

"Now for the first order of business." The Hellspawn that acted as the speaker from the Neutral Faction started as finished the pleasantries.

"As you all know, the main reason this meeting was called was to analyse the event that occurred not too long ago whereby, for some reason, the entirety of our dimension was shaken by something." He looked around.

"Starting now, everyone can present what theory they have on what could have caused such a Phenomenon." Immediately he finished, one of the Paragon Faction members, a tall Hellspawn that was more lean than muscular spoke.

"Shouldn't it be obvious? Such an event has never been recorded in our history. So is it a coincidence that it happened after these outsiders suddenly began to appear within our home?" His words were met with some murmurs of agreement.

'Well he's spot on. Then again anyone could have guessed that given the circumstances." Gideon thought as the meeting went on.