
Road of The Villain's King

Drake, one of the loyal subject of his nation, had to endure countless abuse and humiliation on his entire life. Until one day, enough was enough. because of the stupid slandering, he had to lose his one and only family. Forget about his dreams become the most loyal knight, he was now had to live as a fugitive, and running is the only way out! But who would guess, that weak boy used to be stepped on become one of the feared villain throughout the nation. With the enormous power and by the help of his teams, he finally step his foot back on his homeland. "I'm a villain, but it doesn't matter. I'll be the king, and trampled those stupid people head."

yoafela · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter 16 - Revealing His Identity

When the night came, Marven was already in the basement room. He was alone with no subordinate. 

Knowing Drake was the mastermind of the incident, was something he would take to grave by himself. The more people knew about it, the more risk was being open. 

"Come in," Marven let Drake enter the room. 

After two years, entering that dark room was not foreign anymore for Drake. As he sat on the opposite side from Marven, he could sense the tension came from his sword teacher. 

"Let me hear your explanation," said Marven

"Before going on, I want to know the update case for the incident."

Marven sighed, "They were asking for Rupert, the man from last night, the owner of the kids." 

As he mentioned the man, Marven was actually glad he already took care of him and his crew last night. Even after a long trace, it would be difficult to trace back to the death.

But of course, Marven was distressed about what would happen next. "This is the last news from the street. They started interrogating people, and we know how it is to be interrogated by powerful Sora. They had some weird drugs to make you fly above the sky as the truth start come out from your mouth."

Marven rubbed his forehead. He was alone had experienced that long ago. With the hazy mind, he didn't even remember what he had said the next morning. It's dangerous. 

"Then where's the kids?" Drake asked. He had to make sure that Samoa was still safe, before moving ahead with his plan.

"The children are safe. We will make sure to keep them hidden for a while," Marven looked at Drake to make sure he knew how serious this was. "Drake, when they are searching Rupert mansion first, that means they already know the mess started from his place. I don't know how you do that, so give me your most genuine reason. Because right now, my people neck are on the line."

With everything Marven had built, he couldn't just throw them away like that. Right now, Samoa was the most suspicious culprit for zone west affair. 

He continued telling Drake the case, "They know Rupert was in this town last night. As soon as they interrogate our people from the pub, we're done." 

Drake let out a long breath. His plan had to start earlier and faster.

With a serious tone, Marven reminded him again. "This is not a joke, Drake. Other powerful Sora start to gather in the west zone. When they might not believe all of that was done only by one Bismouth, they would definitely believe if we're the mastermind."

With the backlash, Drake would never run from this. After all, he needed Samoa another way. He just never expected that last night's occurrence became a chance to start his plan. "Marven, I certainly would never turn my back on this."

"Listen Drake, I don't know how experienced you are, but let me tell you something. With your powerful mana as a Bismouth, you will never stand a chance dealing with neutral zone. Even you combine your power with Samoa, It's still not enough." 

Marven thought even for a powerful user like Drake, it was impossible to handle a lot of powerful Sora. But surely he didn't know if Drake was a chanter himself. Not even one person would think of that possibility.

"Marven, I'm going to tell you something absurd. But it's real." Drake decided to reveal his identities to him. When he needed Somoa power, he couldn't just stay behind the scene while people were wondering who he really was.

"Do you know a chanter?" Drake asked with some certainty.

As Marven heard the word chanter, indeed he knew what a chanter was. Direct descendant of sorcerers. "Why are you bringing that up?" It's not like they were going to review the history. 

He smirked, "Let just say I'm one kind of that."

"What?" Marven made sure what he heard was right.

"Hora!" As soon as Drake said that, a whirlpool of fire appeared in front of him. What Marven saw just now, would be forever imprinted on his brain. 

As the warmth of the red fire radiated his skin, his eyes were not moving away from the object before him. Marven saw a little black creature was forming from that fire. 

It was a creature he never once saw. "Th.. that's! Drake! You bring a monster inside my house!"

"Calm down," Drake showed his dragon to Marven. Hora was in his little form again, flying around Marven and Drake. 

"What is that?"

"You probably know what Dragon is." 

Marven used his brain again, looking for the answer. "There's no dragon, Drake. It was just a made-up tale for bedtime story."

"Do you think I'm your imagination, then?" Hora said to Marven. Unbelievable, this human couldn't be possibly denied his presence while he was frankly showing his figure, when he could just hide away.

Drake smiled, introducing those two. "Well, Hora, this person is Marven, my sword teacher as well as the one who will help us." 

When Drake had a mission to bring back the son of Hercules, he understood he couldn't possibly handle everything without power and authority. This was like killing two birds with one stone. He could seek revenge, while looking for the son of Hercules from above place.

"Come on, Marven." He said, bringing back his teacher to his senses. "I already showed you one of my cards. Let's just move on with the next plan."

"Oh.. oh yes," Marven was definitely wary of Drake. 

He was wondering if what he just heard was true. A chanter. It's not possible. But if it's right, then Drake must be so powerful. It was written in history that the power of chanter could move a mountain and break a land. 

Wait. A sudden realization came across his mind. The accident in the west zone itself was proof. As he grasped all of that, Marven couldn't hide his laugh "HA HA HA..!" His whole body was shaking and his laughter got louder. 

Hora then poked Drake using his tail, "Drake, you know. I think this human is sick." 

"Well.." Drake could only watch Marven quietly. What's so funny about him?


After minutes Marven finally calmed down, he was surprisingly different than before. This must be because he put some faith in Drake. And discovering a chanter was there beside him for two years, somehow put him at ease. As long as this person was not his enemy, then everything was possible.

"Then Drake, what is your plan? because there's a big possibility we would get attacked." Drake would not ever be open about who he was without any future ploy.

This time, Drake told Marven his purpose. "I need you. Not just you, but I need Samoa."

Drake then put a small pocket bag in front of him. Without opening, Marven knew what was inside the bag. "Another diamond?" He then opened the pocket to make sure, and it's just what he thought. A diamond was safely kept there. 

"I won't buy your gang. But let's just say I need you as an accomplice." Drake chuckled. 

"What do you want from us?" Marven was wondering what they people were able to do for a person like Drake, he could just do everything himself.

Drake said, "Let's just say, my aim is to trample my hometown Wouster into the ground." 

Marven smirked. "So you want vengeance? You can snap that kingdom in half if you want. Why in a hard way."

Drake also thought about that. But it's not fun. He wanted his former captain Hugo, as well as the emperor, to die miserably. Watching his kingdom erase the name of Esten from history, and banish every single trace of them into a dust.

Drake explained, "I want to kill the emperor, and make people forget about them. There's also the innocents living in there that I have to consider." Though Drake didn't have a lot of friends, there were still kind people who cared for his grandmother. 

He shook his head, he just didn't want to reopen his wound again. "That's why I need you, Marven. I need Samoa to back me up. I can provide everything you need. But I need the facade."

Drake couldn't possibly go out in public by himself. Though he was so strong. His power could be a double edge sword. 

History could recur in the same way like other chanter in the past, his power would make other humans insecure. And how powerful he was right now, making every strong human in this world go against him was not a great choice.

"Despite you having a lot of money, I couldn't risk the lives of my people." Marven was thinking about something before continuing with his deal. "Drake, I need you to promise me something first." 

Nothing is free, with people like Marven, Drake knew his weak point. Though Marven lived as a criminal throughout his life, he was not a cheap person to his own kind. "Spell what you want."

Marven pointed out his finger. "First, I want you to never turn your back on us. How dangerous this would be, don't put them to fight where you know they will lose."

"I won't sacrifice other people. As long as Samoa walk with me, then you are my people too."

Right. "Then the last, if this revenge plan of yours is going nowhere near the right way, Samoa will leave."

Drake said, "Deal."