
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED -------------------------------------- Inspired by GREED

Primordial_Devour · Fantasie
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58 Chs


Growl! The zombie moaned as its eyes soon laid on Liam.

This was a female zombie who had recently turned and had her clothes torn as blood leaked from her genitalia, showcasing her as one of the rape victims of a brutal individual. 

Her face was filled with dry tears along with a pale pleading face clearly showing she begged for mercy some time before her death. 

As this unfortunate "Soul" slowly made its way toward him, he quickened his pace to increase the impact of the knife that he held inside his hand.

In his perspective, the surroundings started to slow down, not because of his intelligence but because of his thousands of years' worth of experience which could force his brain to quickly absorb information that is seen by the eyes. However, this doesn't mean he could move just as fast. 

The knife went through the skull like butter. It barely met up with any resistance along the way.

Thud! The body fell to the ground while blood splashed all over his clothes, but he didn't care to stop in his tracks. Hearing all the noise, more zombies started to slowly approach him however they were quickly dealt with by the sharp knife as well.


Returning to his dormitory before unlocking all the locks, he started to fill the canned food that was all over the room inside the school bag, which he also stole from one of the dormitories far away.

The reason for taking someone else's instead of using his own was that others might make the connection between his bag and the dormitory where all the food was stored.

The chance of them thinking that may be low but they were still there, nonetheless. 

He did not take any surplus as it could also bring more attention than necessary because the others would suspect him of hiding more food somewhere than none as the bag was filled to the brim.

With the current amount of food stored in the dormitory and the number of henchmen under him, it could only last up to a week at most but after the rescue team arrived in about 5 days' worth of time, the food available was enough.

Now you must be wondering why he needs that many slav- Uhm I mean comrades? The answer to that was simple he would use them like livestock's after he awakens his talent to increase his strength.

"Alright time to use the experience I gained from my acting career, " he said jokingly while looking at the door to the auditorium with the small kitchen knife in his hand which was covered in the red blood of his fallen prey.

His current appearance was the true definition of a survivor. His clothes were covered in blood while his body radiated the smell of sweat.

His facial features were colder and more distained at the same time which could make anyone stop in their approach.

Coming inside the auditorium, he was greeted by the stares of the alerted survivors who moved even further away from the door, clearly scared of any zombies coming inside to pounce on them.

The current auditorium gave off the odor of urine mixed with sweat, which could make any of these second-rich generations throw up in disgust but that was only if they had anything to throw up.

" Liam, you are finally here," Emilia said while running towards to greet him.

Kindly greeting her back, he started to move towards the side of the corner where most of his livestock were kept while constantly being pestered by Emilia about his safety on the way. Which made him quite annoyed, but he chose to keep that to himself.

" You're back! do you have what you promised " one of them said with a bit of disrespect but the others didn't do anything to respond to him. They barely had an ounce of energy left and they didn't feel like wasting it on that stubborn idiot.

Hearing what the man said to her future husband, Emilia immediately responded to him in a bit of anger. " How can you speak to him like that, if not for him saving your life a day ago? You would've been in the stomach of those freaks," she said while her breasts pressed against his arm.

Ignoring all her yapping, the man called Jason looked him straight in the eyes while patiently waiting for his answer.

" I have it but let me make myself clear. if you do anything that could potentially harm me in any way, the apocalypse would be the least of your problems," he said while pointing his bloody knife toward Jason as blood lust released his eyes made him look like a cold-blooded murderer from their perspective.

"Gulp! A deal is a deal, I won't go back on my promise." 

[ What a monster. I am sure now, he killed someone before]

Taking off the heavy bag from his back, Liam placed it right in front of the group while carious eyes lingered around them.

Crick! Crick! the sound of metal rustling echoed in the quiet auditorium.

" Oh, Shit! So much food" Jason whispered to his comrades thus making everyone excited.

Taking out one of the water bottles stored inside the bag, he quickly took a big gulp while bringing the attention of everyone around.

" They have food! "

Everyone immediately ran towards them like a pack of hungry animals, like they had never seen food before. 

Jason and the others quickly surrounded the bag of food while holding a bunch of knives that were also stored inside the bag, they were willing to kill in the process of just protecting it. 

"What are you doing, get out of our way," Asher yelled out to Jason. 

"This is ours; you need to find your food yourself. " Emilia said to Asher and the rest of the students while cuddling with Liam's arm.

"Oh yeah, is your name written on it," Celia said to her shamelessly.

" You-you" stunned by their shamelessness, she couldn't find words to refute. 

" Look, you have a lot of food, just give us a little bit to survive from, that's all we ask of you," Siege said to Emilia and the rest, trying to evade a blood bath by negotiating. 

Suddenly all eyes fell on Liam, waiting for what he would do next. If he were to say yes, most of the food would be gone in the blink of an eye, however, if he were to say no, he would become the villain and a battle was guaranteed to ensue. And with the opponents' numbers, victory was nowhere in sight. 

This was a very difficult decision to make.

Any mistakes or grammer suggestions ? Please let me know.

Primordial_Devourcreators' thoughts