
Road of The Villain's King

Drake, one of the loyal subject of his nation, had to endure countless abuse and humiliation on his entire life. Until one day, enough was enough. because of the stupid slandering, he had to lose his one and only family. Forget about his dreams become the most loyal knight, he was now had to live as a fugitive, and running is the only way out! But who would guess, that weak boy used to be stepped on become one of the feared villain throughout the nation. With the enormous power and by the help of his teams, he finally step his foot back on his homeland. "I'm a villain, but it doesn't matter. I'll be the king, and trampled those stupid people head."

yoafela · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter 4 - His First Chanting

The Oldman eyed Drake with intense glare. He knew when someone asked for a horse, it was Venus work. He couldn't blame her beautiful soul yearning to help others. But the more people she helped, the more risk she would be in trouble if getting caught. And he didn't like it. So much. "Call me Razz. The horse will be here tomorrow morning."

"I'm Drake." He looked around the pub, making sure no one heard. "Can you make it tonight? There's a situation and I can't wait that long!"

Razz gave him a glass of beer. "It's a service. And You need to chill out. This place is under Samoa's protection. You are safe."

Samoa? "You mean the sailor organization?"

He nodded, pointing to the room behind him. "Yes. Take your belongings to the back room. Stay for the night. Tomorrow you can go with the horse."

He didn't ask for the details and just directly went to the room. Today was too much for him. 

Laying on the bed, he hugged his grandma's belongings. It was a small bundle wrapped by rusty fabric. 

That night, Drake let himself cry, because tomorrow he would be done the crying. 

That was what his grandma had always taught him about. A man could only cry for a day in his sorrow, and wake up again tomorrow to do his job.

Opening that small bundle, he found his grandma's favorite things. But what caught his eyes was a small book. Examining it more, he knew It was one of his grandfather's book. Why was his grandma still keeping it? 

Opening the pages, his gaze slowly turned into more confusing light. The word of chanting was written on the first page. "What are these? Is this related to Chanter from history?" But this was just a full book of an unknown language. 

Continue flipping the page, a letter came out from it. The handwriting was so old, and it must had been from his grandfather.

"To Drake, I know you will become a great man someday. When you read this book, please learn to do the chanting. You will find how to do it in this book. This might sound ridiculous. But I was having a dream before from a spirit guy in a dragon form. In that dream, he told me many secret stories. I've tried the chanting many times, but never succeeded. 

He told me to tell my generation after generation, to always try learning it. He said heaven once again, in the name of humankind, will gracefully give the blessings one more time. Please learn from the first page. …"

How can the dragon exist? Drake never knew. A dragon just a whisper from tale to tale in people's ear. It was never known in history before. 

Drake was raised with his grandma who honored history more than anyone else. He was raised with history told as his bedtime story. But never previously, her grandma had spoken about dragons. Only the existence of Chanter as sorcerer's descendant.

History wrote, chanter existence was wiped out due the malicious things that were happening with other normal humans. They were vanished by heaven as punishment for their malevolent behavior. It was the human history long before Wouster Empire was built. 

But the more he thought, Drake didn't find any correlation with his grandfather. Why did he need to succeed in chanting? 

Heaven only gave the ability for chanter as a direct sorcerer's descendant. It was written in history before that even for people who could read the chant, won't be able to succeed because they don't have the blessing from heaven.

It became a major question for Drake. But what he didn't know, heaven would find a way to give their blessing. This was later discovered directly by Drake himself, who would finally uncover the magic behind. 

Drake continues reading the last part of his grandfather's letter. 

"...And aside from this, I know the emperor will try to steal our land, that's why I always open the land for public to use, so they can't take it away freely. Do not give up, and lastly, please help me take care of your beloved grandmother, Lily.

With hope, Regin." 

So then, it was the reason why the knight was so mean to him and always bothered his family in any ways they could, even a long way before Drake joined the knighthood. 

There was a time when his grandmother sent a letter to the emperor under grandfather 's name. But though knowing her grandfather was a prized hero, the emperor didn't do anything about it. This must be orchestrated by the emperor himself. After all, The Gold Knight Bismouth were directly under the emperor's care.

Finish reading those last words, finally the tears he held were bursting like rain. The memories of his grandma came again like a storm. Because once again, Drake was disappointed in himself for not being able to protect his most important person.

Not knowing how many minutes had passed, he finally decided to wipe his emotions away and return his focus on the book. 

He flipped the page to page, only unknown languages were written there. Until he finally flipped the last page. There was nothing written there. But he Just couldn't take his eyes away from it. 

It was sudden, but a glimpse of black dot appeared on that page. Just like magic, the dot started to expand and form some words. 

Seeing that, Drake amazement glowed in his gaze. His dancing eyes never left those old brown papers. 

"The son of Adams"

Couldn't believe what he just read, his fingers traced the black ink on the page. He tried to remember, because the word of Adams seemed familiar. Did his grandfather tell some stories? 

Drake couldn't find the memory. After all, the most realistic memory about his grandfather is when his grandma cried so hard on his death when Drake was five. 

"There's also a small note here. It said blood formed as the gate." 

It was under his curiosity that the blood was needed. He's wondering if his grandfather also used his blood.

Should I bled my hand? After all, there's nothing to lose right now.

Month ago, if people told him about magic and this kind of tale, people like Drake would probably flip them off. But desperation was a real thing. 

He pulled out the blade he stole from the knight before and slashed it on his palm. 

He flipped once again the front page and tried to read that undescribed scared words . How many times he tried, it seemed impossible to be read. 

But a sudden thought flashed in his mind. What if he used his mana, it might bring some change. 

Releasing his mana to flow through his entire body, Drake felt the change of his energy. It was slightly different from what he had before. Do I have this kind of mana? Why this one seemed lighter to control.

Looking through the unspoken language once more, he was finally able to read the language. But never once in his life, he lost control of his body with his sober mind still intact on his brain. 

His hand, with the crimson blood coming out, unconsciously forming a circle with a certain image on it. He was wondering how he could make a sigil. Because what he knew, only high rank Sora could form a sigil to make a high level of potion.

His tongue moved unconsciously, and unfamiliar words kept spelled from it. It was repeated several times with a certain flat melody. 

So this is what the historian called as a chanting.

Then he saw. The red light appeared from the sigil. 

Drake's anticipation skyrocket in time. But before everything could happen, the darkness coming into the edge of his sight, slowly started covering all of the light. 

Not knowing how long he fainted, his lid finally opened only to see a mysterious landscape surrounding him. 

The hot steam coming out from the ground, and as well as the lava surrounding the land he laid on. He never imagined the magic was real. With a red blooded sky covering the scene, a black dragon was flying above him.

This was too real to be a dream. The hot weather and the burn smell was so real. 

How can he, a normal human, was able to successfully perform a chanting with sigil. This didn't make sense at all. But what a normal again if you had dragon flying in front of your eyes 

Drake gazed in awe at the dragon who flew above. He never knew, the legendary dragon did exist. He thought it was only a fairy tale that people made. They said the dragon creature was given from heaven to protect the sorcerers. 

And as if knowing the gaze coming from him, the dragon flew down. 

Under the hot wind caused by the strong flutter, Drake could see the white color covering the feet. The fierce look visible in those yellow eyes, and golden color sparkling gloriously around the neck. It was the first time a gigantic creature appeared in front of him. 

The Dragon knew Drake existed in his dimension. It was created exactly to welcome a human like Drake. While having a huge body, the dragon landed serenely on the spacious land below. 

Drake, who was only its feet tall, had a sweating cold despite being in hot nature. Having the enormous creature looming over him, he couldn't say anything

That yellow eyes look thoroughly at him. "Finally, a son of Adams."