
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Unexpected Interruptions

Ryuji, Harvey, and Corak stood at a stand still waiting for any sudden movement from the other side. Using this time of uncertainty, both sides regained what little cosmo they could get.

Harvey walked over to Ryuji keeping his eyes on Corak. "Kid your doing good, but at the rate we are going we won't be able to put him down anytime soon. I'm going to teach you a trick that I picked up on long ago."

"When you gather cosmo in your hand, imagine your cosmo forming a spike. When your cosmo forms a spike, punch your enemy and when the hit connects, push a large amount of energy into their body." Harvey demonstrates as his cosmo forms into a sharp spike covering his fist.

"The spike will puncture their defenses the. You finish then off by destroying their insides. If we can both connect our attacks to Corak at the same time it should surely kill him instantly."

Ryuji nods his head then concentrates on infusing cosmo into his fist. He imagines the spike Harvey formed then wills his cosmo to take a similar shape.

A spiked shape begins to take shape over Ryuji's fist. With the shape in place he continues to gather his cosmo to the spike to sharpen its point.

With the point saturated with cosmo his gathers cosmo in his other hand forming a shield, then pushes the spike into it.

The spike and the wall of cosmo clash for a second, before the wall fractures and the spike punctures through.

"I'm ready to go at him; I think we should go at him like last time, but feint our finishing attacks to create a opportunity for our spikes." Harvey thinks about Ryuji's words then nods.

They begin to separate circling around Corak looking for a opening to attack. Corak looks between both of them observing their body movements for the first attack. The moment Corak looks in Ryuji's way, Harvey charges at him punching out towards his chest.

Corak dodges to the right then counters with an elbow to Harvey's face. Harvey seeing the elbow dropping towards his face, places his hands on the ground then pushes upward kicking Corak's shoulder stopping his attack.

"Bastard!" Screams Corak who jumps away feeling pain from that kick.

Ryuji seeing an opportunity jumps towards the airborne Corak with his dagger aiming for his heart. Corak senses Ryuji's presence approaching and turns around punching towards him.

Just as planned Ryuji re-adjusts his body, then dodges to the left of Coraks arm. He grabs his arm and pulls him close, his right hand releases cosmo and forms a spike.

Ryuji punches towards Coraks chest, victory in sight almost within his grasps. Before the attack can hit, a purple beam of cosmo flashes by redirecting Ryuji's attack.

6 black figures appear around the battlefield, a dark cosmo radiating off of them. 2 stand flanking both Ryuji and Corak. One stands before Harvey a big smile plastered on his face. The other 3 appear before Lance, Quil, and Galvin.

Corak in anger screams out. "Who the hell are you guys, more bugs that have a death wish!"

Ryuji notices a problem with these new figures, they all seem to be staring at him. It was as if, a hollow was staring at a juicy soul.

"Since it seems your not friends of his; who are you people?" Ryuji asks the man standing in front of him

The man smiles at Ryuji then begins to gather his cosmo. "We have orders from Lord Thanatos and Lord Hypnos to bring you in; So I suggest you give up nice and easy."

"I don't know who these people are, but if you think I'm going to surrender easily then you are surely mistaken."

Ryuji gathers his cosmo and rushes at the man. He runs in close, drops to the ground, and sends a kick towards his head.

The man backs away and sends out a punch towards Ryuji. Ryuji bounces upward into a flip, he straightens out his leg then comes down for the kick to the head.

The kick lands on the mans head slamming him into the ground. Ryuji smiles then jumps in the air sends cosmo to his knees, before angling his knees to the down man. He drops down towards the man and is about to drop both knees into his back.

The man rolls out of the way then kicks towards the still falling Ryuji. The kick connects with Ryuji's chest sending him flying back. The man gets back up no damage being inflicted by Ryuji's kick.

He rushes towards Ryuji's flying figure and begins to barrage him with a array of punches.

Blood seeps out of Ryuji's mouth as he is hit everywhere back and forth.

Ryuji seeing a break in the barrage of punches, drops low and does a sweeping kick. The man jumps back out of the way and smiles at Ryuji.

"This guy is strong as hell, my attacks don't work on him. I need to think of something fast or I'm going to get my ass handed to me." Ryuji in pain thinks about his next attack.

Catching a break from his fight he can see that the others have also begun to fight. Knowing he won't be getting any backup anytime soon; Ryuji focuses on his new opponent.He notices with his eyes,the fluctuation of cosmo in the armor the man is wearing.

"My attacks might not do as much damage as I want if I attack that armor." Ryuji observers the mans entire figure for weak points he could possibly use.

"Wait a second, what if I use Harvey's spike idea against this guy?" Thinking of an idea Ryuji grins then readies himself for another bout.

Seeing Ryuji smile the man gathers his cosmo and rushes towards Ryuji. He swings out with a full force punch to Ryuji's chest. At the last second before the fist would strike Ryuji.

Ryuji tilted to the right of the left hand, then countered with a uppercut to the chin. The uppercut connects and the man his thrown into the air.

Not missing a beat, Ryuji jumps up with the man and forms his spike. When he is close to the man he punches towards his chest. The spike and the cosmo infused armor clash.

The sound of metal scraping against one another rings out as both cosmos fight for dominance. A crack or 2 begins to show up on the mans armor. However, before more could form cracks begin to show up on Ryuji's spike before it shatters all together.

The man seeing Ryuji's attack fail, flips back over and punches Ryuji in the face. This strike disorients Ryuji, his eyes going blurry. The man begins to once again barrage Ryuji with punches before kicking him to the ground.

Ryuji bleeding heavily and his cloths torn lays their on the ground. Within his soul space the spirit yells out to Ryuji's mind.

"If you don't want to lose this fight call my name! You already know my name, it is a name that has been with you all your life." A scowl plastered on the spirits face.

"SCREAM MY NAME TO THE HEAVENS, SCREAMMMM!!!!!" The spirit yells once again at Ryuji.

A name begins to form in Ryuji's head; before he losses consciousness Ryuji tilts his head to the sky and screams.


Hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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