

The Auragmite, a powerful gem crucial to the survival of the Xenos, an alien race, was lost during a failed experiment and ended up on Earth, taking on the vessel of a human child named Rex. Desperate to regain the gem's power, the Xenos, led by King Carlos invaded Earth searching for the gem futilely, sensing its presence but unable to locate it. Meanwhile, Rex, having Auragmite inside him, survives the devastation caused by the Auragmite’s impact. While a little girl, April, saved by King Carlos, received some of his energy, becoming part Xenos and part human.

NimeChan · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
13 Chs


Rex gradually awakened, his eyes fluttering open to see two weird creatures stationed as guards at the entrance to his cell. He quickly stood up, surprised to find himself locked in. He tried to remember what had happened. The last thing he recalled was fighting a Xenos who had stabbed his side with a sword and then he remembered cutting off its head with his hand. He also remembered the fearful look on Aliya's face when she saw him. He shook his head, thinking it was all a dream. Looking at his side where the sword had pierced him, he noticed his shirt was torn but the wound had completely healed.

'What's going on? What's wrong with me, and where am I?' he asked himself, scanning his surroundings. The two creatures were guarding the entrance with spears in their hands. "I guess I've been captured," he thought to himself.

"Wondering how you ended up here?" April's calm voice interrupted as they approached Rex's cell.

Rex's hands clenched the railings with a sudden and furious grip as April and Leah halted a short distance away. "Where am I?" he demanded sharply. "And where's Aliya, Felix, and Merlin?"

"I can't say for sure about that, but what I do know is that if you don't cooperate, you'll be in trouble," April warned.

"He seems to be doing alright," Leah muttered.

"Let me go now!" Rex screamed.

"Not until you tell us where the Auragmite is," April insisted.

"What on earth is that?" he responded, confused.

"Are you…" April paused giving him a questionable stare

"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have whatever you're looking for," Rex retorted

"Let's go tell the King he's awake" Leah suggested as they both turned to leave

"Let me out of here!" Rex shouted, but they paid him no heed and walked away.

He ran his hand through his coarse, gray hair, pacing back and forth as he tried to figure out how to escape the cell. After a while of unsuccessful thinking, he sat down, feeling hopeless. He looked at his hand, remembering what had happened, how he had managed to defeat a Xenos with his bare hand. Then he glanced at the railing, wondering if he could break the gate with his hand, take on the guards, and escape. But then he thought about the possibility of facing countless armies outside. He sighed, but he wasn't ready to give up. 'I'll try to break out of this cell at night, when they're probably asleep' he said to himself. 'I need to find Aliya, Felix, and Merlin, I wonder if they'd still accept me' he muttered with a sad and tired expression.

Leah and April approached the throne room and noticed Barth, one of the King's elders, departing from the entrance. The guards closed the door behind him as he walked toward them.

"The King isn't willing to speak with anyone right now" Barth informed them with a somber expression

They both sighed heavily and nodded, then turned to leave with Barth

"What is it you need to tell the king?" he asked.

"The human is awake," Leah replied.

"That's some news. We'll just keep him locked up until the king feels better," Barth suggested before bidding them farewell and going on his way.

"I'll catch up with you later" Leah mentioned as she left to resume her tasks.

April felt restless as she hadn't yet gotten any information from Rex. She was determined to make her plan succeed in the eyes of the king. Twenty-two hours had passed, and the king remained secluded. She decided to visit Rex alone, hoping to extract some information from him. "I came up with this idea, I have to make it work," she resolved to herself.

As they practiced in the large training grounds outside the palace, April quietly slipped away without anyone noticing. She made her way to the underground dungeon where Rex was being held. She pondered what excuse to give to gain entry. While she could enter at any time, she needed a valid reason in case the king found out and inquired.

"I need to check on his wounds," April stated firmly as she stood before the entrance, facing the two burly Xenos guarding the cell.

"Again?" one of them questioned.

"Yeah?" April replied

"Why are you alone? It could be dangerous," the other Xenos remarked

"Really?" April gave them a skeptical look, annoyed by their attempt to underestimate her.

After exchanging glances, the guards finally relented, allowing her to pass.



My attempts to escape last night were futile, as the guards remained vigilant throughout. I'm hoping tonight would be different.

As I seated myself against the rugged rocks, I observed as the human Xenos girl made her way toward me. Among the creatures around, she stood out with her unique appearance. Her long dark hair and purple eyes contrasted with her lavender-hued skin, covered by a dark jumpsuit adorned with strips of glowing purple light. I couldn't help but wonder if humans could undergo mutations or evolve into Xenos after living among them, as she looked human yet humans don't look like her.

"I have a proposition for you," she began, stopping a few paces away from the cell. "Tell me where the Auragmite is, and I'll ensure you get out of here safe" she added with a serious tone.

I stood up and approached her cautiously. "How about you release me first, and then I'll assist you in finding the gem you're looking for" I responded firmly. To be sincere, I had no intention of helping her once I was free. All I wanted was to find my family and ensure their safety.

"Then I suppose you're prepared to get killed here," she retorted.

"I'd like to see you try," I challenged.

"I suppose you have nothing left to lose," she remarked, tilting her head. "No one would mourn your absence, considering your family is likely dead as we've wiped out the entire village."

"Don't you dare!" I roared, feeling triggered by her words, causing my eyes to blaze slightly with my grip tightened on the railings, causing them to shake.

She stepped back momentarily, initially startled but quickly regaining her composure after a few seconds. Though silent, she remained unfazed, her gaze fixed upon me as she watched me intently. She was the only one who had seen what happened, the guards paid no attention.

I struggled to discern her emotions or aura, as if her presence were shrouded in invisibility. How powerful exactly is she? I could read other Xenos but not her, or is it possible to conceal one's emotions and presence? Even her facial expressions were difficult to read.

"April!" Another Xenos lady called out, entering the dungeon. "I've been searching everywhere for you. Gor needs our assistance."

"Alright, I'm coming," April responded, casting one final glance in my direction before departing.

"Hey! Come back and get me out of here!" I called out after her, but she had already departed

I desperately hoped that her words about my family being gone were not true. Though impatience gnawed at me, there was little I could currently do about it.