
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasie
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104 Chs


After school I went to Liz's house with Steve and Ed.

"It's been a while since we've been together," Zoe said.

"What are you guys doing here ?" asked Ben appearing.

"Looks like the day has started to get worse," Steve said.

Liz appears laughing, sees Ben talking to Steve and Ed, Zoe watching TV on the sofa, and decides to listen from afar.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do than bother other people?" asked Ben.

"We're here visiting our friend. The only annoyance here is you," Ed replied.

"Says the person who is scared to death of butterflies" said Ben.

"Guys, calm down, you guys are getting very angry" said Liz appearing.

"Sorry" said Ed and Ben.

"Where's Zoe?" asked Steve realizing she wasn't around.

"She's over there on the couch," Liz says, pointing.

"Liz why is her friend sleeping on the couch?" asked Ben's sister who arrived to find out what was going on.

"What ?" said Liz, Steve and Ed.

As the group approached the living room they noticed that the television was on and Zoe was sleeping.

"How strange," Steve said.

"Did she stay up all night playing games, or reading fanfic or comics?" asked Liz.

"Playing with me she wasn't, I dropped 2 ranks yesterday" replied Ed.

Suddenly Liz's smartwatch started beeping making Zoe wake up, Ben and Liz were scared for a moment but then Liz starts laughing.

"What happened ?" asked Zoe, startled.

Liz makes an excuse and Zoe, Steve and Ed went to leave. After a while Liz's parents came home.

"Dad, Mom, my first mission has arrived" Liz yelled running towards the door.

"Fine, so what are you going to do?" asked Liz's father.

"I want to know too," Ben said.

"I'm going to invade a technology company with 2 other villains in an undisclosed city in 3 days from now" replied Liz.

"What are the other 2 villains, any famous ones?" asked Ben.

"No, one of them is the ghost thief J and the other is Mr Moon's sidekick, moon kid" replied Liz.

"Ghost thief J isn't that criminal who almost destroyed a plane?" asked Ben.

"No, that was ghost thief X" replied Liz's mother.

"I think the ghost thief J destroyed a bank in a robbery," said Liz's father.

"No, it was ghost thief A who did it, I remember Zoe telling me about it," Liz said.

"There are many criminals with the name of ghost thief" said Ben complaining.

"Zoe told me had like 10 or 8 villains named after ghost thieves," Liz said.

"Really ?" asked Liz's father in disbelief.

"Zoe is a wikipedia regarding superheroes, I'll ask her when I finish my prep," Liz said.

"Preparation?" asked Ben.

"Yes, to get a good score I must prepare myself" said Liz going to her room.

"I hope she manages to be okay," Liz's mother said.

"Don't worry, our daughter will be fine and nothing will happen to her," said Liz's father.