
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Bücher und Literatur
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44 Chs

Daily life


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




The summer sun of July was sitting proudly in the sky. The fields surrounding Hogsmeade were slowly changing their colors from green to golden. The harvest should be bountiful this year as no floods or draughts devastated the landscape. At least for now. Not that it mattered. After all wizards have their unique ways to save their crops. However do not think that they don't have any worries. After all magical people have magical problems. And of course magical solutions. Just yesterday a swarm of scottish pixies tried to wreck havoc. Many farmers took to arms and used concoctions specifically made for dealing with them. Some losses in the fields were inevitable.

Even Robert tooked part in the skirmish. Thankfully he hadn't hurt himself or it would have been too embarrassing for the new hire at Hogwarts. He couldn't do much, but with dragon gloves given to him by some old man, he was able to pick up the pixies into buckets. He even earned some cash out off it. Enough for him to indulge a little bit in some honey goodness from Honeydukes. Truly they were the kings of bees. Honey combed biscuits were currently his favourite. Did you know he liked honey? After the battle the town went to celebrate their victory. During the party Robert finally made a human connection with the local people. He got acquainted with the local government. Mrs Sarah Juniper was the major of Hogsmeade. He also met her husband Joseph, a rather jolly fellow that liked practical jokes. A little too much some would say. However, he had good manners and never tried to fool Robert, yet that is. At least Robert was smart enough to not leave his drink unattended. The two men next to him puffed up like pufferfish after taking a sip from their glasses. It seems that the law is lenient for this kind of not consentual drugging. Because that is how it would be seen in the normal world.

The next day when Robert was taking a stroll through town he met Josh, a tumble bean farmer. His beans believe it or not were used in the production of Bertie Bott's Beans. From what Robert understood these beans were the husk of those candies. Its because they could contain the seemly unpredictable magic of flavour changing. Josh reckoned that when the bean touched upon the magic of the wizard the magic flavour stabilised. And with complex algorytms accounting for the age and probably other factors it choose the flavor for that specific moment in time. Truly a magnificent piece of magic and confectionary. If it was all true of course. Only the creator knew for sure.

After that exchange Robert continued with his walk. He stopped by Tomes and scrolls. It was closed down. He couldn't find anybody in the store whilst looking through the window. At least he knows why this shop was never mentioned in the movies. Such a shame that this piece of history will slowly be forgotten by the sands of time. Looking one last time Robert continued his walk. After the last busy couple of days he deserved some respite. All of the books that he could scan were safely stored in his phone. He still hadn't read any of them.

Other things were on his mind. On of them being if this world had all those goodies that were in the game. The Merlin trials, caverns with treasures hidden within. How much of the forbidden forest was the same? Unfortunately the books were mostly concentrated on the main cast. So many things still remained unknown for him. He'll get to it eventually. For now he didn't even have a wand. He did have a trusty stick on the other hand. It made quite the scene when he started going with it everywhere after the pixie purge. People asked what is it for. And he replied that for his protection from pests, other pests, and dangerous artifacts. The villagers looked amused by his explanation. But it wasn't the weirdest thing they have seen so they brushed it off as a phase.

Robert thought about how to make money. For now his options were limited. There weren't that many jobs available. Farming and stock raising were assisted with magic. Which he still couldn't do. And this raised another question. Since he was an adult does it mean that his wand won't have the trace on it? So many questions and no answers. Robert finished his rounds around town and came just in time for dinner. After which he walked upstairs and decided to head early to bed.

Another day has passed and finally Robert found the strenght after breakfast to start reading. He started with something simple, the book written by Newt Scamander for caring of magical creatures. Since he lacked the beginner books for other subjects he judged that learning what to expect in the wilderness was more beneficial and adequate to his situation. And why wouldn't he want to read about these fantastic beasts. Suddenly, Robert felt his blond senses go off. But he couldn't see any blonds nearby. Shrugging his shoulders he went back to reading.

When busy time goes quickly by. It was half of July. Robert read a couple of books. Mostly because he had nothing to do. One day by chance he saw Hagrid in the inn he was staying. He came for some firewhiskey. Robert approached the man and introduced himself as a new student and hire at Hogwarts. They kicked it off almost instantly. Robert loved the stories Hagrid had about animals which lived in the forest. He also found his childish disposition endearing. Probably not the best authority figure you can find. But a good friend in need. Of course the stories of Hagrid's loose mouth were also true. He said he was going to see Harry Potter soon. How did the death eaters not follow this gossiping giant to the prize which was the boy, he didn't know. Robert felt relieved that wizards weren't the brightest tool in the shed. Or maybe they just didn't care. At least he was certain that everything he knew was in motion. And hopefully he'll be able to make the most out of it.