
Rise Of The Fallen God

If I were to mention one significant lesson history taught me, that would be about how individuals rise and fall. But what if you were always at the top and then fell to the lowest? How would that feel? …Terrible, I know. This novel follows the journey of a god named Eros, who was betrayed by his kind out of envy. How would he adapt to his current circumstances? And what steps would he take to rise beyond his former glory? *** Good day, fam. I hope you read it and give feedback so I can better myself. And in case you did not take the hint, this is going to be a story with harem as the major plot. You can use My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires plot to picture how this is going to be, though less. Thanks and the cover photo isn't mine. If you are the owner or you know the owner, then please contact me. Thanks, again.

Believer_X · Fantasie
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8 Chs


Who would believe a god could release such a dump? Even if I were to say it myself, no one would believe it. 

After successfully getting over one of the worst phases of my life, I headed to continue my search. The living room had no more clues about this world, and I don't think the kitchen would hold any vital information. So I had one location left to inspect—what could possibly be my parents' bedroom.

The room had more furniture, so the search took time. At least, I was able to come out with something. There were old newspapers and some metallic currency. 

The newspaper did not say anything different from the political state of the city and some other random headlines. As for the metallic currency, I could tell it would be useful at a later date.

It was time I stepped outside. I couldn't stay hidden in fear of people sensing something off. Back when the visitor had come, I could clearly understand his language, and he also understood mine, so communication shouldn't be an issue. As for acting weird, I can use my parents' death as an excuse. I just have to stay quiet and melancholic. 

After coming up with a plan of action, I headed to freshen up before coming to pick the nicest clothes I could find. Well, though they were the nicest currently available, they still looked like trash. But what other choice do I have?

My body was still shriveled, but I'm sure it wouldn't matter much. It could even help to spice up my play. However, I need to get myself in good condition.

On my way out, I discovered a bowler hat which I happily put on even though it didn't rhyme with my shirt and pants.

"Ha… hopefully this turns out perfectly…" I said to myself, also checking how my voice would sound. This time it came out less husky. Maybe it came out weird before due to how long I had stayed quiet or… hunger. 

"Why am I bothering over these small things?" 

Twisting the door handle and pulling, the sun rays hit my face only excluding parts like my forehead due to the hat. Despite the creaking of the door, no attention was attracted. It was to be expected since the road was still bustling, while vendors fought to market their goods.

"This is awfully convenient," I said, pressing an arm on the hat to mask my sunken eyes. After that, I started my journey to an unknown destination. It was just to observe the situation of the city wherever my legs could take me.

"Hey, Vincent," A voice came from behind. 

The name was familiar, but I didn't bother turning, only to get caught by the shoulder seconds later. 

"Are you alright?" 

Now I couldn't ignore her anymore so I replied, simultaneously turning to meet the stranger. "I'm good, what of you…?" Not knowing how to address the person I paused.

She was an elderly woman with wrinkles all over her face. Her hair was covered with a cloth, while her eyes shone with concern.

"I saw the news…" She paused. "I wanted to pay a visit, but I felt you needed space to mourn their demise."

While saying all this, her eyes were still unfocused. But the moment she saw my face, her eyes widened in horror.

"Oh, heavens! What happened to you?!" She said in an alarmed tone.

"I'm fine," I tried to calm her down before she drew more attention to us.

"Come over here!" She said, dragging me to a table with apples strewn all over its surface. "Take this… You need it."

Though I was still new to this environment, I felt she wasn't in a position to give out this much, so I wanted to refuse, but my instinct told a different story. Slowly, I extended my hand towards the nylon she offered, bowing several times before walking away.

'I would definitely repay this kindness…' I thought, imaginary, hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

Despite my haste to find a perfect location to consume these apples, I could not help but analyze the newfound information. Supposedly, this body belongs to Vincent, the son of Mister and Missus Hester. In summary, I am now Vincent Hester.

How hilarious, I didn't even know my name until now.  Well, it can't be helped, I'm just a… broken guy.

I continued to move farther away from my residence as I took down notes of the area. It didn't take long until I came by an alley. The apples were talking to me at this moment, and I didn't mind responding.

"Ahh… so delicious!" I exclaimed as I relished one of the red apple's taste. It was juicy and squishy to the mouth, so I didn't rush to swallow.

Somehow, I couldn't compare the taste with those I ate in Elysium and I felt it was due to body change since this was a biological need.

After eating the last apple, I exited the alley into the fresh air from the environment. Not too fresh though, since it was choking. Well, I would say it was better than the air in the alley.

As I positioned myself to move further, I sighted a sheet from the corner of my eye. It was stuck to the wall like an advert inviting people to see. 

"What's this?" 

I moved closer, tracing my fingers through the text. "Exploration To The Daunting Cave," I muttered. 

Why would a place be named "Daunting Cave"? It looked weird. 

Slowly, I shifted my gaze further down until I came across a picture. Clearly depicted in the sheet was a cave-like structure with only the entrance visible. It was like the interior was underground. I also saw names of creatures that could be found in this "Daunting Cave" listed below, and the funny thing is that I could actually recall some of them.

"Fallen races…?!" I muttered.

Pulling down the post, I pocketed it, immediately retracing my steps to the residence.

This was a big discovery for me—one that could help me cultivate my strength.

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