
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Bücher und Literatur
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Clapping greeted Robert when he entered the Great Hall for breakfast. It seemed that somehow they got a memo from yesterday's proceedings. His club was oblivious during the training session. So that meant the cat got out of the bag later. And maybe that was for the best. Seeing unhappy faces on the power trio which swore vengeance for not taking them with him made him cringe. Hermione on the other hand cast a gaze of disapproval. While the rest of the griffindors had stars in their eyes.

"It seems Mr. Crow you've had quite the adventure yesterday." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled in mirth.

"Albus stop encouraging him." Minerva was still crossed by the young man's behavior.

"T-truly foo-oolish behavior." Quirrell stuttered in fear.

"At least we'll be raking in money. New clothes and possibly brooms for the school. Maybe more clubs will open thanks to better funding." Robert brushed the criticism away.

"Not all governor's will be happy with this." Snape added not looking at them.

"Too bad. Unfortunately for them I read sometimes the rules. And I found out they only had power because of the Ministry funding Hogwarts through taxes." Understanding appeared on few of the staff members that didn't know.

"I'll just open another venture. Speaking of which." Robert stood up and signaled the students to quiet down.

"May I have your attention, please? Thank you. I'd like to first address the rumors that are blowing out of proportion." The crowd listened carefully.

"No there were no dragons and werewolves involved. There wasn't even a fullmoon yesterday. Secondly, yes I fought and caught a couple of acromantulas. And left at least twice that amount dead in the forest." The crowd was silent in awe. What a man.

"My second announcement refers to the latter. I've had my reasons for this so called madness. First was getting funding for the school. So no more old brooms." The quidditch teams started whistling and shouting from happiness. There friends were clapping for them. When they calmed down Robert continued.

"The other reason was procuring materials for my club's uniforms. However I'll extend that to all school clothing." The eyes of girls lightened up and they squealed in happiness.

"And this is were my request lays in. I'd like to ask you the student body to help design and finally make the clothing. Of course you'll be rewarded." Some of the girls couldn't help but scream in delight. A couple of men also looked enticed by the offer.

"For those interested please come to the charm classroom after dinner so that everyone interested can appear. As for now thank you for listening." Robert sat down and turned to Flitwick to apologize for his fowardness.

"Aren't you counting your galleons too early?" Sinistra asked.

"Nope. At least now it'll be harder for everyone to stop this." Robert had a childish grin. Making everybody roll their eyes at his antics. With the sole exception being the headmaster. He seemed too jolly for Robert's liking.

The meeting went well. In the end about twenty people decided to form a sewing and design club. The leader was a sixth year girl from Ravenclaw, Anastasia Buckle. Six guys from various years joined as well. With one of them being more interested in the shoemaking aspekt of the club, David Wolfe. That made Robert happy because thanks to that the group will be able to fulfill all of the students needs in clothing. Robert also told them to come up with a brand name and logo. Just in case if they tried to venture outside Hogwarts with their clothing.

Robert checked on the acromantulas. An aggressive little bunch for sure. But after a couple of leg bindings they finally knew to not mess around with him. Mr. Kettleburn the teacher for Care of magical beasts gave some speech about the spiders during his classes. Because of that more and more students showed their appreciation towards Robert. Surprisingly even Slytherins showed him respect.

'Power indeed opens doors. Not only with the bludgeoning spell.' He chuckled.

Robert had a free evening today so he finally came around trying to make his first barrier spell. There weren't any chantings to go by. As barriers were more of a reflection of the understanding of spiritual power. But since all of the other spells come from the same source now he'd need to extrapolate that knowledge and fill in the gaps by himself.

He did find something odd. Sometimes he felt as if his soul was getting more powerful. And because of that his comprehensive abilities also improved.

"Maybe one day I'll start a new brand of magic completely. But not before I get rid of a couple of troublemakers.' He thought to himself.

Robert started his experimentation by forming one rope with his soul power. He then formed a contour of a square and tried to fill the shape completely. After failing for hours he finally made a square with ten centimeter walls. It was hard to spread his energy uniformly. Many holes and thicker spots appeared in and out. Dispelling the first makeshift barrier Robert decided to leave it at that. Otherwise who knows what backlash he'll suffer.

Robert woken up to a winter wonderland happening out the window. The highlands of Scotland were covered entirely by snow.

"It is December alright." Robert sighed.

Robert headed towards the meeting place of his club before the castle. The children weren't too pumped about running in the snow.

"What now Robert? You can't make us run in this kind of snow." Tonks and the girls shielded themselves from the cold wind.

"At least not for now. What? You do realise that even muggle soldiers have to endure these kind of weather conditions?" He explained when murderous looks came from everyone around.

"If it makes you happy I've been preparing with some help and permission another place for our practise. Come on, follow me." Robert took them to the fifth floor of the Ravenclaw tower.

"This is the place. Hello Lady Hyacinth."

"Hello there Robert. Finally going to use this room?"

"Yes milady. As you can see this is the entrance to our club room. The password is Gains for now." The painting moved to the side.

The view shocked the children. The room was expansive. Probably charms were involved to make it so big. Muggleborn recognized the layout. It looked like a typical gym. There was a place for weightlifting. A corner for dummy training. Even a dueling slot was there.

"Okay. Show is over. We have work to do. Come here." Robert walked towards the left corner. Some odd machinery was stationed there.

"Are these treadmills?" Hermione asked with her eyes wide opened.

"Indeed they are. Thanks to these puppies we won't have to play in the snow. This is how they work." Robert got on the first one and clicked the left most button.

"There is a panel with buttons here. The green one starts and the red one stops the machine. There are unfortunately only four speeds at the moment. Because we weren't able to fit more within the current rune interface. And the highest speed isn't as fast as we normally run. Mostly because the materials aren't stable enough. But don't worry. I'm working with the staff on bettering the technology." The students stood in awe of the new piece of equipment. Most of them didn't even know that muggles had something like this already.

"Since we only have ten of these for the moment I'll show you where the rest will train." Robert stood up and went towards what seemed to be stationary bikes.

"For those that hate running with a passion I've prepared stationary bikes. They have the same buttons. But they have a different purpose. They change the difficulty of pedaling." There were more of this bikes because they took less space then the treadmills.

"Of course I'll still test your endurance on running. So we'll have to make plan where each other day everyone does a different kind of cardio workout." The students were shocked by all this. They weren't expecting him to have done so much in this narrow time frame.

"How did you do all this?" Jasmine asked.

"And you said we were geniuses." Fred said.

"Truly frogs in a well we were." George added and they mock bowed in reverence.

"When you have as much time on your hands as me then you can make it work. Especially with magic." He spoke the truth.

The hard work has been already done. He didn't need to invent the wheel all over again. Just supplement magic where there was no technology available. It's not as if making two cylinders spin in the treadmill to make the platform moving was rocket science. As for the bikes it was even easier. Only runes for changing the density of the fluid in the chamber were needed.

"Okay people. Choose your machine and we'll do our half an hour warmup." Robert choose a bike and turned it over to watch the students.

"And that's the end of our training session for today. I have a request to all of you. Please don't give anyone the password. I'd rather not have random people coming here without my surveillance." Robert told the group.

"Can we come here in our spare time?" Harry asked.

"Of course you can. You belong to the club after all." Robert replied.

"Can we have possibly have these machines for our quidditch teams?" The Griffindor girls asked.

"Unfortunately not for now. As these are still prototypes. But don't worry. I'll ask your professors to see whether they'd like to arrange it for you." Robert gave a reassuring smile.

After the club Robert headed towards the Great Hall. When he sat at the staff table McGonagall looked at him with a troubled face.

"What happened?" He asked.

"The governor's and Minister of magic found out about your excursion and silk farm. They want a word with you." She replied.

"And what seems to be the problem?" He asked.

"It's just cumbersome. Unfortunately for them Albus won't allow them to prance around." She huffed.

"But they'll still try to make you to bend down. Nobody likes when power is taken away from them." Sinistra interjected.

"I'll cross that bridge when it comes. Did they say when they'd like to see me?" He asked.

"Saturday in the Ministry at ten o'clock." McGonagall replied.

"That's a couple of days from now. What's the headmaster's take on this." Robert asked.

"He'll fortunately he there with you. You're a student after all. No matter how ridiculous that sounds." She looked at the sheepish expression on his face.