
Rise Of The Weak Mage

Jericho9009 · Fantasie
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1 Chs


I am Leo. Son of a noble family.

I was born weak with no mana inside of me.

Upon not having any natural talents my family had forced me to live in isolation.

They were probably afraid that my crippleness might ruin the reputation of our family.

My older brother Julian was a prodigy. He was one of the most gifted kid of the current generation.

He had already enrolled in the most prosperous academy competing for the top among other geniuses, while I on the other hand was not even able to get out of the mansion.

I wonder how it must look like outside of the mansion, the cities, the mountains, the rivers I've seen none of it expect for reading them in books.

I had long forgotten the very purpose of my existence.


5 years Ago

Leo was only 6 years old when his parents discovered his lack of mana. They started putting him out of the publicand to cure his mana deficiency.

Every day was like a torture for Leo. He would be given all kinds of potions to drink, do harsh physical training to maintain his body and the top magicians would come to experiment on him.

It had passed two years but nothing much changed. There were some progress in his mana and physical condition, but the results were not even close to satisfactory.

His parents gave up on him and decided to put him in a small mansion in Hazel city where he would be completely shut in for the next three years. 1 Mid C-Class butler and two High E-Class maids were put in charge to take care of Leo.

For three years he was always training alone in the training hall.

The last time his parents visited him was three years ago when they brought him here.

Leo had formed an animosity against his family, he had barely talked to any of the maids or the butler either.

He had completely shut himself training all by himself, and only comes out of the training hall when he was hungry.

For the past three years he had only stayed in the training grounds and didn't allowed anyone to enter the training hall.

One day, Leo was not coming out from the training hall. It had passed 3 hours since the lunch time. A maid in blue hair got worried and started knocking the door.

Leo opens the door looking very annoyed at the disturbance.

"What is it?" with an annoyed face he spoke in a sharp tone.

Leo was full of sweat and his breath was heavy by the time he opened the door.

"You haven't had your food yet, Young Master" She spoke hesitantly.

"I'll be late, if there's nothing else then farewell." Leo shuts the door as soon as she nods.