 seconds before she pulled away, and before he knew it, she slammed her fist into his nose.

"You asshole!! Do you know how worried we were?!" She admonished him, even as blood poured down from his fractured nose.

"OW!! For fuck's-sake! I'm sorry!!" Kane cried out as he held his pulsing nose. Pushing power into it, Kane could feel it clot in seconds, then stop bleeding altogether.

"Hey, he's alright!! Kane's fine!" Maya shouted out through the coms, and despite not having a headset like she did, Kane could hear Brick through her's, whooping and shouting out in joy.

Moving to a chair beside Maya, Kane pulled out a detonator before pushing it, causing hundreds of smaller explosions, which destroyed spacecrafts just as they were taking to the sky, and killing thousands of people in the process.

As he pulled a headset on, the first thing Kane heard was Brick's laughter, the man obviously guessing the explosions were his doing.

"That's my boy!!" Brick cheered once he finally stopped laughing.

"Quiet down, Brick! I'm gonna go deaf!" Mordy said, though he sounded like he too was happy about what just happened.

"Kane?! Kane, are you hurt?!" Luna's voice echoed out over the coms, getting a chuckle from Kane. It was nice having people that worried about you, and that would risk everything just to save you.

"I'm okay. They couldn't even scratch me!" Kane said, getting laughs from everyone, and a sigh of relief from Luna.

True, he did in fact have a few lumps and bruises on him, but he was sure as hell in better condition than the other guy.

Speaking of the other guy, Kane figured now was about as good a time as any to go and deal with what was left of Legion, and Jack.

Just a warning, this is only half the battle. Enjoy!!

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts