
Road to love

It is a story of a girl named Ira. She is heavenly beautiful,quick witted and a middle class family's girl whose only family is her grandfather. She struggles to live her life freely and happily but what happens when her life intertwines with business tycoon Adyanth? Is this her facade or a true self? Adyanth is a handsome,stern,cool and aloof CEO of Acharya group of companies. He is the richest man of the country at the age of 27 years. He is in search of his childhood crush Lakshya ,when he stumbles upon the life of Ira. Thus,the path of their lives gets entangled and leads to their road to love. But what happens when the life they portrayed to the world turns out to be not exactly the truth? Will they stand with each other in ups and downs of life? Through this story, experience the journey of two mysterious people's path that lead to their ROAD TO LOVE. This is a original story and not a translation. This is my first time writing a novel and I am not a native English speaker ,so pardon me for any mistakes. The cover page does not belong to me and is taken from Pinterest. Credit goes to its original owner.

Ruthu_Hegde · Urban
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25 Chs

chapter 8:Ira is not in home.

Adyanth came to Ira's grandfathers home because he had called him to come home for some discussions. Ira had told Adyanth that she will be at his gradrapa's house.

"Hello grandfather", greeted Adyanth.

" Hello Adi, how are you ,do you want some tea? I will make it for you. Ira loves my tea you know",said Eeshwar Hegde.

"No thanks grandpa, you called me for some discussions,can I know what discussions we may have ,even though we didnt know each other till last month ",said Adi with a serious and cold face which could have scared any other person but grandpa Eeshwar didn't even mind this.

While talking with grandpa ,his eyes were searching for Ira ,without even knowing. But she was not there ,so he asked " Where is Ira?".

"Ira isn't home. She won't come today. And she don't even live with me. Why are you asking child ,don't you know that? I thought your blind date was successfull and that's how she spoke to me. So I called you to talk about her. " said grandpa.

"Actually we became friends but I don't think we can move to marriage", said Adi,even though he was not willing to marry her ,when saying that he don't want to marry her ,he felt a sense of loss of security within himself.

" Then I don't have anything to talk to you. You may leave. I thought of giving my grand daughter to you only because your grandfather liked her and urged me to do so. Leave it . I don't care about this anyway. I will find someone better for her" Said Ira's grandfather,with a pity for Adyanth.

Adyanth was more than amused by this statement because every person in the country would beg him to befriend their daughter . They won't even think about marriage. Becoming his friend was like getting a lottery to them . But this grandfather and grand daughter pair didn't even acknowledge him to be a special person even though they were middle class people and mainly ,they gave him a tough time by talking to him rudely . And who is better than him in this country ?

"Okay grandpa ,then I will take my leave " said Adyanth and left from that house gloomily. He was feeling heartache when grandpa told that he will find someone better for Ira. So,he thought that this feeling was because of his ego and left there with a sour mood.