
Rise of The Baba Yaga ( A Highschool DXD fanfic )

Baba Yaga, the Boogeyman, an entity that haunts the dark forest, and devours children offered by its worshipers in exchange for riches and other earthly pleasures. It was a false Deity, an evil God. But unlike most Gods, Baba Yaga cannot exist in the physical world, it needs a host. This will let it interact with the physical world and allow it to devour the offerings its worshipers offer to it. For Centuries, countless children were sacrificed to allow The Baba Yaga to walk on this world. But for the first time, the sacrifice failed. The cursed child slaughtered everyone near him, and it left him with his memories erased. The cursed child woke up, in an abandoned cabin in the woods surrounded by rotten corpses, knowing only his name. " Cyka blyat! What is this bullshit! " The cursed child now named Nikolai Volkov cussed at the situation he is in. What happens next was unknown to him, but he guessed it was going to be alright. It was good being optimistic. I do not Own Highschool dd, but I certainly own my Oc.

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34 Chs

Chapter 11

Things calmed down after ten minutes of inquiring them how " these " changes took place. The answer they gave was that a voice told them.

" What kind of voice? " Nikolai inquired, to which Artom cleared his throat and tried to mimic a deep and creepy voice that sounded very familiar to him.


That sounded very familiar to the voice that was ever-present in his head.

" We still have our wings! " Igor chimed in as he displayed a pair of crow wings on his back, which was folded in a way that it was virtually flat on his back. Once unfolded, the wings grew more than twice Igor's height.

Artom also soon followed and revealed his pair of black wings. " But there's more Papa. " they practically dragged him out of his bed, and then outside the cabin and he offered no resistance.

" There's more? " What more changes did they get, and why did he not get any of those changes?

Once outside, the two naked twins stood a few apart from each other and then looked at their father, who had no idea what to expect.

With what seemed like a whirlwind of black feathers, his two children morphed into humanoid creatures, with a raven's head, a pair of black wings, talons for feet and black feathers covering their bodies.

His children got the better end of the ORCISH PHYSIQUE than him and they look pretty cool.

" How do we look, Papa? " Igor asked with excitement. " Do we look cool? "

Nikolai took a critical view of their forms inspecting their wings, beaks, talons, feathers, and muscles. After a few minutes of inspection, he gave them his seal of approval.

" I will give you both a coolness level of seven out of ten. " Nikolai gave his honest opinion.

" Heh? Why seven Papa? " Artom asked a little dissatisfied with such a low level, he expected a ten out of ten.

" Well. " Nikolai began, " Despite this monster form, you are still the same height as your human form, not to mention you have no muscles and don't know to even fight. You don't look threatening and scary. "

" Oh. " Their spirits were dropped low at such a review from their father, but they immediately perk up at what he said next.

" But with proper exercise, training and probably some magic, you would two would become the scariest monsters in the world. "

Their spirits were again lifted, higher than ever before. " Even scarier than that Dragon Papa? "

" Well of course. " Nikolai chuckled, " I can already picture that day when you two will stand on top of that Dragon's corpse. If it was still alive, we would have got dragon meat. "

" Yeah, with that size it would last for a year. " Igor added, which erupted a mutual laughter, but honestly if that dragon wasn't an undead, they would surely harvest the meat.

' I wonder what dragon meat tastes like? ' The same thought came to all three of them.


When the first training day came, Artom and Igor were up and ready even before the sun had decided to peek from the horizon.

Nikolai then asked them about what path, they choose to go through. Artom chose the path of a warrior, while Igor chose that of a mage.

Nikolai was mainly a warrior by trade, and magic is not something he dabbled too much on. So training Artom was going to be easier than Igor.


And there seemed to be a lot of blessings for these two today. For the past two years, these two had helped him a lot in hunting and a lot of unfortunate souls have been given as tribute to him. And with that many souls, he could give them his entire arsenal of acquired weapons and skills.

" I hope you know how to use UNDEAD WILL. " I asked and on receiving a nod of affirmation, he told them to activate it and keep it active.

Once their bodies began to relax, and their faces unreadable, he knew were in Undead state. So he immediately allowed the mist to do its thing.


The following blessings were given to both Artom and Igor:

1. Sword

2. Bow and arrow

3. Sledgehammer

4. Round shield

5. Axe

6. Dane Axe

7. Chains

8. Curse: GRIP



11. Passive: BLOODLUST

These were a lot of blessings to be received and he did not want to give them everything all at once, as it might cause some problems, so he gave two at a time.

Artom was happy, like very happy. It was time for him to get to use weapons like his father. He would be very happy just to even get a sword, or a knife but instead, he got everything!

" YAHOO!!! "

But Igor did not share that sentiment, his dissatisfied face was clear as the blue sky.

" Something wrong Igor? " Nikolai asked, to which Igor gave an answer he had already expected.

" But I don't want to be a warrior, I want to be a Mage~ "

" I know Igor. " Nikolai placed his hand on his head, " But you do know that I have a limited arsenal of spells I can give you. "

" I know~ " Igor replied sadly, he also knows that fact about his father.

Seeing the sad look on his son's face, made his heart bleed. But he had a way to cheer him up.

" But you know if we get strong enough, someday we could kill that Dragon. Then I can let my mist devour it and we can get some really cool fire spells and skills. "

The two children immediately went into daydreaming mode and imagine themselves in some interesting scenes.

Igor imagined himself breathing fire from his beak, burning all the enemies that were rooted to the ground with the GRIP curse, or hurling balls of fire, causing explosions and so much more.

Artom imagined himself wielding a fire sword! it was such a cool scene, there was also a possibility of shooting fire arrows, or maybe swinging a blazing sledgehammer, or throwing a flaming axe and so much more.

They were immediately brought back to reality as Nikolai ruffled their hair, " But first I have to train you two. "


Since then five months had passed by. Every day that passed by was the same, but it was not boring per se.

Nikolai was very strict when teaching them. His two children followed their father's timetable religiously, to become just like Nikolai. They join hunts as a family, trained together and spared each other.

Nikolai had imparted his skills in combat to his children and they took it in like fish in water. In the future, they could even surpass him in this field.

They were very creative in using what they have and some were downright genius.

Artom was a gifted warrior, he was already good with the sword, round shield, axe and sledgehammer. He had even managed to surprise him with his skills in spars.

Igor was very intelligent and creative, they knew that. He was proficient with the bow, and chain, as long-range combat was his preference. His creative mind led him to develop a new way of fighting using Curses.

He used the rules of the application of curses to his advantage, by that knowledge he implemented his style of Curse combat, by applying curses with the help of the weapons. As curses need physical contact to propagate and the mist is somehow a part of them, so any contact it made the curse could be applied.

Artom and Nikolai spend more time training their bodies and improving their combat skills. While on the other hand, Igor spent more time increasing his magic power capacity so that he could use curse magic longer.

Nikolai's heart was filled with pride, ' Is this what a father feels, when seeing their children become this good at something and following his footsteps? '

He even shed a manly tear as he saw his two children sparing at a distance applying whatever knowledge he had given them, while also applying their own.

Once their spar was done, he informed them that it was time for dinner. They changed to their human form and dashed to the kitchen.

" The last to reach the kitchen washes each other's bowl. " Artom declared as he entered the cabin with a laugh.

" That's not fair! " Igor complained.

" All is fair in food and war! " Artom declared from inside the kitchen, " And I won! "

" Papa! " Igor turned to his father, "That's unfair! "

His father however had more important issues to take care of.

' They need new clothes, armour and most importantly a haircut. '


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Again thank you all for reading this story, sorry for the late release and as usual please leave a comment, review and a power stone or two to encourage me.

See you in the next chapter.