
Rock birth : Golem Evolution

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/309824 What happens if the most mundane thing starts to evolve ? (If ordinary animals start to evolve what will happened ?) Follow the adventures of the pebble who awakened his consciousness thanks to the Evolution System given by a God. From Rock to the Strongest Golem follow to view the path our rock will take in order to get stronger.

Nekhrosia · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Energy Gathering

In a dark cave something defying the ordinary has been happening for some time. Indeed a Rock from an ordinary cave has been completely awakened thanks to the evolution system. The objective of this system is to guarantee growth and strength to the user. Due to the overuse of energy, the Stone managed to evolve into a Stone with a Short Arm. Gaining him two small stone arms. Due to the use of energy and its recent evolution the Stone has entered a state of "dormancy" to reform its energy which has been spent.

-A few days later-

The consciousness of the Stone begins to awaken from its "period of drowsiness".

He noticed a transparent screen floating in front of him.

Concentrating to better observe a voice in his head seemed to read his content.

<You have multiple pending notifications>

After hearing this voice and the explanation of this system about pending notifications another message suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Do you want to see them???]

[Yes No]

[Yes] -> Selection

The voice of the System began to speak to him. Due to an excess of energy in the Host Me body, the Evolution System has to control the flow of mana to redirect it out of your body. Because of this action, two special skills were created.

[Skills <Overcharge> and <Energy Ray> acquired.]

After the assignment of these two new skills. The voice continued to speak once again.

[Most of the energy has been rejected outside the body. The remaining energy affecting the body in a negative way, the System used the remaining energy to initiate a slight evolution. Changed from <Small Stone> to <Small Stone with Short Arm>. The race of <Short-armed Small Stone> is a material-type monster with two crude arms made mostly of stone. Its two arms allow the Host to move, climb, dig, and do more things to get around.]

Status :

Race: Stone Short Arm

Rank: 0

Age: 4 Months (Since waking up)


Statistics :

Hardness: 8

Host Density: 1.3

Weight: 500g


Mana: 9