
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Bücher und Literatur
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Are you going to be alright Robert?" Harry asked after their club activities.

"With the Ministry? Don't worry. I'm going there with the headmaster. It'll certainly disappoint a couple of them." Robert looked at Draco who tried not to catch his gaze.

"I wouldn't worry either Potter. Not everyone is against our teacher." Daphne said.

"Yeah. My Aunt will not allow for injustice." Susan's aunt was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE).

"We think they'll just try to grandstand. They couldn't just do nothing with a new player at Hogwarts." Jasmine said with rare concern.

"They better not." Said George.

"Or we have dung bombs with their names on them." Said Fred.

"There will come time for the revolution. But that's not now." Robert chuckled with the twins.

"Okay. I have to go. Don't worry about me. What's the worst thing they can do? Take my wand?" Robert laughed while the club members where confused at his nonchalant behavior.

Robert climbed the staircase to the headmaster's staircase. Two people were waiting for him inside.

"Professors." He bowed.

"Ah Robert. Right on time as usual." Albus smiled.

"Hello professor Snape. It's surprising to see you here."

"Unfortunately because of your unwillingness to not stick like an eyesore, I've been tasked to give my opinion on whether you belong here." Snape looked more unhappy than usually.

"A tragedy indeed. Let's not make them wait for us any longer. Although that'd be a good prank." Albus winked.

Robert took the floo powder and popped out in the atrium of the Ministry.

"This place never gets old." Robert looked at the busy employees and paper planes flying above them.

"Loitering is unbecoming of you Mr. Crow." Snape said.

"Now, now Severus. I also like to lose myself sometimes in the magical spectical of life." Albus winked towards Robert inciting a smile in him.

Dumbledore led the men to the elevator. While on their way many greeted the old wizard. Trying to engage in smalltalk. The headmaster politely declined th offers stating he's here on official business.

"The elevators here defy logic." Robert said as the the booth seemed to make swirling motions.

"There are many wards and safeguards which the elevator has to pass before we reach the office of the Minister of Magic. I think they took a leaf out off Gringotts' book." Albus explained.

"This is our stop." Dumbledore stepped out of the booth with Robert and Snape behind them.

A toad looking woman in pink was sitting at the desk next to the door into the Minister's office.

"Good morning Ms. Umbridge.

"The Minister is waiting for you Headmaster." No amount for sincerity can make a smile look good on that face.

She stood up and opened the door to let the men inside. In the room there were three people. Behind the desk sat a rotund middle-aged man, Minister Fudge.

"Hello Cornelius. It's been a while." Albus greeted.

"Ah yes." Fudge faked a smile since they've seen each other just last week in fact.

"Good Morning Mr. Dumbledore. Rather on time today." Said the woman with a monocle.

"It seems Madam Bones we had good weather for traveling today." Albus said with his grandfather tone.

"Maybe you should relieve yourself of some of your responsibilities. We wouldn't want you to overwork yourself." Said the man with long blond hair.

"I'll manage Mr. Malfoy, but thank you for your gracious concern." Dumbledore politely replied.

"So you are the man of the hour, Mr. Crow." Fudge addressed the youngest in the room.

"Indeed. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Robert bowed.

"I've heard great things from both Alastor and Susan." Bones remarked.

"Yes, it seems Draco also keeps you in high regard. Curious." Lucius scrutinized the young man before him.

"It's nice to hear such praise coming from the both of you. It's pleasure teaching so many talented youths. It fills my heart with hope for the next generation." Robert tried not to fumble his way through his comment.

"Could we perhaps start this meeting. Certainly some of us have places to be." Snape wasn't happy with the meaningless drivel.

"You should respect your betters." Umbridge seemed to forget the memo that she wasn't need here.

"It's alright Dolores. You can leave us now. Please, take a sit Ladies and Gentlemen." Fudge said with a forced smile.

"I called you here Mr. Crow to ask of you what are your intentions?" The Minister had a stern look.

"My intentions? Pertaining to what exactly Minister?"

"Everything. Your stunt with poking the acromantula nest. Endangering the school in the process. And from what I heard an attempt in dismissing the role of governors from Hogwarts. What will you say about this?" The man knew how to posture.

"Did I break any law?" Robert asked the head of DMLE.

"Although nothing happened you could face charges for the reckless endangerment of minors." She informed.

Robert laughed at that. "What do find humorous about this?" Fudge raised his brow.

"I have a question. Why are the acromantula still there?"

"I beg your pardon." Fudge asked with a confused look.

"What should be done about an invasive bloodthirsty species that prey on humans? And they conveniently are located next to not only the biggest magical village in Britain. But also next to the school of minors you're so worried about. What should you as a Minister had done?" Robert glared at the man making him sweat.

"It wasn't my administration's fault that they got here." He stupidly replied.

"Oh. That's good to know. However, that didn't absolve you from fixing the problem. Headmaster have there been any attempts to resolve the nest by the Ministry?"

"I'm afraid not Mr. Crow. There were always other more pending matters." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with mirth.

"Oh indeed. I think not allowing magical carpets in Britain are more important to this administration than the wellbeing of children. Isn't that right, Minister?" Robert smirked.

The Minister gulped. "Be it as it may you still endangered the students. You ought to be expelled and sent away to Azkaban." He stated.

"Is that the punishment for my crime Madam Bones?"

The woman smiled. "Unfortunately for the Minister no. Just a heavy fine. Of course if you can't pay it you'll end in prison."

"Well that's something. It's almost as if you're rich enough you can even get away with murder." He chuckled.

"And how do you expect to repay the fine?" Fudge was grasping at straws while Malfoy looked at him with contempt.

"I think Hogwarts will be able to help the poor student in need. We have to thank the acromantula silk for that." Albus chimed in.

Fudge clenched his fists under the table. There had to be something he could do about this situation.

"I have another question. When should we expect Aurors?" Robert asked.

"What Aurors?" Cornelius was brought out of his scheming.

"You said it yourself. Because of my actions the spiders may try to dish out retribution on the school. In that case you need to send wizards to take the acromantuli down." Robert asked while sweating a little bit himself. "I really need to think more of about the consequences of my actions.'

The Minister's face flushed. " I'm afraid that won't be possible as the budget for DMLE was recently lowered. And we have to spread our meager manpower thinly already." Madam Bones sighed.

Uncomfortable silence filled the office. "Are we done here?" Robert finally asked.

"Since we have bothered Professor Snape to come all the way, shouldn't we at least hear what he has to say about our rather enthusiastic young friend?" Lucius asked.

Thinking this was his shot at discrediting the blasted child he agreed. "As you said dear Lucius. That's a wonderful idea."

"May we hear your statement about Mr. Crow?" Madam Bones asked.

"Certainly. What do you want to know?" Snape asked with a bored expression.

"How are his relations with the rest of the students." Madam Bones started.

"He mostly interacts with his club members."

"Have there been signs of him overreaching with his authority?"

"I only know of one. His whimsical adventure in the forest." He replied.

"And what about his unauthorized usage of magic when dealing with the poltergeist?" Fudge asked.

"Since there were no minors harmed it doesn't concern the Ministry. Only the school's authorities" Bones interjected.

Robert snorted. "How nice to be a law abiding citizen for a change."Robert sneered at the fuming rotund man.

"Were there any nefarious incidents with the female population at Hogwarts?"

"He does enjoy making them feel pain." Snape said.

"Aha. I've got you there Mr. Crow." Fudge released a breath of relief. Quite odd given the accusation.

Dumbuldore explained the little joke his Potion teacher made. "Severus meant the rigorous training he puts his students through club hours." He resisted letting out a chuckle at the unflattering face of Cornelius.

"Indeed. I just didn't manage to finish my thought." Snape naturally acted as if it wasn't his fault.

"I think that will be enough of this farce." Bones massaged her right temple.

"Quite. We have other issues to handle. Isn't that right, Minister?" If Lucius's gaze could kill then Fudge would've been already in a casket six feet under. He won't be having a happy talk with his right hand after this.

"Since this is over we'll head off. Thank you for your time Cornelius." Albus turned around and left the office with Snape and Robert in tow.

"You'll pay for this." The toad secretary said to Robert when he was next to her.

"Don't threaten me Ms 'I'm not as pureblood as I'd like everyone else to know'." He sneered at her purplishly fuming face.

"That was a waste of my precious time." Snape remarked.

"Right? I could've done a lot today. Especially with my project entering its last stage. Hopefully professor Flitwick and Babbling will forgive me." Robert sighed while watching the quickly flashing lights.

After the meaningless visit in the ministry Robert rushed to help Flitwick and Bathsheda at the shooting range.

"How's it looking professor." Robert asked the charms master.

"I was surprised by this late request but I see the appeal of it." He chuckled.

"You had an ingenious idea Robert. Having a scoreboard to show off the progress of the students.

"Yeah. I figured rankings and possible prizes will rile up the students to get better." Robert nodded.

"I'm jealous that we haven't had such means during my school years." Flitwick remarked.

"I'm not stopping anyone from coming here. I think the teachers also should have a shot a this if there are no time constraints." Robert said while checking a dummy for any flaws.

"But we still won't have this finished before next year." Bathsheda looked over her shoulder where many parts laid awaiting their turn.

"Oh. Before I forget. The children asked me whether other gyms could be made for quidditch teams." Robert sat down to take a small break.

"I'm all for it but I'm unfortunately going to spend more time with my OWL and NEWT students I'm afraid." Flitwick apologized.

"I'll be able to help you as not as many students take my course." She gave a light smile.

"That was just an idea. If it was me I'd just make one big gym for everyone. I think the house system is a flawed one. And isolating students doesn't help with the growing animosity." Robert said while sighing.

"I understand the notion Robert. But somethings can't be changed by crashing into it like a Graphorn." Flitwick turned the board on. Some sparks flashed with nothing else happening.

"Maybe you need to have another separate rune cluster?" Babbling suggested.

"I know professor. Sometimes I just think that we're standing in place and nobody does anything about the underlying problems. Folly of the youth I suppose." Perhaps somethings couldn't be rushed without a fool-proof plan.

"How are the treadmills and bikes doing? Any problems so far?" Flitwick cast a couple of spells on the board.

"One treadmill malfunctioned. It seems there was an error in the circuit in one of the cylinders. For now it's out of service. But the bikes are a hit." Robert said with a grin.

"Well I certainly like the bike in my room. It's small and much more easier to start than running. Sinistra is begging me to make her one." Bethesda gloated.

"At least you know what to give her for Christmas." Robert winked.