
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Bücher und Literatur
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44 Chs

Not what he expected


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"An aide?" Robert couldn't believe what he just heard. The privilege of working at Hogwarts isn't given out willy-nilly. Well maybe sometimes an occasional fraud falls through the cracks, but should he take it? There are of course many advantages. Access to the best teachers and unlimited food just to name a few. However, something doesn't seem right. Isn't Dumbledore too trusting of him? Shouldn't he be concerned with his presence? Especially since his golden boy is riding to town in a matter of months. What is he playing here? Although Robert should tread carefully he doesn't actually have a choice. Goblins and wizards mix as well as dynamite and fine china. An explosive combination with shrapnel hitting everyone around. On the other end he has an ambiguous at best offer to work as an assistant. What would be his obligations? Surely not teaching or helping with that. After all he is as green as a greenhorn can be. He doesn't even have a wand at that point. Would he be a glorified nanny? Walking the corridors at night and checking if children aren't up to something nefarious? As if he could stop them. Not yet anyway.

"Of course this is just an offer. You could always try to find other ventures. However, at this stage of your education you would probably find it insurmountable." Said the elderly wizard, wisdom flowing through his words.

"Could you explain what comes with the job?" Robert asked with caution.

"Mostly miscellaneous matters. Helping the staff when it's required. Being a link between the prefects and our caretaker Mr Argus Filch. Taking care of some detentions. Giving the staff much needed reprieve. And hopefully in the future with your gained experience you'll be able to tutor the younger years when needed." Said Dumbledore shedding a little light on the dubious position. It was what Robert had expected. Grunt work and taking the heat from the staff. What a noble thing to do. It's probably too late for Robert to say that he hates children. One blessing of this whole proposition is that it rides on him not having another avenue of money. If he gathers enough cash then maybe he'll be able not only to quit this job, but never take it in the first place.

"How much does the yearly tuition cost?" Robert asked with trepidation.

"From this year forward two thousand galleons I'm afraid." Albus stated

"Will my work cover it? It seems to be quite a lot of money." Robert said with resignation in his voice.

"Hardly. It's more of a concession on our part. Especially since during your first year you will be more occupied with lessons." The headmaster didn't hold back with the truth of the matter. Unless Robert struck gold there won't be any easy out of this.

"Ok then professor. How about we straighten up the details of my tenure." Robert said with a hint of distate towards his situation.

"Of course Mr Crow." Albus said while pitying the young man. It's not as if the headmaster had a choice at the matter. Paying tuition for an unknown person would not be happily accepted by others. Maybe even making this boy a target. The school board won't be ecstatic either with this outcome. How truly difficult it is to be a headmaster when everybody is coming after your head and waiting for your single mistake.

Slowly time went by. Two men lively discussing the terms of employment. After heavy negotiations of required hours and future duties they finally reached an agreement. From the look of their faces clearly one of them was more favorably treated. Alas, Robert didn't stand a ghost of a chance against a much more experienced player. But who knows which on of them will have the last laugh.

"Headmaster, you really know how to run a bargain. Thank Merlin I'm not a sheep or you'd fleese me even more." Robert said with a pout. Nobody saw this coming. Who would have thought that complaing to his employer would be the first order of business. The headmaster chuckled in response. Not everyday someone stands against him without any malice in their words. Maybe he'll give Robert a bonus half an hour off for Christmas. Truly a mark of a true philanthropist.

"Thank you Mr Crow. I have a marvelous tale about when I learned the art of cutting price and corners during one of my trips in Egypt." Headmaster said with a look of nostalgia. Clearly those had to be some great times for the wizard. Maybe one day we'll also get a chance to take a peak.

"What now professor?" Robert asked while looking at the piece of parchment which defined for now how his first year will look like.

"Unfortunately for now the castle will be closed as the school year has just ended. The staff members are all returning to their homes for summer. And they also have to show the muggleborn students around Diagon Alley. So it means you also can't stay here." Dumbledore said with a bit of sorrow towards the boy.

"And what about my payment? I have to buy everything that's on the list and also try to find somekind of accommodation?" Robert said having a sinking feeling that even all this effort he'll be penniless.

"Alas your first payment will be in August, when we'll be preparing the school for the enrollment of students. As for now unfortunately you'll have to look for other opportunities." The headmaster said. Silence crepted into the room with silent understanding that the discussion was over. This wasn't the outcome Robert wanted. Why even bother what's going to happen two months away when your chances of surviving the next day are slim. Dumbledore beckoned with his hand and with a muted pop Albert arrived. The elf bowed and grabbed Robert's hand. As he came they both went. Leaving one man and bird in silence.

I checked the tuition costs in the UK and found that 10000 pounds was the asking price for good housing schools. For this story I'll try to look up the costs of living and other things so it'll not be as jarring to read. 1 galleon is 5 pounds.

See you next time

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