
Rise Of The Holy Fiend

Not my Cover Art Death to Hunters. Death to The Saviors. That is our goal and that is our mission, even if innocents must be killed in the process. They will all die. This is the story of Deus, a boy who watched as his village was massacred due to the neglect of the Hunters and the Saviors. His hatred for them runs deep and now his only goal is the destruction of them. He was taken into an organization as a young boy whose main goal is the destruction of society. With his system and his newfound powers, he plans to carry out his mission with his comrades. No matter the cost.

Samuel_Bell_1 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The Fiend Autocracy

So he continued, looking down and holding his face in one hand as if the details were too gruesome to remember.

"I couldn't even tell you if it was a boy or girl if you asked me. Everything was gone except for some bones, everything else was either eaten or burnt to ashes, what a poor fate. I could only wonder if it was killed by being burnt to death or having its throat ripped out."

He soon finished and when he looked back up Deus was no longer in the spot he was before. He was now on top of the Blue Flame Wolf, stabbing it repeatedly with a crazed look in his eyes.

He even ignored the continuous burns, his blood boiling, and his skin and flesh literally cooking from the flames that were always present on the wolf's body until it finally died.

'Perfect.' The man's face finally showed some emotion other than uninterest as he smiled at his actions, he then pulled Deus off of the wolf while he continued to fight even in his arms attempting to stab the man a few times, but the strikes didn't even damage his clothes.

He then stared at him. "Good job kid and sorry for putting you through that, just know it will all be worth it when you awaken, and one more thing…welcome to The Fiend Autocracy." At those words, his vision faded as he felt some pressure on his neck before going out.

In a lit-up room that looked like the inside of a cave, as the 'walls' were rocky, uneven, and rough in texture; the ceiling was rocky, but the floor had granite tiles, white, that were sans of dirt and grime. The tiles were polished to the point it felt like you would slip just from looking at them.

There were multiple beds lined against the walls in the room with medical equipment stationed by the sides of them.

In a corner of the room was a boy who only wore pair of cobalt blue underwear, he lay in a bed that was obviously way too big for him and black sheets that were also too big for him, it was meant more for an adult couple; a queen-size bed. To the right of the bed was an IV pole with an IV that was placed on the inside of his right elbow, this boy was obviously Deus.

After a few moments, he slowly started coming to, his eyelids moving up and down.

After his eyes fully opened and the cloudiness in them had dispersed, he was greeted by the rocky ceiling. He leaned his body up slowly, even though he had just woken up he felt as if he needed to rest just a little more, but he resisted the urge and begin examining the unfamiliar area he was in.

"Where am I?" Deus was riddled with questions as his thoughts started racing.

As he tiredly looked around the room he quickly became fully awake and an unknown feeling started pounding in his heart when he saw the unfamiliar environment around him; he couldn't recognize the feeling for some reason, nor could he remember much.

There were machines that beeped continuously around him, and beds surrounded the walls of the room with other children filling a portion of them while the others remained empty. The machines though are what captured his attention, they beeped in some weird rhythmic pattern that sounded so familiar to him, but he couldn't place his finger on what they reminded him of, but he knew it unsettled him deeply to a point it disturbed him, but he could not stop listening.

He sat there for a while.

He knew why he sat there, and what made him sit there. It was the rhythmic beeping; that rhythmic beeping was making him recall stuff, after listening to the beeping for a while the beeping started slowly fading away and was replaced with human noises, and he closed his eyes once more and just listened.

More specifically, he listened to crying.

The crying at first was just some indiscernible noises that he couldn't make out, but they became clearer when he closed his eyes and the longer he listened…and he regretted doing that. At first, it was just his sister weeping, and then one by one the voices of the people he had passed and ignored while trying to get away started appearing, and then his parents, and then everybody's voices.

'Stop…' He begged as he first tried to open his eyes, but they refused to open, then he tried to plug his ears, but the noise refused to be stopped as it continued, getting louder as if trying to tell him he deserved this. 'Stop.' Until it became so loud it became an ear-piercing screech that made him feel as if his head was being stirred with a heated spoon.

"Stop!!!" His eyes burst open as his body was violently launched off the bed when he opened his eyes.