
Rise of the strongest skeleton lord

One day the world met it's end when a strange message was sent to everyone, half of humanities population became zombies and the other half were forced to survive. Damien a survivor after killing 8 zombies was gifted a strange item and when he drank the contents he became a vampire. With this new power Damien was going to try and survive this apocalypse. Will he die along the way or survive until the end?

SsDamien · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Vampire blood

"Tsk, damn bastard" A black-haired handsome man clicked his tongue as he turned to face the disfigured creature that kept running after him.

He held his baseball bat with both hands waiting for the zombie to move towards his so that he could hit its head which the zombie did and he wasted no time in killing it.

[+5 tokens gained]

"Ha," Damien the black-haired young man exhaled in relief as he looked up to the sky.

"it hasn't been more than one day since this started yet I feel like it's been a year already" He complained as he attempted to stand up but he then revived a notification.

[Congratulations, You are the first human to kill 7 (level-one) zombies on your planet]

[You will now be rewarded]

[You have revived +100 Points and an Item (Mythic)]

"Hmm" Looking at the message suspiciously Damien went to his inventory and equipped the item.

[Item: Vampire progenitors blood]

[Rank: Mythic]

[Description: The blood of a vampire ancestor that was squeezed right out of him before his death, you may drink it at your will for ultimate power but deal with the consequences afterwards]

Looking at this with wide eyes Damein was speechless, there was nothing to think about here his choice was clear.

He opened the bottle and gulped down the blood which felt refreshing at first but after some seconds his whole body felt like it was being crushed.

He had expected it though so he didn't scream and only grunted a few times, he was in the middle of the streets throughout the whole process which was why he didn't want to shout.

After some minutes the pain he felt subsided and he slowly stood up from the floor where he was lying.

Damien was half expecting his body to be covered in bite marks of zombies but to his amazement, no such thing happened.

[Your race has evolved]

[You have gained new skill(s)]

[Your stats have also improved]


[Name: Damien]

[Race: Vampire]

[Level: 1]

[Job: -]

[Title: -]

[Rank: 10,000,000 -> 5,000,000]

[Potential: unawakened]

[Token: 175]

[SP: 0/100]


[Strength: 25]

[Agility: 20]

[Spirit: 15]

[Stamina: 50/50]

[Energy: 30/30]


"Woah, my stats have significantly increased" Damien stared at the holographic menu in awe.

"Ha, now's not the time to think about that!" Damien tried to clear his head as he walked through the eerie street.

He hadn't set his eyes on any zombies since he began his journey which made him a little surprised but he was thankful.


Quickly turning his head towards the direction of the zombies Damien sighed, he knew it was too good to be true.

"I needed to test my strength anyway" Damien muttered as he rushed towards the zombies who couldn't even react to the movement of Damien.




In less than a minute all the zombies were on the floor without heads.

[You have killed eight (Level 1) zombies, You gained +80 tokens and +40 SP]

Looking at the message with a smile Damien turned around and continued to walk along the road.

He had seen zombies here and there but he managed to avoid all of them, although he was strong now it didn't mean that he wasn't scared of how the zombies looked like.


A large explosion sounded causing Damien to quickly turn his head and look around.

He would have ignored it but since the noise was just around where he was he decided to check it out.

When he reached the area where he heard the noise come from he saw five large zombie dogs trying to bite three humans that were around his age.

"This is interesting" Damien mumbled with a smirk as he decided to wait and watch from a distance.