
The Strange Cabin

Nylon spoke, " Thank the red sky you are alive. When the people came running form the direction Of which you took off from. They looked at use and where so happy that the help use and in doing so they lost so many and so did we. But thanks to there kindness we stayed ahead of the kaiju but this one was different from the ones we grow up fighting."

Kylin joined un with her shaky voice, " It was a lot smaller and it could run faster on 2 legs rather the moving slower. That was nit the only thing different. It had more then one mouth."

As they continued to described this Kaiju I was shocked. As i recalled the kaiju i saw was not the one that chased them. Not by a long shot. What shocked me the most was that the kaiju the described attack the one i saw. This scared me.

That behavior was that of the top kaiju, but that was not what scared me. the way the described it made it sound like a bronze tier star 1 monster and then one i saw was at lest a diamond tier star 5. that means this kaiju they saw was a cosmic tier. So that must mean the people of this town have a name for it but in order to understand it we would half to learn their language.

This took about to months for me to learn so i could just ask them the name of there cosmic but when i asked i them what the kaiju that attacked them name was they said it was named Akuma. Then i asked them if that was their cosmic. Again in this foreign land i was hoping that some things where the same. Their danger system was a bit the same so they knew what i was asking, however They said that Akuma was not the cosmic but had killed the cosmic. then they had said that it was not even an equal fight. Akuma had won the battle but had no scratch or dusk on it. Then they said if i had wish to know more i would have to go south from our groups hut and walk 2 Kilometers to the elder' s house.