
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Bücher und Literatur
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44 Chs

For better or better?


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"The train is leaving in twenty minutes!" The conductor shouted. Chaos wouldn't describe what was going on the platform.

"Lucky them. No care in the world. And then there is me." said Robert while letting out air after a deep breath. For now he accepted the situation he was thrusted into. Although the long stay in the abyss was still casting a shadow, mentally and physically tiring him.

"Enough moping around. It's time to decide the next course of action." Exclaimed Robert scaring some young children in the process. The older ones looked at him in disdain. Robert's clothes also weren't doing him any favors. The question of what were those strange garments crossing their minds. The young man had neon bright orange sneakers with blue stripes. Some oddly shade of greenish blue loose tracksuit. And to top it all off a cap with strange symbols on it. Was it an emblem of some team?

'What do I know?' He thought while trying to compile everything he learned by that point. Which wasn't much considering he only read one edition of what they call paper here. Nothing of value could have been found in it. Well with an exception of some juicy office drama. However it haven't brought forward any solutions to his problems.

Its June 1991. It means that Harry is coming to Hogwarts for his first year. It also means that trouble is around the corner. It's astonishing how quick it hit the fan after a decade of relative silence. Almost as if it was planned from the beginning.

'But first, What should I do about my situation?' Robert asked himself. No money, no job, no education. He can't even prove his identity. Completely defenseless. His options were severely limited. Not to mention he was getting more and more hungrier by the minute.

However not everything is lost. If I remember correctly by being able to see all of this: Hogsmeade, the train and Hogwarts itself means that he has some magic. After all, muggles see Hogwarts as desolate ruins. So there is a bright side to all of this. No matter how small the opportunity it is I'll try to make something out of it

"However, how can I check if I have magic." Robert wondered. Unfortunately he didn't remember if there was a method for that. And he also can't just go to Ollivander's. He wouldn't be able to go there in the first place. After all everything costs money. Something you can't escape no matter where you go. And if it's not money then there are favors. Nobody can definitely say which one is better then the other.

"Hoot." An barn owl suddenly landed on the bench beside Robert. It shook of its wings and turned towards the man.

"Well how about that. Are you my deus ex machina?" He asked jokingly and inwardly praying for a miracle. Maybe the goddess of wisdom Athena will hear his call.

"Hoot?" The owl chirped rotating its head sideways and looking puzzeled at Robert. After what seemed minutes the owl pointed its wing towards its foot. A letter could be seen tied to it.

"Oh, I've got mail, you say. Well don't mind if I do." He said. With his trembling hands he untied the letter from the owls leg.

"Unfortunately I don't have anything to give you for your service. However if you belong to Hogwarts then maybe I'll be able to arrange something. Do we have an agreement?" Asked Robert.

The owl after a few seconds nodded and hooted in agreement. After which it took off. Probably to hunt for some mice or other critter.

"Lovely creature." Robert said whilst turning the letter to the front. Suspense was killing him. Who sent the letter? What will it say?

Mr. R. Crow

The southwest bench in Hogsmeade station.

"Well at least I have a way to prove my name." Thought Robert wistfully. He turned the letter and on the back he saw the famous wax seal and Hogwarts emblem. A sight many dreamed of seeing. Even to Robert as he also read the stories. A thought of wishing it not to be fake quickly crossed through his mind.

"It's almost a shame to break it." said Robert with a toothy grin. Happiness finally lighting up his face.

"Let the journey begin" said Robert with a twinkle in his eye.

This the second chapter. I don't know yet how often I'll upload new chapters. Especially since I'm new to the scene.

However, thank you for your patience

See you next time

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