
Rise to Tyranny

In a miraculous world, where humans, demi humans, animals, monsters have power and magic. I, Tyson who was not gifted these attributes suffered in the hands of the masses. I will never forgive them if its the last thing I do

Chris_9381 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Tyson?

"Huh where am I?"

A dark atmosphere surrounded Tyson, there was nothing and he was floating in it . Fear sinks in, he cant see anything, his body is moving around so much he is rotating in multiple directions but after minutes of struggle it was proven futile.

" Hm,Hm,Hm,Hm Finnaally" A sound came out echoing the area but no one was there.

" Who's THERE, SHOW YOURSELF!!" Tyson shouts. The area changes form, from pitch black to dark purple with red dots appearing.

"What the hell is this?"

" Thiiiis iss yoooouu, whhhicchh iss meee"

" Huh?! There's no way I'm not this disgusting"

A dark ball emerges in front Tyson, the dark purble ball has red dots, It starts forming into a human body then the purple shade and red dots starts moving from what appears to be a face.

The purple shade rips away from the face, showing something that Tyson is horrified about.



What was that? A nightmare? Damn why does he have my face and my body, It doesn't make sense, it has to be a bad dream but yet again why does it feel.. Natural like we are the same and that place was all natural.

Anyways I cant sleep after that, and its late at night or early morning. I get out of my bed, and put my clothes on, then quietly leave the house. I walk, walk and walk endlessly, throughout the city. The capital city of Lamda, Keno. The city is wide and very big, I live in the east side near the River Keem and seldom high is near the city centre. I never knew I was this energetic , I thought of taking the Hover-way but my legs wont stop. The nightlife is beautiful its busy and full of different colours. It night and people are still flying. There are many species and places to go, there's stuff for everyone.

I walk down one of the downtown streets I see group of loudly men. While I was passing them, one guy steps out while he was to talking to collide with me. This guy has a very hairy face he is probably a demi human.


This drunkard wasnt looking where he was going but I dont want a fight right now so I apologised but he wouldnt have it.


" Hey it alright he apologised"

a few of his friends try to reason with him but he wont have it either. I try to quickly walk away but he screams and charges at me.


Suddenly his hands transforms into animalistic claws, the claws aim for my face but his swings are slow, very slow, I can easily dodge these strikes.


" BECAUSE YOU ARE SLOW, GET OUT OF MY FACE." I boot him in the sternum to where he is one on the floor.

" Arrgh" he holds his stomach, when he wanted to get up his friends stop him

" We are very sorry about that he is very drunk"

I walk away to enjoy myself, I keep walking, I see many stores I go to, I buy different food and drinks. While I was eating on a table a few kids approach me, they look homeless and hungry I told them to sit and share my food and drinks with them. It took a whole hour of conversing and relating to each other. The kids leave to their place to sleep while I go and explore more.

Eventually a police officer stops me, " Boy what are you doing at this time of night?" " Um, Um I was going to the shops because I am hungry" My plea was swiftly rejected as he says." Really then why were you going to several shops, walking the entire city and back after kicking a man huh?" My eyes widen in shock, how did he know? was he watching me the whole time. " I dont know what your talking about." " Listen kid, I want you to go home now or Ill take you to the slammer." " Okay, Im going" Whats his problem, its not a crime walking at night but no matter Ill comply, I walk to the nearest Hover-Way station which is a 10 minutes walk. While Tyson is mid way to the station, Another group of men appear, they stop Tyson from going past them.

" What do you want ?"

" You werent in your house when we came to collect you, so we came here, my league wants you now, boy."

Tyson was thinking that they are related to the cult that are tormenting him, so he immediately gets into offensive position.

"Fighting is futile, stop and comply."

The leader commands the squad to encircle Tyson.

Tyson POV

Im going to lose, but I feel like I want to win. This energy I have, its nothing like before but it doesnt feel weird, I must win, I will Win.

These men rush me trying to grab me but I duck their hands by rolling through one of their legs, to create distance. Now I know they arent using powers is it because they ordered not to or because they think they dont need to?

The men chase me down so I run down the street. One man almosts catches me so I see a garbage bin and thows it at his face knocking him back. Great now I got more distance, I am going to run at the nearest hover train station, hopefully its still running.

Another man comes out to intercept me, he goes in for a punch, the punch was slow so I blocked it and kicked him right in the balls he goes in one knee in pain.

I see other men closing in so I change direction to a small passage way, Luckily the station is on the other side. I was about to leave but...

" Had your little fun there."

No the leader stood with his arms behind blocking the entrance.

"Time is running out we will be quick. Playtimes over."

He raises his hand and circle with triangles appears. Its his magic.

" Freeze" and obvisously I couldnt move after that my arms and legs are covered in Ice. He then puts his hand on my face.

" Lets go" and I blacked out.