
Rise of Power: Journey of Kingdoms

In a world where the strength of a knight is determined by their mastery of unique breathing techniques, transmigrator Ethan finds himself inhabiting the body of Ethan Darkwood, a newly crowned king of a weak kingdom. With memories of his previous life, Ethan must learn to navigate this strange medieval world while trying to understand his new identity. The kingdom of Verdant Vale is on the brink of collapse, plagued by internal conflicts, external threats. As the young king, Ethan is initially overwhelmed by the enormity of his responsibilities and the intricacies of the medieval political landscape. His saving grace is the discovery of a mystical system that would help him and his kingdom grow stronger and become more powerful. As he grows stronger, he begins to turn the tides for his kingdom. He introduces revolutionary laws, leads his knights to victories in battles, and fosters alliances with neighboring kingdoms. The once crumbling kingdom of Verdant Vale starts to flourish under his rule. As Ethan Darkwood charts his journey from a transmigrator to a beloved and powerful king, he redefines the concept of strength and leadership in the vast medieval world. With his kingdom building system, he not only saves his kingdom from ruin but also leaves an indelible mark on the annals of its and the world's history. ------------- My 2nd book: Legacy of Eldric.

Warrior_Blade · Fantasie
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165 Chs

Chapter 19


  A few minutes passed, and Ethan stood before the fifty soldiers, his gaze steady under the weight of their unsure stares. Silence blanketed the area, broken only by the soft murmurs of talk among the men and the distant echo of the town's activity outside. Ethan cleared his throat, immediately drawing the attention back to him. 

"Men of blackthorn," he began, his voice filling the air with its resonating strength. "I am sure you are aware of Blackthorn's incorporation into Verdant Vale. You are at a crossroads now, with a choice to make. You can join the ranks of the Verdant Vale army, or you can choose to live a civilian life. The decision is yours and yours alone. There will be no coercion." 

His words hung in the air, a silent invitation to choose their destiny. A few minutes passed as the soldiers considered their options. Five men stepped forward; their faces resolute as they chose to leave their lives as soldiers behind. Ethan watched them leave without a trace of resentment in his eyes. "The choice is yours to make," he had told them, and he respected their decision. 

They bowed and left. Turning back to the remaining men, Ethan flashed a proud smile. "I commend each of you for choosing to stay and fight, to rise to the challenges that lie ahead. Your fighting spirit does you honor." 

He began to introduce the two knight orders - the Dragon's Fang, and the Dawnbringers. He explained their roles, their privileges, and their responsibilities. Excitement rippled through the room as the men listened, their faces lit up with anticipation and shock as the thought rocked them that Verdant Vale sent only one Knight Order to take a kingdom, not even using their full strength. 

But Ethan knew he had to temper their enthusiasm. Not everyone would make the cut. "I want you to understand," he said, his voice serious, "that not all of you will be able to make it to these orders. Those who don't will be asked to do other jobs or serve as regular guards." He remembered the incident from a few weeks ago when some men failed to meet the standards of the orders. The idea of a 'normal guard' had been conceived then, a role that carried fewer privileges but also lesser expectations. "You will be tested in the coming weeks and then will be incorporated into the orders as they see fit." 

The men were left in a state of uncertainty, their minds buzzing with thoughts and questions. Ethan left it to Asher to handle the rest, dismissing the soldiers with a nod. He turned to Asher; his gaze thoughtful as he shared his plans for the mount. "I was thinking on taming a few mounts for the soldiers, each knight order will have a specific type of mount, what do you think?" Ethan asked. "It is a wonderful idea, but I think We'll need to discuss this with Magnus and Rowan once we are back in Verdant Vale," he said, "I believe they will have valuable insights to contribute." 

"Very well, it seems I was too hasty." 

"Forgive me if my judgement has offended you Your Majesty." "Nonsense I wouldn't have talked with you if I didn't want your advice Uncle.' Ethan replied satisfied. 

Their conversation was interrupted by the all-too-familiar sound of the system. 


==========  Quest: 

Hidden Mission Completed: Conquer your first kingdom 

Reward: Lord Guardians Cloth 



Ethan's eyes widened in surprise as the system revealed a hidden mission to him. He hadn't known that such things existed. The reward for this task was armor, something that seemed disproportionately grand for the task at hand. What type of armor could be so valuable as to warrant conquering a kingdom? 


He looked at the armor description and was left confused. 



Lord Guardians Cloth 


Description: The Lord of the 12 Guardians Cloth, it can harness the power of the 12 cloths to be used as its own. The 13 cloths make up the whole set. The Lords Cloth can take control of the 12 Guardians cloths, those that are wearing the cloths must be 100% loyal to the Lord Guardians cloth owner to be used. 


Type: Growth-type armor 


(The 12 Cloths can only be found for completing hidden missions) 




He was utterly confused by what was given. 'How is this anything commendable, it doesn't even have a proper description. The only thing I know is that it is a lords Cloth and is a growth type armor.' He mused in frustration. 


He summoned the armor, his curiosity piqued. He was overwhelmed at the sight of the magnificent armor. 


The armor, pristine white as though sculpted from a slab of the purest marble, radiated an aura of majesty and divine elegance. It was a breathtaking mix of artistry and practicality, with a design that was as much about form as it was about function. It was molded to perfection, around the curves and muscles, and looked as if it was a second skin to the wearer. 


The armor was adorned with a cloth of the most brilliant gold, a material that seemed to have captured the essence of a thousand sunrises. It draped over the armor, cascading down in a waterfall of shimmering fabric. The cloth was woven with intricate patterns, each thread a testament to a master weaver's skill, shimmering in the sunlight with a life of its own. It gave the armor a regal appearance, something much more than mere battle gear could ever hope to achieve. 


Where the white armor was a symbol of purity and strength, the golden cloth was a declaration of prestige and power. Together, they formed a harmonious ensemble, a testament to the wearer's valor and nobility. 


"Well for the looks alone it was worth it" Ethan laughed dumbly as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. 


Days rolled by in anticipation of the arrival of his people and his Butler, William. Ethan filled his time cultivating his abilities. It was a peaceful routine, one that brought him both strength and solace. 


Finally, the day arrived. The people he was waiting for, farmers, blacksmiths, tamers, and other artisans, made their way into Verdant Vale, escorted by a knight captain from the Dawnbringers. They were a sight to behold in their silver armor and silver cloth. 


After welcoming them, Ethan turned his attention to William. "We need to discuss the kingdom's affairs," Ethan said, his voice filled with the weight of their responsibility. "We need to improve the quality of life for the people, create a sustainable way of living, I want it to be exactly as how our capital does it. No excuses." 


William nodded; his eyes serious. "Yes, your Majesty. As we were traveling, I was reading the reports and now that I see it for myself there is indeed much to do. I suggest we focus on our agricultural sector first. If our people have enough food, they can focus on other aspects of life. The farmers that have arrived should be put to work immediately. They can help in improving our current farming techniques." 


Ethan agreed, "That's a good start, William. I will say it now since everyone is here. I want them to help better the land and its people. If they can take in disciples or apprentices, it's even better. I want our techniques to spread throughout our kingdom. And what about our blacksmiths and tamers?" 


"The blacksmiths can start by improving our tools and weapons. Better equipment will increase efficiency and safety. As I see it, other than the sturdy armor, Blackthorn has not delved into any other weapons or tools and as such our tools are crude and not worth mentioning. The tamers, on the other hand, can start by training the livestock they already have and other beasts of burden. This will aid in transportation and hauling goods. I would suggest that your Majesty refrain from using the special livestock in the town as it would attract unwanted attention and there are not enough forces to protect them." William suggested. 


Ethan nodded, "These are all great ideas, William. But what about our citizens? Their health? Education?" 


"We'll need to establish a healthcare system. We can have our healers and apothecaries set up a healer's guild. As for education, we'll need to build a school. We can start with basic literacy and numeracy for all," William proposed. 


"Good, be steady with the construction and such. We have time, I just want everything to be satisfactory. The academy will be called Blackthorn Academy which will be a branch of the Imperial Vale Academy. Make it so that the academy is of a slightly lower level and that the graduates of the town academies can come study further in the Imperial Academy." 


"I also want this place to improve its hygiene, just like our capital. Built showers and baths and toilets. This will take priority than education.;" Ethan said. 


Ethan felt a sense of satisfaction. They were on the right track. "Very well, William. I leave these matters in your capable hands. Keep me updated on the progress." 


William bowed, "As you wish, my lord." 


As Ethan watched William leave to execute their plans, he couldn't help but feel hopeful. They were building a better future for their people, one step at a time. And he was determined to see it through.