
Robot in the cave

Liam_Colegrove · sci-fi
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1 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

I just finished my junior year of High school at archer's privet academy. The school that many of the present day genesis' have been know to graduate from! before I move on let me introduce myself. I'm Liam and this is how my life was forever changed by my first adventure if the summer.

Before I begin my story let me tell you about me! You already know I'm Liam and this is my last summer of highschool. I have lots of pets. My adventure companions are my dogs, Piper; A mini aussie mini Collie German shepherd mix with the athletic ability of an Olympic runner, And Arya; My border collie black lab mix, Named after my great great great grandma who got her name from a show shes got a personality that doesn't quit.

I live in a world where people who have been hurt or have the money are part cybernetic, up to fully cybernetic. I dont have the money, even with my missing eye; infact I attend my school through the honors program. I pretty much went broke after trying to pay for my mother's medical Bill's when she had cancer and her and my father's funerals.

Let's see what else? Oh! I live on my own on some land that was donated to me. though I mainly stay in my house the dogs love to run on it!

That's All you need to know about me for now! On to the story!

Character description: Liam

Liam has a teal eye and one that appears completely white, he's blind in that eye. Hes around 5'5 with naturally brown hair that's always another color. His dog Arya acts as a seeing eye dog for his left side where he cant see.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I'd love to read your comments!

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