
Rising of The King of The Gods

Rising of the King of the Gods is a long fantasy webnovel. The White Lion is the first part of RiKing of Gods. Its main character is Shoji Izanagi. Izanagi, who spent his childhood as a lab rat, learns that he has a more important role to play after coming out into the outside world. And now, his story begins..

Iam_Insane · Fantasie
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Humans can't use magic...

A world... World of magic... 9 brainy purebred kinds... Humans were the most widespread kind among them, although they were the weakest kind. This world was too big, so, distant kingdoms or communities had even no idea about each other. In such a time, at northwest of this world, side of a big river a human community with leadership of the strongest had ever lived human Garland created Garlandia Country. At the first time in world, this country were being controlled by the capitalist system. Humans are not capable to magic, but Garlandians were living here for 1500 years, so they developed in technology. They had cars, trains, televisions, smartphones and even internet. For a country they hadn't even been in a civil war, so they hadn't developed in warfare. They had created weapons which call guns, but still for the other kinds, they were too weak.

In 1500 years, the isolated from other kinds people of Garlandia had started not to believe to magic with time. Dragons or mermaids were just fairy tales for them. But demons, the creatures of darkness had started to attack Garlandians at nights. Human's guns had been completely dysfunctional on demons. The government kept this situation in secret, because people's knowing this fact would just had cause to chaos. The goverment started a new secret experiment in labs. They were going to try to get capable to use magic. For this experiment, they went to south for 1500 km, and made a deal with elvens living here.

First times, Garlandians didn't know anything about the world. Their country was protected by a barrier that even they could not explain. This was a magic barrier. This barrier had been created hundreds years ago, and Garlandians had realized that just at sixteenth century. They could cross this barrier, but the monsters outside couldn't. These monsters were magical creatures, it was very difficult to kill them, but after long trials, they could kill one of them. It was an orc. The Garlandians experimented on the orc's corpse and noticed that the orc's body was covered with an invisible layer. This layer consisted of pure energy, a kind of energy that they could never explain, a kind of energy could call like magic. They didn't want to believe this. But they had to learn the reals about the world, so they began to send to outside the scout regiments. Many of them were killed by monsters, never came back, but the regiment what was sent to south, came back after a few years. They had found a kind what looked like them, but could use magic. That kind was elves. So, the government of Garlandia made political relations with elves' country, The Ishyasera.

In March 26 of 1612, elvens and Garlandians, with mix of technology and magic tried to create humans with magic ability. 50+ human dolls died, just four human babies survived. It seemed like this experiment failed, but one of those four children, Shoji Izanagi had different aura. Elvens couldn't explain this, but they believed this kid would be a powerful creature in future. First times, Shoji Izanagi and other three children, Aoyama Chinami, Okada Riku and Tamaki Yamato were grown up by doctors in lab like brothers and sister . But always Izanagi had been separated from them. Too many experiments like the surgeries, tests, mental pressure had been done on Izanagi, but doctors couldn't come to any conclusion. In 1627, Garlandians found a dungeon with strange sounds coming from it, 150 kilometers to the northeast. The government thought that dungeon could be a shelter for demons, and it wanted to destroy it. Nakagawa Honzo, who was leading this experiment, offered to send there Shoji Izanagi, and his real purpose was to awake Izanagi's power. He thought if Izanagi got trouble, his powers would awake. Because, such in cases like this, emotional trigger would be able to work. But the government didn't accept this. Their only hint was Izanagi and they didn't want to take risk.

But, Nakagawa Honzo had spent fifteen years of his life for this experiment. It was driving him crazy that his experiment didn't come to any conclusions. Therefore, Nakagawa gave up on his everything. He betrayed to his country and kidnapped Izanagi from lab. Nakagawa had taken Izanagi's childhood friends with himself, he thought that it could create a protection instinct because of a valuable person for him being in the place they were going. He would not able to say to kids the truth, so he said lies about it. He said to kids that they were going to just a trip. Izanagi was hating from Nakagawa, but when he heard he would go outside, he overly excited and accepted going with him. It had been a long time since his friends saw Izanagi. Those children thought it could be enjoyable to spend time with their childhood friend and they accepted it too. But when they met in the city, Izanagi was more curious about the sky than them. Because he had only seen the sky in color books.

Nakagawa threatened a high-ranking soldier in army and got coordinates of the dungeon, border clearance permission and a vehicle. He was threatening the army with life of Izanagi, therefore the army would not able to do something. The vehicle what Nakagawa using to kidnap Izanagi was a military vehicle, it was covered by iron layer. It meant the children sitting in the back seats would not able to see outside. So, the children never knew they went to out of country. During the whole journey they questioned Nakagawa about why they were going to a trip with military vehicle, but everytime Nakagawa avoided to answer this. Their journey took a few hours, and at last they came to the dungeon.

In June 29 of 1627, when Shoji Izanagi and the other children were 15, in a sunny day, went to their first and last trip together...