
Chapter 70. Looking for Info on the Final Round

Amon left and headed directly back to the Lin Estate. He saw Lin Guo come to his side when he left the White Cloud Estate. Amon let the man accompany him. Lin Guo only left after seeing Amon entering the Lin Estate.

When Amon came near where his housing complex was located. There seemed to be a crowd by the entrance. One of the people in the crowd saw Amon and immediately shouted, "There you are! You ungrateful Lin backstabber. You still have the face to return to the Lin clan? This place does not welcome you. Begone from here!"

The speaker was a middle-aged auntie with thick make-up. Amon had no idea what the bitch was spouting. Amon stood there with folded arms and waited for them to explain.

"Oh? Look at him! He still dares to act as if he owns the place? How about we teach him a lesson and show him that the Lin clan is not a place he can do as he wishes?" The auntie exclaimed.

The others voiced their agreement and surrounded him in an intimidating manner.