
Rise of Mana: Renewal of The Will

"I don't want to lose those who I hold dear" "No, not again! Not without a fight!" After desperately losing everything he hold dear in his past life, Matsuoka Masayoshi and later reincarnated Riku Kiesling determined to not repeat his mistake, and vowed to himself to resurrect his mother and regain his only family back, the one he holds dear, a bond he doesn't want to lose again.      In his path to regaining his mother, he has to study at Noir Alchemy Academy to find clues and ways to revive his mother because of the scarcity of knowledge he has. What will Riku unravel while studying at the Academy?... Will it be the inkling to save his mother?... Will it be the truth of himself?... Will it be revealing his destiny?... Or will it be the true intention of the inherited Book of Addranova?... But going through the Academy will put him into disputing his own discord within himself. Will his distrust in humanity he attained in his past life hamper him off to learn in a place full of students of his age?... Will saving his mother be the only thing he has to do?... And will his mother be the only thing he holds invaluable?... This will be a grueling path, that Riku has to face to find the purpose of his second life, his second chance. Will the guilt of his prior life deters him from going onward?... Will his resolution die down?... Or will he strive forward his to his goals with all his might and willpower?... Something he doesn't have in his repentant past life...

Storyteller54_ · Videospiele
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23 Chs

Chapter 05: Truth and Parting

After all of my efforts to heal Mom with my knowledge of science from my past life, I have failed to save her. I punched a wall in frustration, is there a way to save her?

    If I was more informed in Alchemy or try more than just 2 medications, at least there is a difference, it should have been some. Why, why am I so weak...

Mom saw me in frustration and tried to calm me down, Faie is on the roof weeping, even though, she doesn't want to be heard crying, we can still feel how sad she is.

     Faie comes down from the roof and I can see that her face is flushed and her eyes are red from crying. Mom hugged her, it's just so hard for the both of us to not able to save her nonetheless after all our efforts.

I do really think that her condition couldn't be fixed by Science but rather by Alchemy, but I just became a full-fledged, I'm still a young bud in this studies. I clenched my fist.

     What should I do... then Mom suddenly rubbing Faie's and my head, and smiled calmly, "I know it's hard for you to accept this, after all your efforts" she consoled

But then she straightened her face, "But don't say it was effortless, because all your efforts helped and affirmed me that I have you both in my short life. And I do appreciate all your efforts, nevertheless the result" she continued.

     "Maybe... this is the time I can tell you both what happened to me, what made me this weak..." she wondered. "Are you ready to accept whatever I told you?" She asked.

We both nodded, "Okay, a long time ago, in this Alha Village, there exist a very renown family of Alchemist, they're not only renown of their skill in Alchemy but their lineage is comprising of pure-blood powerful Alchemists in the past" she starts telling her story.

     "From that family, there was a girl that aspires to be just as wise as her parents. Her name is Yuvene Aurelius, my mother, and your grandmother. As time goes on, Yuvene become a very wise and well known Alchemist and starts her dream profession"

"But then, a Noble family decided to ask Yuvene's help to make their daughter Dahlia, to make Dahlia, a charm serum. The serum make someone falls in love with the user to charm the Crown Prince of Slaith of that time which Yuvene refused"

     "Hearing that, the Noble family was angered but then asked Yuvene to make Dahlia to be fairer with the help of Alchemy for the same reason, to allure the Prince and to make their Noble family connected to the Royal Family, and once again, Yuvene refused," she told.

"Why did the Noble family not hire another alchemist, there are tons of alchemists out there" I interrupted.

     "Why? Because she recovered and renewed the second princess, Teresa's face after getting bullied and harmed by the first princess, Firana, that's why the Noble family asked Yuvene to do the same thing to Dahlia. Not to forget, Yuvene is one with the Lineage of Iris" she explained.

"Lineage of Iris?" I frowned, "Lineage of Iris is the line of descendants of Iris, the granddaughter of Mana of Creation, Lilith, and Hoenhaim Aurelius, the First Alchemist" she exclaimed... "And Iris is the one who made the Flawless Marvel, the Avenberry Society, and the one that gained the trust of the Mana Chiefs" she continued.

     "Aurelius!" I was shocked, she smiled "Yes, Aurelius is my family name and that made me and you listed as the Lineage of Iris. The people with the lineage are bestowed with limitless possibilities in Alchemy, having more magic powers in them than the population, and able to make a pact with multiple Manas" she explained.

"What happened after Yuvene rejected them twice?" Faie questioned. "The Noble family expectedly furious of her denial, then they hired a witch to curse her and her offspring, to live in defects, frailty and short lives," she said

     "Yuvene was cursed and then weakened, thankfully she has her husband, and me, their daughter and we lived together until Yuvene dies, but the curse is inherited to her offspring, me and previously, you too" I was stunned, so that's what happened.

"Then I met your father, Arlin Kiesling, who is also listed in Lineage of Iris and an Alchemist from the same Academy as me, we studied, worked together. When he decided to marry me, my condition are revealed. But then he revised for a way to remove the curse" she explained.

     "Then?" I intervened. She smiles again, "He removed the curse but my conditions are already in a late state and can't be undone, but I was still strong enough to live, I was even still able in combat. But after you're born my conditions worsened and you're also born in frail condition" she stopped.

"What happened afterward?" I asked, mom's expression became heavy, "I can't tell you, yet Riku. I'm afraid you're not ready and I could believe that there'll be a way for you to know everything happened in the past without asking me, I'm sorry" she excused.

     "I understand, Mom" I asserted. I can't ask for what happened to dad, since it will sadden Mom, I won't ask any further. "Thank you, but as I told you, my condition and my death is to be expected, you don't have to blame yourself for what happened to me and your father, everything is happening for a reason," she said

... "You don't have to die, if there's a way to save you, I'll find it, even if I can't do anything now, I should be able to find some way to save you, whatever happens," I promised.

... "But Riku, my dear. I... already can see my death, I might not be able to wait for that long..." she saddened.

"Oh, don't you worry, you don't have to wait, could you two come with me? It's the ideal time for you both to know what's that coffin you always see" I said and both of them followed me to my lab where the CryoPod is located.

After we entered the lab, both of them sat on the chairs. "I want to introduce you, the CryoPod! I understand that your death is nearing, mom, but you don't have to die, and you might still see us both in the future" I said. They're contemplating.

     "One of my findings (well it's not mine, but it's the first in this world) is Cryogenic Sleep" I introduced. "What is it, Riku?" Mom asked.

"Cryogenic Sleep is solely sleeping in a cold temperature to avoid the body from aging, deteriorating, and keeping them from death. You just have to sleep in this pod, it's filled with Frozen Rain." I explained.

     "It's purposed to preserve someone,  precluding their death. By sleeping here, you'll be unconscious until a given time, without need for food and water. Though your body can't function and the sensation is the same as sleeping. I also added Chronicle Slab to keep the body in Time, so you maybe feel like just slept for a minute, but it's been years in reality" I continued.

     "So... I will find a way to save you... when you're sleeping... so when you open your eyes again, you can live normally..." I throbbed.

"That's why you said it's for the worst that could happen?" She asked, I nodded. "I see, you don't want to lose me that much, huh" she teased. She hugged me "I'm proud of you, I'm sure you can find a way to save me, I believe in you... until that time comes, I will wait and sleep peacefully," she said.

{Snowing, 30th | 1 MT | At the House}

     Gotta tell you, there is too much work to be done in snowing season, shoveling the snow, pulling out failed crops, making charcoal for the furnace, ugh, too much work. Did I sound like a grandpa for a sec there?

After we did all the work, mom called both of us. I don't know why, but she wants us to follow her to the library. "Maybe it's time for you to know this, Riku. Your dad actually left you a lot of things, the vastest one is this" she said while pointing on the bookshelves.

     "The library?" I frowned, "No, this..." Mom then pushed the most northeastern book that turns out not a book, it's a door. It revealed a door in the most left corner of the wall

"What is this door? I don't know it was here?" I'm stunned. My mom then made the sigil of the Lineage of Iris I saw on a book with her magic power with her pointer finger on the door and it opened to what seems like it's a Workshop.

     "Come in, Riku" she ordered. It's a wide room with a lot of books, synthesized items, and materials and something that looked like his diary and a thick Book with chains and gems surrounding the cover. I don't know why but I feel I'm attached to the book.

"Your father was going to give his Workshop for you, Riku, and maybe it's the perfect time for it. This is also where he finds his way to remove my curse, so maybe you can find something when I'm asleep. Use this place and items and material as you wish" she said.

     There are lots of things that I don't know, maybe here, all my questions could be answered and of course, I'm going to use this room for the research to save mom.

"Riku, this book... your Dad tasked me to give it to you, I don't know how to open it and I don't know its true objective, the thing I knew it, that it was his family's heirloom and its name is Addranova. It's your book, now, find a way to use it properly" she said.

And then she asked us to go to the living room. And begin to speak, "Riku, Faie, before it's too late to say this, I can feel my death is nearing. And before I go to sleep, I need to leave you some of my concerns, wishes, and warnings to you both" she spoke in a serious tone.

     "Firstly, Riku. You'll soon be 4 years old, I ask you to go to the Noir Academy. Even with all the books here won't be able to help you in your search, so I wish you to receive this, your dad actually struggled really hard to prepare for your tuition but he can't see you now, so at least don't make all the money he saved goes to waste" she said while handing me a bag of gold Coles.

"Second, I understand that you want to save me however you can, but I want you to set your own goals besides saving me that's why we wanted you to go to the Academy, make a lot of friends and achieve something greater, you already made me proud, so make you proud of yourself, so you don't have regrets in the end, Riku" she advised.

     "You have a lot of knowledge that I don't know and you can learn a lot of things, so wield it for other's happiness, help the people you hold dear, help those in need," she said.

"Faie-chan, my only wish, is for you to be happy, to be free, and to not underestimate yourself. You are powerful and you are kind. Please, help and treat Riku well when I go to sleep. Remind him to eat, rest and please accompany him in whatever conditions" she requested, Faie nodded, she sobbed again.

     "Riku, take care of Faie-chan. She may be your Mana but she is family to us both, protect her, keep her from harm, don't overwork her, and be with her when she's sad" I nodded.

After that Mom also gives us some warnings to be careful with the Noble families, of how we use Alchemy in public, Faie's conditions and powers, and bad people in the world. She also voiced her concerns with us.

     While we're sitting in our house, telling each other things that we want to say before her last days. Unbeknownst to us, someone in the village is planning a scheme and they spread disease within the village and planned to criminalize mom on it for hate and envy.

And not until later, we don't know what happened to the town or of the plague, since it's her last days, we decided to stay at home and be with her before she "sleeps".

{Snowing, 30th | 3 ET | At the House}

     It's New Year's Eve, usually, all of us goes to the town and enjoy the Festival of Starlite Eve, but Mom, she is definitely weakened in a faster fashion, we're really worried so, again we spend our moment of New Year's Eve in our humble home on the outskirts.

Talking about New Year in my last world, streets should be clamored with gleaming lights, couples dating, and families giving gifts to each other to say thanks for the good year they spent together *chuckles* something that I've never experienced before since I was so busy experimenting at work.

     When I recalling my past life, Mom comes to the living room with a gleaming smile and her two hands put behind her. *chuckles* I'm glad to have her as my family in my second life, thanks to her, I was able to experience things I missed in my past life.

Even though she will be much silent soon, I do feel blessed to have this family...

     I've never felt so warm in my heart. "So this is what a Family should feel like..." That's what I'm thinking in my mind now...

"Listen up, you two! I got gifts for you!" She cheered. Faie's face sparkled and I chuckled. She got Faie a tail accessory with handmade jewelry on it and Faie loves the design. It's shaped like a band accompanied by olive flowers with some gems on the center of the flower, Faie has always adored olive flowers.

     "And for Riku, I got you this..." She handed me a gift, it was a pair of glasses? Well, it looks like hers that she usually wears when she reads but with some gears on it?

"I got you a pair of Astralei glasses, it's a special pair of glasses made from a derivative recipe to my glasses, it can magnify everything you see if you turn the gears on the right side forward, and it will zoom in and if you turn the gears on the left side backward, it will zoom out, it's quite hard to make, you know" she explained.

    "And I made it so it can also tell you the danger level of a monster or a person in your sight... I made it because I know you have bad sight since you have read almost all the books in the library, I do notice that" she smiled.

"Awesome, it must be really hard for you to make this in your condition, thank you mom, and I will treasure this" I smiled.

    "You must! Since that will be my last gift until you wake me up in the future... I also make you both lockets with our family photo! So you can remember us together, even if you're both far from home and I also make it so it can absorb dangerous spells cast on you, so I can still protect you both even if I'm sleeping" She informed.

"You overdid yourself again, Mom. But we'll both treasure it" I commented. But soon after I said that she coughs heavily and she coughed some blood and she was fainting, we're shocked and we brought her to the bed.

     After she calmed down, we sit beside her bed until tomorrow...

{Winter, 01st | 1 MT | At the House}

After the night filled with fear and worries about her, we wake up in the morning of the New Year, she woke up soon after. She smiled and ruffled our hair a little.

     "It seems like I made you both worry again... Riku... I'm afraid, it's the time for me to sleep..." she smiled. My heart feels crushed, my body feels heavy. "Okay, let's go to the chamber, be careful, take it easy," I said.

We moved mom to the CryoPod, I also did a change on how it works, now, it doesn't spew out nitrogen, because I made a switch for it, so I can turn it on when she's already fallen asleep to prevent her feeling the freezing air.

     And I also made an item applied on the CryoPod that can make a barrier surrounding the Pod in case of someone breaching the house if I'm away.

Now, she's in the CryoPod, I'm glad that I have prepared for the worst. "Mom, take this pill, it should put you in deep sleep in 10 minutes, you shouldn't feel any frostbite or discomfort at all" I handed out the sedative.

She took it and drank it with water, and she relaxes and was ready to sleep. "Riku, Faie-chan, I'm really sorry to make you sad and grief this New Year. This might be a parting for us but it is not an end, you shouldn't be fogged by the grief of losing me, you have done what you can, I'm proud of both of you and I'm glad to have you beside me before I sleep" she has gently spoken.

      I cannot say anything, it feels heavy, I have never felt this sad... I gritted my teeth and gripped my fist and tears are already flowing from both of us, we're about to lose her, we're not going to be able to talk with her, eat with her, laugh with her, and suddenly all the memories in the house goes to my mind.

"Listen to me, both of you... Riku, please... take care of Faie, do not set your path to only save me, dream greater, achieve higher" she said. "Yes..." I answered while crying, why? can't I ... stop tearing.

     "Faie-chan, you know how hard-headed both of us is, so please take care of him, guide him, protect him accompany him while I can't... take good care of yourself," she said.

"Yes!" Faie cried heavily, her face was so red, even if she's a Mana, she's indeed a part of this family, so I understand she also feels this loss.

     She seems exhausted now, it's time... to part with her, until I find a way to save her. We both hugged her and she hugged us back.

"Smile, my child! Have a good life!" She said cheerfully.

    It's her last words she will say to us until I don't know when we can hear from her again. The last message that will be her parting gift to us, her family... to smile and to have a good life...

Then, I turn the Pod on and the nitrogen starts spewing out from the compartment. I also activated the Chronicle Slab, with this, time will stop flowing around the Pod, holding her and the Pod off of the flowing time outside it. I also turned on the Barrier, so to be safe.

      "Mom, this isn't a goodbye, we will find a way to save you, whatever it takes, so until we find it, please... sleep in peace... and wait for us..." I vowed.

I have made my decision, I will continue my research at home until I reach 4 years old, and after that, I will go to that Academy.

     Maybe it's the only way to even begin to get the hints to save her. "Faie, stop crying, we're going straight to Dad's lab, we'll start the research again!" I determined.

Faie was shocked but then she grinned and nodded. We left her and we both continued our research, still, without knowing what happened in the village and who tried to put a scheme on Mom.

     There's no time for grieving! Let's start the search again!

> End of Chapter

Heya, readers! It's me, Storyteller54_! Chapter 5 is here, gotta have to tell you guys how convenient is to have schedule. And I'm already writing halfway for the next chapter.

This chapter will really shows us that Riku is now a bit happier eventhough he'll lose his mom in this chapter, well along with bad things that will sever Riku with the Village.

Well, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter, and if you want to support this work, please vote me.

That's it, happy reading!

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