
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Bücher und Literatur
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44 Chs

The birds, the bee and a bush.


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




The next day after lunch Robert was stopped by his favorite girl trio.

"A little birdy told me that you had quite the adventure yesterday." Tonks said after greeting Robert.

"News travel fast in Hogwarts it seems. Do I want to know how you found out, miss future auror?" Robert said playfully.

"Well the howler from Mrs. Weasley during breakfast didn't help with keeping it a secret." Mindy mused

"It's a shame you didn't experience the abomination first hand." Jasmine said with some regret.

"Come on Jasmine, don't be like that." Jasmine huffed after being told off by Mindy.

"Unfortunately the rumors are mostly true. It's a wonder how the press didn't get their grubby hands on this." Robert mused

"Now that you mention it is quite odd. Usually students would have written about it by now."

"Better not think about it. As long as nobody else does anything stupid we'll be alright" He said. 'Fluffy isn't even the most dangerous creature hanging around in Hogwarts.'

"Oh I have a letter to send. Can I use Zephyr?" Tonks said with stars in her eyes. Somehow she loved that owl. Maybe because it liked to cuddle.

'I think I'll have to do the don't hug strangers talk with it.' Robert thought.

After saying their goodbyes Robert continued with his training in the room of requirements.

"It's time to begin our first staff meeting of the term. Would you like to start us off, Minerva?" Albus said with twinkle in his eye.

"Of course,sir. There are some good seeds in this years batch of first years. Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass to name a few." She said with pride while mentioning her griffindor cub.

"Oh yes. They're truly ahead off the pack. I must give my congratulations to both you and Severus for finding such gems." Flitwick said enthusiastically.

"It seems Miss Greengrass has quite the green thumb." Professor Sprout said. "But I also found that Mr. Longbottom has some affinity with plants as well."

"I wouldn't let that miscreant near anything that lives." Snape said with a sneer. "He almost endangered his fellow dunderheads with a faulty boil potion almost exploding the cauldron."

"Oh yes. Speaking of explosions. It seems Minerva that your students have a penchant for that. Just last Wednesday your cub, Mr. Finnigan, accomplished what Mr. Crow told me was a magical version of a muggle weapon called a flashbang, while trying to learn Lumos. I still hear ringing because of that experience." Minerva blushed from embarrassment hearing what Flitwick said.

"Since we're at the topic of Mr. Crow, how was his performance?" The headmaster interjected.

"For now I couldn't see him express any interest for my subject." Sprout said

"He's quite the quick learner. He's almost done with the material for the first semester." Said Flitwick with appreciation.

"Yes, he has proved himself to be responsible with his casting during my lessons. If he has any groundbreaking talent in my subject is yet to be seen. However he was the first one to properly change a match into a perfect needle. Not surprising since he's an adult and has the concentration and imagination to accomplish it quite easily." She said with a slight smile.

"I'll give him a passing grade." Snape said without any emotion.

"That statement coming from you is quite a compliment towards a new student." Said Albus with a twinkle in his eye.

"For now I couldn't get a read on him." Snape shortly said. Hearing that worried the headmaster. It seemed there was something going on, when someone as accomplished in mind arts as Severus couldn't dwell into a student's outward thoughts. Maybe he was a natural occlumens?

"I wouldn't say that. Mr. Crow has a hard time not showing what he is thinking. His face tells it all." Said Sinistra. She had seen his range of emotions during her night astronomy class. "It looked like he was suffering from something when he looked at the stars. I could see loneliness and pain."

"Ah yes, we don't know much about his past. Maybe a painful memory emerged with the stars being the catalyst." Albus said knowingly. "What about Mr. Potter? How's he doing in classes?"

The meeting continued for a couple of hours until it was finally adjourned. At the same time Robert found himself in a bit of a bind.

"Why haven't I seen you in History of magic class?" A girlish voice filled with disapproval echoed in the hallway.

"Miss Granger with all due respect, why do you care? And please address me as sir when I'm doing my job." Robert sighed while continuing his walk with a bush of brown hair furiously following him. "It's almost curfew for you first years. Shouldn't you be snuggled in bed by now?"

"And shouldn't you as an adult be a role model for the younger generation sir?" She hastily added the sir part.

"If I'm an adult then why should I be subjected to the same standards as you, a child?" Since she wasn't going away he might as well get some fun from riling her up.

"Adults are holded to higher standards and you know that,sir?" She argued

"That may be. However I have on question for you Miss Granger."

"That is?" They both stopped walking.

"Who gave you the right to judge me?"

"If someone is doing something wrong we should have the right to point it out." She said with conviction.

"Then tell me this. If I was shirking off my duties as a student wouldn't the teachers say something about it? Wouldn't they want to know what their employee, colleague, student does?"

"Maybe they don't have time or you're hiding well so they don't realize?" She wasn't as sure as she started her tirade.

"It's unfortunate how blind you are with the vision you have Miss Granger. You search for simplest of answers and yet the easiest one alludes you." Robert said and continued his walk.

"What do you mean?" Puzzeled with how could she be wrong.

"If you asked me nicely about why I wasn't present in class I would have told you. It's not as if it's a secret. However you came up to me as if I owned you answers. Don't you realize how badly that could be seen by others?" Hermione was silent.

"You disrespected me, thought the worst of me and still haven't said a word of apology. Because of that I'll deny your need for answers. And you should hurry on because you have ten minutes left to reach your dorm. Good night, Miss Granger." Robert said with finality in his voice and quickly left the quiet girl behind.

Don't worry the troll is coming.

see you next time

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