
Rise Of The Omnimancer: Tempest of Avalon

In a world shattered by centuries of conflict, a prophecy whispered through the ages foretells the rise of extraordinary people known as Omnimancers, wielding unimaginable power capable of shaping the destiny of nations. Their purpose, to restore balance and usher the world into its rightful order. But when one of these enigmatic figures succumbs to corruption, the delicate equilibrium is shattered, plunging the realm into an era of unrelenting war and despair. In the midst of the ashes of once-thriving civilizations, where hope flickers like a dying ember, a remarkable discovery rattles the foundations of this war-torn land. The unearthing of Cerfryx, a rare and mystic mineral, sparks a feverish race for dominance between two mighty empires: Epher and Raylean. Amid this harrowing turmoil stands Theo, a young and unsuspecting 18-year-old, burdened by haunting fragments of a past he cannot recall. Plagued by mysterious flashbacks and enigmatic visions, he finds himself thrust into a treacherous journey of self-discovery. As Theo unravels the secrets of his origins, he becomes entangled in a perilous web of intrigue, danger, and ancient prophecies. _________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover. If you are the artist and want it removed, please contact me and I will do so.

Mystic_Ravenwood · Fantasie
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22 Chs

"An Unexpected Situation"

Scanning the crowded cafeteria, Theo couldn't spot Aiden or Jack anywhere. The bustling students made it hard to navigate through the line, but some high-ranking students broke through, yelling at everyone to move aside. Among them, he noticed the guy he had punched earlier in the day. Not wanting to cause any more trouble, Theo grabbed his food tray and hurried ahead, hoping to find a seat in peace.

Finally settling in a quiet corner, Theo started to savor his meal when Bryan, the second person he had fought, approached him with his tray and sat opposite him. "Why are you sitting all alone in the back?" Bryan asked, making himself comfortable.

"No particular reason," Theo replied calmly. "It just happened to be the best available seat at the moment."

Bryan wasn't convinced. "I noticed you were sitting alone in the first class too," he said, taking a bite of his food.

Theo rose his eyebrow in suspicion. "I was just curious about you," Bryan explained, hoping to diffuse any tension.

Bryan's unexpected friendliness caught Theo off guard. After all, they had just fought, and Bryan had lost. But instead of holding a grudge, he seemed genuinely interested in getting to know Theo better.

"Shouldn't you be harboring some resentment towards me after the loss, instead of being curious?" Theo asked, still unsure of Bryan's intentions.

"Nah, that would be petty and childish. A loss is a loss, no matter what the reason," Bryan replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"So, what else do you want?" Theo asked curiously, wondering what Bryan's motive was.

Bryan took a bite of his sandwich before answering, "During our fight, I could tell that you held back a bit, and you even forfeited the final round." He looked at Theo intently, trying to gauge his reaction.

"For the record, I didn't hold back during our fight, and as for Casper, there was no guarantee that I could have beaten him," Theo explained, trying to set things straight.

"Fair enough," Bryan conceded. "If it were me, I would avoid him too."

Theo checked his watch and realized that it was almost time for the next class.

"I have something to take care of, so I'll see you around," he said, getting up from his seat.

"See you later then," Bryan replied as Theo walked away. He decided to use the washroom before heading to his next class. Theo parted ways with Bryan. He wanted to use the washroom before the next class.

While Theo made his way back down the hallway, he stumbled upon a tense scene unfolding before him. Two individuals, a guy, and a girl, were engaged in a heated argument. From a distance, it was unclear what their ranks were, but it was obvious that the guy was harassing the girl.

"Hey, redhead. Wanna hang out with me?" the guy jeered, clearly attempting to ask her out.

The girl ignored him, clearly disinterested. But the guy wasn't willing to take no for an answer. He continued to pursue her, his tone becoming more aggressive with each passing moment.

Finally, the girl had had enough. "Get lost, you douchebag. Try hitting on someone else," she snapped, trying to walk away.

But the guy wasn't willing to accept rejection. His fury overtook him, and he attempted to attack the girl. He shoved her against the wall and grabbed her neck, clearly intending to harm her.

Theo was about to step in and intervene when the girl took matters into her own hands.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," she said, before delivering a swift kick to the guy's crotch with all the force she could muster. The guy fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

As the girl got up, she delivered a final blow to the guy's face, knocking him out cold. She fell to her knees, huffing and clearly shaken by the confrontation.

Theo approached her cautiously, intending to offer his help. But before he could even utter a word, the girl swung her fist in his direction, ready to attack.

Theo's quick reflexes saved him from being hit as he sidestepped the oncoming object.

"Whoa, easy there," Theo said, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace.

"Are you with him?" she asked.

Theo shook his head and tried to reassure her, "No, I'm not. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I don't need your help. Go away."

"Ok, relax. I am leaving."

Sensing her discomfort, Theo decided it was best to leave her be for the time being and went his way. But the woman remained wary and hesitant to trust anyone. Theo could tell by the way she kept glancing in his direction, even as he walked away from her.

Theo had some time left before the end of the break period and decided to explore the main campus building. Despite being a student there, he realized that he hadn't been given a formal tour of the campus.

As he made his way through the bustling hallways filled with students chatting in groups, he marveled at the sheer size of the building. It covered several thousand square feet and had a simplistic design with a big hallway in the center and a stairway leading up to the second floor.

Each side of the building consisted of two separate quarters, with several classes in each quarter. There were numerous research labs, but they were off-limits to students not enrolled in the corresponding departments.

"The library should be around here somewhere," Theo muttered to himself.

Just then, he saw a sign pointing down a hallway that read "Library."

He walked into the library, which was located on the bottom floor, and was amazed by the vast collection of books on topics such as Psionyx channeling and core expansion.

Just as he was getting lost in his exploration, the sound of the bell in the distance indicated that the break period had come to an end, and it was time for the second class to begin.