
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Fantasie
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19 Chs

S1 Ep.12

The next day after clearing a dungeon Koji woke up like normal but as he looked in the bathroom mirror he noticed his hair had turned whiter than snow.

"What… the…. Fuck…. WHY IS MY HAIR WHITE! Although… it doesn't look too bad."

However it wasn't just his white hair alone that grown as his hair had grown five more feet in length.

His hair before was already a challenge but now it was a nightmare until he remembered zuang say that hair cutting services were available. But Koji still had strong trust issues so naturally koji hesitated before a knock was heard at his door.

"Koji? It's Madam Bo. Are you awake?"

Koji was about to open the door before looking through the eyehole and saw Xia and Zuang next to her.

Koji unlocked the door for the three of their faces turn from a smile to a jaw dropping expression as Koji held up a few locks of his long white hair.

"Anyone know how to cut hair?"

All three of them were suspicious as the Koji they knew looked nothing close to the handsome man in front of their eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Koji was confused before he realized his look had changed and his body was rejuvenated from what it was before he left and spoke as he spawned a couple clones in seconds.

"It's me Koji. I don't know what happened either."

Xia nearly fainted as she and Madam Bo thought Koji was so handsome before remembering that they already were in relationships of their own.

Xia looked inside and saw how long Koji's hair had become before she took out a set of hair salon tools.

"You carry those in your bag?"

Xia held a pair a scissors like a knife as Koji sat down on a chair waiting for Xia to start.

"Old man Zuang, unless you want to wake up bald one morning please do shut up."

Madam Bo laughed as Xia had already done it before to another teacher and a handful of students so she would easily do it again.

"So Koji, what happened yesterday? Did you visit your family?"

Koji gave a nodded just before Xia Started cutting.

"Stop moving unless you want me to mess up your hair."

Koji smiled while he started to explain what had happened yesterday aside from him passing out as it was embarrassing beyond measure.

Madam Bo and Zuang were dumbstruck while Xia was too focused on cutting Koji's hair.

'In just a few hours of leaving school grounds he raided a dungeon with the family head of the 2rd ranking legacy family… what next? Will a dragon appear on school grounds?'

Zuang and Madam Bo then realized Xia had finished cutting to see a hairstyle that suited Koji's look and even made him more handsome.

But it was a Monday and Koji still wasn't dressed for school as he practically pushed madam Bo and the others out of his room.

"Thank you Xia for the haircut but I have to get dressed."

But as Koji was getting dressed he noticed his new appearance wasn't the only change as Hatasho had shrunk in size a little and changed in shape tremendously as it was now a katana twice the length of his arm and double the width as well as an extended handle with a round end on the handle.

But as Koji grabbed Hatasho an eyeball appeared on the round bit of the handle before hearing a voice that sounded old and grainy like sandpaper.

""Hello my dear boy, had a nice sleep did we?""

Koji dropped Hatasho immediately at the sound of the voice but was instantly hit on the head by Hatasho's handle.

""Handle me with care you worthless human!""

"Who… no what are you?"

Once again Hatasho hit Koji on the head before it spoke again before going onto Koji's back.

""You called me Hatasho so that is my name. Now get dressed and head to class before your late.""

Koji was reluctant to take Hatasho with him but had no time to argue and was about to put on his mask before he took another look in the mirror.

"I have nothing to hide anymore nor do I have anything to fear."

Koji had left without a mask and simply walked to class as all the students Koji had passed were in awe of Koji's beauty.

Some girls even fainted while others tried to gain his attention but Koji simply ignored them and went to class only to receive even more looks from his classmates and his teacher who approached him.

Ramani had yet to see Koji's new appearance so naturally he thought Koji was in the wrong class.

"Are you lost?"

Koji however simply expressed his aura to the entire class and caused Ramani to bow at a 90 degree angle subconsciously.

"I apologize for not recognizing you master Koji! Please take your seat before class begins."

Koji bowed as well before taking his own seat while all of the students were to busy admiring how handsome Koji had become while he received looks of jealousy from all of the boys but they knew better then to challenge Koji's strength.

Cinthia was both surprised and suspicious as it seemed but odd and unnatural for Koji's sudden new appearance but one rule Cinthia had learned when talking about Koji was that it was better not to think about it.

But it was still suspicious as even Koji's Hatasho had changed as well.

But class had started and was going on without a hitch until the classroom door was slammed open with Jokai walking through.

"Who here is Koji!"

Cinthia rolled her eyes before Ramani stood in Jokai's way into the classroom.

"Mr.Solomon, I must ask you to return to your own class."

Jokai was outraged just as Cinthia predicted as she knew jokai's behaviour very well even thought he was a half brother from her fathers first wife.

Jokai was arrogant to say the least but also acted like a spoiled child as he pushed Ramani to the side after seeing Koji meditating.

"Hey! Technique master! Become my teacher and teach me everything you know!"

Koji paid no attention to the fly buzzing in his ear but this only enraged Jokai even more as he poured a bottle of water over Koji.

"Listen to me when I talk to you! You will become my teacher and teach me what you know. Let's go."

Ramani and the others braced themselves as Koji stood up soaking wet before he grabbed jokai's hand that had grabbed him and crushed it with ease.

"Ahhh! How dare you hurt me! I will have my father destroy you and your family!"

Koji's rage at reached its limit before he grabbed Jokai by the neck while he looked at Cinthia.

"You Solomon's are all the same, arrogant and entitled scum."

Koji then broke an arm and leg before healing them and repeating it over and over again until Jokai was crying his eyes out.

"Please stop! I won't show my face to you again! Just stop please!"

Many thought Koji had gone mad for him hurting and practically torturing a member of the Solomon family.

But Cinthia and Ramani too knew that even the entirety of the Solomon household could have little chance to win against Koji.

However others thought Koji was their saviour as Jokai was know to be the classic example of a school tyrant and due to his family background no teachers could punish him.

Finally the tyrannical rule of Jokai Solomon had ended thanks to Koji who had broken his will.

After Jokai ran out of the class like a little girl Koji dried his clothes with a fire technique called heat wave but put ever so little amount of essence into the technique to give it a warm breeze of air.

After having his clothes dried Koji resumed what he was doing like nothing had happened all while a student was recording the confrontation with Jokai and Koji.

But just before that student was about to post it a clone of Koji stopped him before he glared at the boy.

"Are you sure you want to do that? I don't think it will end nicely for you."

Without a second thought the student deleted the video which put a smile on Koji's face before his clone disappeared.

As the lunch bell rang Koji once again was the center of attention due to his new looks before they noticed Koji grab a food tray and make his way outside where most of the other students eat before he spotted Hana sitting alone while a multitude of students were talking to her.

"Is there a problem here?"

Hana recognized Koji's voice and looked up to see Koji's change in appearance.

"Master Koji? What happened to your hair?"

Koji glared at the others to go away and sat down next to Hana with a smile and proceeded to tell her about his trip to New York aside from visiting his family and passing out in a dungeon.

Hana and the surrounding students were naturally surprised by what had happened and some even asked Koji what the dungeon was really like but Koji paid no attention to them while he and Hana talked over their lunches.

Meanwhile Zuang was smiling as he looked at Koji through the window to see him laughing and smiling.

'You've grown so much since you first came here. Good for you Koji.'

It was truly a sight to see for Zuang as the boy who wished to be alone had finally started to open up to people.

But just then a group of third year students walked up to Koji and Hana.

Koji had heard from Hana about the second and third years that challenged her and that they couldn't win.

Koji expected them to challenge Hana again but soon noticed all of them were looking straight at him.

"Can I help you?"

The man who was also wearing a black kimono like koji stepped forward and introduced himself with a bow.

"Hello Soul Master, I am Adam khan. May I have a moment of your time?"

Koji felt at ease but still held his hand on Hatasho just incase as he gave a nod to Adam.

But Koji did not expect Adam to steal a chair that a student was already sitting in before he placed it in front of Koji and Hana and sat down.

The student whose chair was stolen was naturally upset before he realized it was Adamand changed his face as too avoid eye contact with Adam.

Adam spoke naturally and calmly even though he and the others around him were anxious around Koji as his known behaviour was unpredictable.

"Master Koji I want to recommend an alliance between your team and mine."

Koji had thought every team was only allowed up to three people but Koji noticed all 15 of the men and women behind Adam all had identical squad tokens.

'Maybe first years can only have two teammates and then that number expands as you graduate. I'll have to ask madam Bo later'

Koji was sceptical of Adam before he even started talking but gave him the benefit of doubt.

However Adam showed his true colours as he spoke with a prideful smile.

"Of course you would have to contribute to our mutually beneficial partnership and I hear you've become the technique master. Surely you wouldn't mind teaching us what you know?"

Koji had once again been reminded of human greed as Xia's warning was heard again from when Xia was cutting his hair.

"Koji I want you to be careful against anyone and everyone who approaches you as it has been made known to the students that you are the new technique master. They will try everything and anything to learn what you know."

Koji had been warned several times already by Madam Bo on how dangerous some of the restricted techniques were.

Koji however knew it was just the beginning and decided to use this moment to stop people in the future from asking as he held out his Hatasho.

Adam however was confused before Koji dropped Hatasho onto the ground and smiled.

"I see no reason to refuse but I must make sure you aren't all talk with no bite. Defeat me in a duel without our Hotoji's, man to man."

Adam smiled before all the students cleared the area to allow Koji and Adam some room to fight fist to fist.

Hana held Hatasho on her lap and had the utmost confidence that Koji would prevail.

However Zuang stopped the fight before it even began as the lunch bell rang.

"Lunch is over so return to class. You can fight after school hours."

Both Koji and Adam nodded before they grabbed their Hotoji's and left to go back to class while Hana ran up next to Koji with a concerned look on her face.

"Master Koji, are you really going to consider an alliance with that scum bag?"

Koji however only cracked a devilish smile as he looked at Hana.

"Not in a million years. I'm just using this opportunity to access the enemy's strength by taking out the ring leader."