
Prologue - Introduction

Hi! Let me start by saying I was never good with introductions, neither in my past life nor in this one. Then again, I doubt a lot of people would have the experience of talking to someone they created in their own mind.

Who is the person I created you ask? Well who could it be other than you? Yes, you. Alas your existence is irrelevant to it all so forgive me for not giving you much attention.

Now, what was I saying before you so rudely interrupted me? Oh, introductions that's right.

You see, in my past life, it was one of those really uneventful kind of lifes, so I won't dabble into it that much, I was born on a little planet called Earth. In Earth I lived for 27 years and had an average family, average social life and average education.

Well, I could tell you how I was so handsome every girl chased me and so smart I would put Nobel Prize winners to shame, but that would be boasting, and I don't enjoy doing that.

You don't believe me? Forget it okay! Damn idiot who doesn't know shit. Oh! You heard that? Sorry, sorry. My nerves are not in their best these days.

Anyways let us settle at believing I had above average intelligence, okay? Can you do that? Thanks! Back to my old life, the only thing that wasn't average about it was my death in a car accident.

That concludes all the talk about my past life, like I said It didn't take long! What do you mean I dabbled when I tried to lie and boast? Go to hell! I didn't lie you ungraceful maggot! Show more respect to the one who created you, okay?

Anyway, the reason I am talking to you right now, actually, you could call it the reason for your existence, is this current life of mine.

After I died on Earth I didn't go to heaven or hell, I didn't become a ghost or anything of the sort, I was just instantly transported to another body. The body of a newborn baby on another planet!

Impressive right? I know! Well at first it didn't make a difference, the memories of my last life only came back to me after I turned 3 years old, and boy was I shocked at the stark differences between the current world I live in and Earth. The first and maybe most important difference is the existence of mana. Mana is exactly what you are thinking, the substance that enables the use of magic, although I call it a substance it is more like air, you can feel it, but you can't see it with your eyes nor hold it in your hands. Before you ask, yes in this world there are mages.

What is it? Oh! I forgot to tell you the name of this world? I don't see why you would put so much importance on something so minor, especially after I told you about the existence of mana, but well if it's so important to you I guess I will say it. This world is called Ibi, and I live in an island Kingdom called Norgorod, although I call it an island it's size is comparable to England on Earth.

With that explained I will return to the topic at hand, how I came to be in a situation so desperate I had to create someone in my mind to talk to in order to calm myself.

My name in my past life doesn't matter so I won't say it, but my name in this life holds a lot of importance in how I got to this point so pay attention to it. In this life my name is Arthur Siegfried, yes, I know it is a beautiful name befitting of someone like me, thank you for the compliment.

Hey! Don't look at me like that, even though you didn't speak it your eyes were conveying the message. But I digress, Arthur Siegfried born on the Siegfried family of Barons, it is a noble family in the Kingdom of Norgorod know for their knights.

I could go in the specifics about the differences between mages and knights but to speed things up I will tell you this, mages use mana to alter the world around them, mages are pretty rare since they must be born with a greater affinity to mana them normal, knights on the other hand use mana to give themselves physical boosts. Mages have a higher status compared to knights and it is the wish of every noble family to have a mage so they can rise in the nobility ranks or maintain their status.

And answering all the hopes of the Siegfried family when I was tested at 5 years old it was discovered I had enough affinity to be a mage, but not any mage, you see in the world of Ibi there are some mages that can only use one magic spell since they are born, they are called unique mages. Usually unique mages can use some pretty broken spells, but as luck would have it I was born only being able to use the "Contract" spell. The "Contract" spell is a unique spell, that only I can use, it lets me make a, you guessed it, contract with another person. We both have to accept the terms of the contract at the time of the spell activation and if any of us break it the person in question dies.

The "Contract" spell, it is pretty useful if you ask me, bordering the broken zone if used in diplomatic or merchant agreements, but all my muscle-brained father could see was a failure since it could not be used in fighting and since I got his hopes up only to crush them down seconds later he dubbed me as the disappointment of the family. The fact that my mother was only one of his concubines, even though she was his favorite, and she had died at childbirth didn't contribute to my status in the family. Thus, I was ostracized from that day on, not even being sent to study at the Kingdom academy like my brothers and sisters.

If I had took on a sword and started training as a knight maybe I could have changed my father's view of me. But you see, I was never one to like fighting with my hands. If it was an intellectual battle like chess or anything of the sort I would welcome it with open arms, but since the beginning training in the sword wasn't an option. Don't look at me like I'm a coward okay. You would also refuse to train and fight with your older brothers when they are double your size and their mother wants you dead.

As you are probably imagining I was a lonely kid growing up. It was always only me and Uncle Rod, he was a childhood friend of my mother and promised to guard me on her deathbed. He never speaks too much, but though he is silent, having him by my side may as well be the only struck of luck I had in this life. Uncle Rod is incredibly strong, apparently in his younger years he was a famous knight throughout the Kingdom, and if it wasn't for his protection I would probably be dead right now.

Even though I had a pretty rough life I always thought I could change it around using the knowledge I amassed from Earth, you see, Ibi's technology and culture is pretty similar to Europe on medieval times. But it didn't matter what idea I brought to my useless bird-brained father he always refused to listen to me. So, when I turned 16 I took the only reasonable out and decided to run away from home. The Siegfried family would never let a potential Heir get away from their reach, so even though I didn't live in the main house I had to choose a date where their watch on me would be weakened. And luckily such a date was just around the corner, the "Day of the Ancestors" a day on Norgorod where all the noble families would get together and celebrate in a feast in honor of the Ancestors.

On that night while all the guard's attention would be focused at the main home I would flee with uncle Rod and enter one of the many ships on the harbor, finally getting away from this damn place. I would flee to another Kingdom where I could start my life again and get rich using my knowledge from Earth. Well, at least that was the plan.

But as fate would have it I'm on a carriage going to the main House surrounded by the guards of the fief. Just what the hell went wrong?

Hi there guys, this is an idea I had for a book for sometime and I'm finally writing it. The plan is to write 3 chapters a week, but maybe if it attracts some attention I can try to increase the amount.

I hope you guys liked the start of the story, I will be posting the next chapter in two to three days from now so stay tuned.

CainSiegfriedcreators' thoughts