
Road to love

It is a story of a girl named Ira. She is heavenly beautiful,quick witted and a middle class family's girl whose only family is her grandfather. She struggles to live her life freely and happily but what happens when her life intertwines with business tycoon Adyanth? Is this her facade or a true self? Adyanth is a handsome,stern,cool and aloof CEO of Acharya group of companies. He is the richest man of the country at the age of 27 years. He is in search of his childhood crush Lakshya ,when he stumbles upon the life of Ira. Thus,the path of their lives gets entangled and leads to their road to love. But what happens when the life they portrayed to the world turns out to be not exactly the truth? Will they stand with each other in ups and downs of life? Through this story, experience the journey of two mysterious people's path that lead to their ROAD TO LOVE. This is a original story and not a translation. This is my first time writing a novel and I am not a native English speaker ,so pardon me for any mistakes. The cover page does not belong to me and is taken from Pinterest. Credit goes to its original owner.

Ruthu_Hegde · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 4: Hot topic

As soon as Ira entered the company everyone's gaze was on her. Someone gazes were criticizing and some were mocking.

"See,she hasn't been in the company for 5 months and got promoted and now she leaked an important design of the company to rival company. God knows what underhanded method did she use to get here. She didn't even major in designing" said a female voice which was mocking. It was Sneha.

Ira didn't feel anything to these comments and just walked towards the managers office along with Natya.

"I know you cannot do this to this company. Why will you even do it? Hell,money is not a matter to you but character is. What the hell is this Sneha talking about. I am going to kill her" ,these were the exact raging words of Natya .

"Cool down. Don't get panicked and agitated due to those comments. Let's talk to manager",calm reply came from Ira's mouth.

A roar of anger came to the ears of the employees as soon as they entered the manager's office.

" oh oh oh ,our great beauty Ira is here,whose designs cannot be compared to anyone ,not even the head designer of the company Lasya. So these are the methods you use to get higher rankings in the company", yelled the manager.

"I came here to explain everything to the company ", said Ira with her cold eyes which sent shivers to manager. Even though he was frightened by her look, he managed to scold her even more.

" Natya ,get out of here ,I have something to talk to Ira " yelled the manager.

Ira gave a calming gaze to Natya and sent her away from the managers office.

"What do you want to talk to me manager?" Asked Ira.

This manager was a lecherous person and had an eye on Ira but didn't get any chance with her before. So he directly asked Ira to sleep with him to solve this problem for her. as he thought that Ira is just a part time employer and got promoted due to underhanded means with upper management.

"Give me 1 hour and I will prove myself and I will do whatever you want me to " cooly said Ira and stormed away from the office with her cold and indifferent gaze . These conversations were heard by Sneha and she told everyone in the office about this challenge.

Everyone gave a mocking look to Ira for her challenge against manager.

"Sister Ira ,do you need any help from me " asked an intern in design department named Vihaan.

" No need. I will be in the cafe near the office. Call me after 45 minutes and ask Natya to come to the cafe" ,said Ira with gratefulness in her eyes and stormed away from the office avoiding the weird gazes of her colleagues.

This issue was already uploaded on the WhatsApp groups and became a hot topic inside the company and also in the designing industry.

As soon as Natya heard from Vihaan that Ira asked her to be in the cafe,she immediately took her laptop,charger and oendrive and ran towards the cafe.