In no time at all, Kane made it to the Eridian Ruins where Tannis had her camp set up. Looking around the dump, Kane could see over a hundred Rakks, and they were all following him with their eyes.
"I hate birds..." He mumbled as he brought out his SMG and began shredding the bird-like things apart. After the first shot, they all began to fly into the air, but none of them had the chance to get away from him or attack before they were cut down like flies.
Once that was done, he walked over to the shack, knocked on the door, but instead of waiting for permission to enter, he just waltzed on inside. Stepping through the door, he was kinda glad he didn't wait for permission to enter, otherwise he would have most likely missed this.
Inside, Tannis stood bent over, butt ass naked with one leg in her pants, but when Kane let himself inside, she had frozen, her gaze locked onto his, while his gaze went up and down her naked figure. "Well...?!!" Tannis finally shouted, tired of this Stanger just staring at her.
Without looking away, Kane said "I'd say your about an 8 out of 10. Possibly a 9 if you got all cleaned up properly." His words seemed to spark something in her, because she stood up straight, not bothering about her no clothes situation and struck a pose.
"I'll have you know, I'm an 11 once I clean up, and even in my worst state, I'm a 9!!" Tannis said, her pose just making her look all the more crazy. I mean really, who put's a lamp to the side of their head when striking a pose.
"Maybe for Pandora standards, but for mine, you don't even register into my top 1000 of first choices." Kane said, earning himself a hateful glare. "Looks aren't everything!!" Tannis said, kicking her pants off her leg, then walked towards him, acting... strange. She looked like a baby deer learning to walk, but damn if she didn't look good while doing it.
What followed was a solid hour of the two of them destroying Tannis' shack, and what sounded like two predator's attacking each other. When they were finally done, Kane was shakily getting to his feet, while an insane woman was looking down at him with a victorious smirk on her face.
"W-What the hell was that?!!" Kane damn near shouted as he propped himself up against the door, his question directed towards Tannis, who was just putting on her last piece of clothing. "Like I said, looks aren't everything. But I will admit you were more than adequate. I might actually call you again sometime." She said as she began putting her things back to where they belonged.
It took him a few minutes to get his brain under control, and for his body to finally come to terms with itself. She had given him, without question the most amount of pleasure he had ever had by doing things he didn't think were possible.
"I didn't even know women could bend like that..." He said, not really speaking to anyone in particular, but she had heard him. "If you know the human body well enough, you can do many wonderful things. Now, I'm waiting for some Vault hunters, so you can go now, unless you have something important to talk about. And I mean something truly important, not about how your family is in danger, cause I really don't care." Tannis said, dismissing him like a wingless bird.
Without saying anything, he put the three pieces of the vault key in front of her, causing her eyes to widen in shock. "T-this is!!" she shouted, her eyes glued to the relic.
He let her study the key for a few minutes before he spoke, "Roland said there was a fourth piece that you knew about, so I'll leave these pieces here with you. The others should be here shortly, so you can fill them in on where the other piece is." He said, putting his feet up on a stool.
Sure enough, a little over an hour later, Roland and the others walked into the shack, noticed Kane, then took a seat around Tannis' desk. "You said there was a fourth key fragment. Where is it?" Roland asked, him being the unspoken leader of the bunch.
"My sources tell me that Baron Flynt has it. He lives on a giant digging machine in the Salt Flats. Wait. The gate to the Salt Flats won't open unless you find the silly little Claptrap doorman. My sources tell me he's trapped inside Old Haven, so maybe you'd better go and get him out of there, first. Otherwise, I'll be stuck here with you. Now begone. Once our Vault Key is completed, it will lead us to the location of the Vault." Tannis said, waving everyone out the door.
Once they were outside, Kane said "You all start heading for Salt Flatts, and I'll meet ya at the gate with the Claptrap." At this point, no one bothered to question him about it, so they all headed back to their vehicles, leaving Kane to teleport away towards Old Haven.
Getting there took no time at all, and to find the Claptrap, he just tracked it's signal that Tannis had given him, appeared in front of the damn thing, stored it in his inventory, then vanished without anyone the wiser.
He had to wait at the gate for 10 minutes, then got impatient, so he just left the little robot there with instructions on what to do when Roland and the others showed up, then he took off towards Flynt.
Getting to Flynt wasn't the hard part. It was finding the guy. At the top of the giant digging machine, Kane searched everywhere for Flynt, but the place was a lot bigger than it was depicted in the game. It was like a mini town up there, and almost a hundred bandits.
Although in the real world, there were a bunch of women as well, but they all looked just as insane as the guys if not more. The people here however had something Kane hadn't seen since coming to this world. Marihuana.
They were growing it like it was going out of style, and had lots of it stacked neatly and packaged. 'Don't mind if I do!!' He thought as he took everything he could find, their whole growing operation included.
He tried the stuff on occasion, but was never really into it like most people seemed to be in his previous life, however he still knew the worth of all this stock, which made little dollar signs in his eyes. Deciding it couldn't hurt to be thorough, Kane looted everything else that wasn't nailed down, leaving but a husk of the scrap pile that was here previously.
Kane was a little annoyed that Flynt wasn't around, but he still had time to kill waiting for Brick and the others to get here, so he could just practice with his powers for awhile.
It wasn't until the elevator started working that Kane got into position again, and to his joy, Flynt walked off of it with two big goons who looked like body guards.
Deciding to handle this quickly, he took out two rocket launchers, fired them both simultaneously into the trio, then swapped them out for another two. He shot a total of 6 rockets before he pulled out his trusty knives and got ready to jump in if any of them were still breathing.
When the smoke cleared, he realized he had used a little too much force. The trio was nothing more than charred lumps of meat spread across the ground. Sad to say, there was no loot to be gained from any of them, but that didn't stop Kane from going around to the ground floor of the base, and cleared out another group of people.
After erasing the bandits, he once again went to their homes and taking anything that could turn a profit. He wanted to sell the digging machine, but for the life of him he couldn't think of anyone that would want such a piece of crap, so he just left it there, knowing if he could find some use for it down the road, it would always be here. Plus it would attract bandits like flies to honey, so leaving it here would make it easier to hunt them if he ever wanted to.
By the time he had completely looted the place, he could see Brick and the others off in the distance driving towards him in two runners, one with rocket launcher while the other had a machine gun. Waiting another 15 minutes, Kane watched them all jump out of their vehicles, then like well trained soldiers, they got into position to move into the base.
They moved, covering each others blind spots, Bloodwing circling the sky, checking all the rooms as they advanced further. Deciding he had seen enough, Kane called out, making sure they all saw him so they wouldn't get trigger happy.
"Kane!! Did you find the last key fragment?" Brick asked, happy to see that Kane was okay, surprising everyone else around them. The number of people Brick cared about could be counted on one hand, and all of them were surrounding him. Anyone else and he wouldn't really give a damn about if they died.
"I didn't because there isn't another fragment. Tannis lied to us!!" Kane said, causing Brick's smile to vanish in an instant. "You sure?" Brick asked, surprisingly serious. With a firm nod, Kane started walking towards the gate in which everyone had come from.
"Why would she lie?" Lilith asked, following along with the others. "Because I think she's working for Atlas or one of the other Corpo-" Kane was cut off as the four echo devices belonging to the others went off.
"Listen up, merc. There is no fourth key fragment. Tannis has joined us, and we now have possession of the completed key. She used you to get what she wanted. You've ignored my orders, but I'll cut you a deal. Leave the planet now, and we won't pursue you. Do yourself a favor, take advantage of my generosity while you still can. Any further disobedience will cost you and the citizens of the planet dearly."
The voice was one Kane hadn't heard before, but he knew who it was from. 'Commandant Steele of the Atlas Corporation.' Kane thought internally, knowing that the stuck up cunt was gonna die soon.
He was again brought out of his mental viewing of Steele being impaled by the Destroyer, when he heard another unfamiliar voice. He listened in, and after a moment he realized that is was most likely Angel talking to Brick and the others. 'Strange, how am I able to hear her?' Kane wondered. 'Maybe it's a Siren to Siren thing?' Kane thought, knowing no one had even scratched the surface about Sirens and their powers.
"You guys wanna go get a drink?" Mordecai asked lazily, his gaze going to each person. "Later, Mordy! That bitch lied to us and stole From Kane! We gotta go teach her a lesson!! And this time I'm going with Kane!" Brick said, tired of always missing out on the fun stuff.
"Yeah, don't worry. I got a plan for later, but I'm gonna need you specifically and your hammer to deal with the creature inside the vault." Kane said, only instead of a nod from Brick, he got confused glances from everyone.
"What do you mean, creature in the vault?" Lilith asked warily. Knowing they had no idea what to expect from the vault, he still asked, "You guys do know that the vaults are all alien prisons, right?" Lilith and Roland's eyes widened in shock, while Brick's face was beaming with joy, and Mordy... well he just didn't care.
"That lying bitch said it was full of treasure!!" Roland shouted, throwing his hands into the air. "Well, she wasn't technically lying." Kane interrupted, getting everyone to focus on him once more. "What do you mean?" Lilith asked, curious as to what was actually in the vault.
"Once the vault is opened, a priceless alien substance will start coming out of the ground all across Pandora. People will be coming here by the hundreds, and granted, a lot more will die, but it's how Pandora is. The monsters in the vaults can also be used as weapons, if you use them right, but don't worry about that." Kane said, enlightening everyone on the subject.
"So what does this substance do? And is it the only thing that happens when the vault is opened?" Roland asked, curious as to what he could get from this.
Kane thought for a moment, then answered, "The substance has a number of uses, charging of the vault key being one of them. The key will naturally charge every 200 years, but with a catalyst, the key can be charged in weeks or even days. The catalyst being a Siren. A Vault Key Fragment can store enough energy to power a planet sized weapon or any other Eridium technology.
Eridium enhances a Siren's powers by extreme margins, but only if they do it right. Too much Eridium could kill the Siren. As for normal people, Eridium can be used to enhance damage to people, or mutate them. I don't actually know the full capabilities of the stuff. The charging of the Key is the most important, because each Vault after this one will have ancient Eridian artifacts, some of which are unbelievable.
I got no idea what's in this vault, but if things go right, there might be an artifact inside once we get rid of the monster. Like there is one that gives you control over an alien that possesses the power to wipe out all life on Pandora, while others hold relics that allow you to decipher maps to treasure troves. So you can see why they are so sought after." Kane said, finishing up his teaching moment.
The other four Vault Hunters were in a bit of a daze, but with a snap of his finger, they came back to reality. "So this stuff could enhance my power?" Lilith asked, looking rather excited at the prospect of gaining more power.
"Yeah, but it is important to build upon your base strength. Don't just start absorbing the stuff like it's water, otherwise you will be dependent on it, and if you can't give your body the supply it needs, it will shut down and you will die." Kane said, causing Lilith to realize that there was no reward without a certain amount of risk.
(A.N. That is actually how Angel dies in Borderlands 2. Jack would have eventually run out of Eridium, so Angel was a goner sometime in the future, so he did not love his daughter like he claimed.)
"None of that matters right now, anyway. If we don't go, that monster will be free to destroy Pandora." Mordecai said, causing everyone to realize that whether they wanted to or not, they would have to fight the Destroyer.
Getting their shit in order, the group of five began tracking Tannis' echo, which was completely retarded on Steele's end. She may have shut down the echo-net, but that just prevented communication, not the other functions of the echo device.
The small group butchered their way through Atlas soldiers and wiped out everyone in the Crimson Lance HQ until they got to the prison area, where they found Tannis in a cell. "HA! You look good in there!" Brick laughed in glee.
Rather than try to explain herself, Tannis said "It's probably impossible to take back the Vault Key or open the Vault now. Let's focus on something else instead. Let's bring the ECHO system back on-line. The Lance locked it down, but I know how we can bring it back, since I pretty much invented it. I wrote some instructions on the back of this paper towel. Find the ECHO command console, and follow my instructions."
Everyone just stared at her like she was an idiot, but after she pulled Kane over to her and whispered something into his ear, he looked like a man on a mission. "Alright boys!! And girl. You all start cutting a path to the Vault, I'll handle the ECHO system. I'll meet you before you get there, then I'll explain the plan." Kane said, getting confused looks from everyone.
"What did she offer you?" Mordecai asked, wondering what could make Kane do something for someone who had betrayed him. "Don't worry about it." Kane said as he flipped a switch, causing her cell door to open. "Men are so predictable." Tannis said as she followed Kane through some hallways.
Kane ran ahead of everyone, appearing above a massive turret, and brought his daggers home in the skull of a Lance soldier. Everyone else in front of the turret didn't even realize their ranks had been breached until the turret began to fire at them.
They sadly had set up their defense to fight against other enemies, not the turret, so without a chance of survival, they were all cut down like fish in a barrel. Once that was done, Kane stored the turret before going going into another room.
He could see some lights flashing, so with a quick movement, he brought the turret back out and got ready to fire. When the door finally came up, the ambush that was suppose to be waiting for him and the other vault hunters, met a gruesome end.
He did this in a few more rooms until not a soldier was breathing. Running back to the main console, he found Tannis punching some keys at a blinding speed, then she turned to him. "They shut down the network transmitting consoles! I need you to go and activate them, once you are done, turn your echo on and off three times in quick succession and I'll activate the ECHO system back up!" Tannis explained, getting a "YES MAM!!" from Kane.
"Save it for the office!!" She shouted back at his little remark. Suddenly he was really anxious to go to her office. Just as he was turning to go, Brick and the others came into the room, to which he gave them all a blank stare.
"Everyone in here is already dead, so why are you taking your dear sweet time?" He asked, getting a shoulder shrug from Mordy and blank stares of his own from the other three. "I told you he was gonna have all the fun!!" Brick said, suddenly turning his ire on Roland. "Let's keep going." Lilith said before the two of them could start shouting.
Kane had already ran off ahead of them and was through the big doors in a matter of moments. Instead of fighting the soldiers, he appeared at the first tower, and dropped a few bombs on the soldiers below him. Needless to say, but it was the easiest fight he had been in.
Activating the switch, he went to the next tower, this one having quite a bit more forces in it. If he didn't have any powers, he would of had to cross a bridge filled with soldiers and bunkers, but all he had to do was rain down bombs on everyone.
He had just cleared out a building and walked out the door when he saw something that puzzled him. There were soldiers from a small camp that actually met him outside with their weapons in the air, surrendering themselves. "We surrender!!" One of the soldiers shouted, supposedly the speaker of the group.
"Why?" Kane asked, the situation confusing him. "Please don't kill us!! If you let us live, we'll leave the planet and go back to Promethea!" The speaker of the group shouted. 'Oh yeah, that is Atlas HQ isn't it?' Kane thought. "Alright then, you can live, but if you go to any of the other towers or to where the main console is, I'll make you wish you got a swift death!" Kane shouted, getting nods from all of the soldiers.
'Huh, maybe they'll take more of the soldiers with them.' Kane hoped. Like that, the second tower console was activated. Getting to the third, he didn't actually find anyone there. 'What gives?' He thought, only for the question to be answered in the next breath. Two remote turrets came out of the wall and started firing, but by that point he was already in a position the turrets would never reach.
Pulling two sticks of dynamite, he lit the fuses and waited for the last moment before he made them appear above the turrets. With that settled, he activated the final switch, then he turned his ECHO device on and off three times. A second later and the towers all came to life, turning the ECHO-net back on.
"Fantastic!! Now go punch Steele in the face for locking me up!" Tannis said over his ECHO device. "That will cost you extra!" Kane said as he was already flying through the sky. "Fine, whatever. Just do it." He heard Tannis say, although she might have said it in a few more words that he didn't really understand.
Instead of going after Roland and the others, he made his way back to New Haven. When he got there, he quickly went to Marcus' shop. "Hey, Marcus." He greeted as he walked over to the bench where Luna was reading a book.
"Kane!!" She shouted as she got to her feet, looking a little shaky, but still managed it alright. "Hey, Luna." He greeted her with a wave of his hand, followed by her running into his legs and hugging him. 'This is gonna be my life now, isn't it?' Kane thought tiredly.
After a moment he pulled her away from him and looked her in they eyes as he said, "I'm gonna need you to come with me, and if it works out, something great will happen! I'm gonna need you to trust me though, okay?" She didn't even hesitate and nodded her head furiously at him as she answered, "Of course! I trust you one hundred percent!"
Behind them, Marcus was making gagging noises, but neither of them paid him any attention. Kane quickly tied her to his back, then ran out the door, with Marcus yelling something about giving him his share of the Vault, but again they didn't really pay attention to the guy.
As fast as he could, Kane teleported towards where Brick's ECHO device showed him on the map, and after backtracking a few times, they found out where the Vault was. By the time they caught up with Brick and the others, they had already cleared out the path to the Vault.
"Yo, Brick!!" Kane yelled as he glided down. "About time, Kane!! These guy's didn't think you were gonna show up!!" Brick said, getting an eye roll from everyone else. Well, Roland and Lilith anyway. Mordecai was wearing goggles, so Kane couldn't really tell.
"Well, for being the only one to believe in me, I'll let you pick the meal tonight." Kane said, getting a smile that looked horrifying from Brick.
"So What's the plan?" Roland asked, trying to keep his eyes away from Brick's smile. Kane picked up a chunk of metal and started drawing in the snow as he said "Well, It goes like this..."
A little shorter than usual, but the next one will make up for it. Anyway it was later than usual because my power was out. Enjoy!!