
Road To Omniscience

Can a human be omniscient? You will be following the "crazy" journey of Sage.

LLamb · realistisch
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6 Chs

June 8th

 Sage is looking at the clock, it's currently 11:25, and the lesson will end soon.

 Ah... so tired... These kids talking to each other in their cliques are having fun at least. I don't have anything to do. I'll probably play with my computer once I'm back.

 After school, Sage went to home. He usually has to pass the town's library to get home. While passing the library, Sage looks at it.

 The library is always so quiet. I'm sure Mel is still in there reading books. Does she really like them that much, what does she even gain from them? I even heard that she was a loner at our school, although, she does have perfect grades. I want to be like her, I want to overtake her, I want to overtake everyone... The time I spend playing games and doing nothing won't change anything. Even if in 500 years, everyone forgets me, I might as well achieve what I want without paying attention to others and I should just stop thinking about what others think of me. I'm already at the bottom of the ladder anyways. So, what do I want to achieve, what do I want to become? I want to be someone, no one can catch up to. No one can hope to reach!

 Sage still hasn't passed the library. As soon as he got close to the door he stopped and decided to see if Mel was in there, she wasn't. "Ah... well... I guess she decided to not study today...". Sage went out and looked towards the school. He saw a figure he knew.

 Red hair, bright blue eyes, long pants, an oversized T-shirt, a hat, and an almost non-existent chest. It's Mel.

 Sage walked up to Mel and started a conversation:

"Hey Mel, are you headed to the library?" Said Sage with sparks in his eyes.

"Yes, did you read the book?" Said Mel, while eyeing Sage.

"I did, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Mel stops playing a game on her phone and puts it away.

"Promise you won't laugh at me..."

"Hmm..... Depends." She said while smiling.

"Why do you read so many books?" He said, with sparks in his eyes.

"HAHAHA! That really is funny!" Mel stopped eyeing Sage.

"Could you answer?"

"Okay, let me ask you this first."


"Will you continue reading books in your free time?"

"Well... yes, it's important to reach my goal."

"And what's that?"

"I want to be better than you, I want to be better than everyone else."

"Damn, that's a huge goal you've got there. Okay, I'll tell you why I read books." Mel cracked a smile while saying this.


"It helps me think clearer, I don't have many equals to talk to about these kinds of subjects, to help me improve, so I end up reading books to further grow."

"Ah, so your goal is the same as mine, also, I know for a fact that you have zero friends to even talk to." Sage said while chuckling.

"... wrong, you and I have different goals, and could you knock it off with the jokes?" Mel clearly got mad.

"How do we have different goals? We both want to improve our intelligence though."

"Wrong, although we are roughly doing the same thing, my goal is different from yours."

"Then, what is it?"

 Mel went up to the library's door, turned around, and said:

"Well, It appears that I've arrived at the library, thanks for coming over here, walking and chatting with me." Said Mel while avoiding the question.

"Know that after summer ends, I'll overtake you." Sage noticed her dodging the question.

"You're welcome to try."

 Sage and Mel stare each other down. Mel is on the stairs, at a higher altitude than Sage. Mel is smiling, hands in her pants pockets. Sage gets on with his path and goes home.