
Rise of Lycan King

I always heard be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

Dragonreed · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


/House-elves talking/

'Mind thinking'


^ Parcel tone^

[Wolf talking in the mind]

Harry looked at the things. The old man was showing him in shock. Some of the things were few old, but his magic was telling him it was a good deal. "OK, old timer, I will do it. Come show me where she is and get me all of that." Not letting the old man change his mind. Harry uses his magic to everything into his trunk around his neck. "You may call me Val Cardar. What is your name?" Harry looked at Val before thinking about his name. Harry Potter sounded too weak of a name out, so he decided to change it. "You may call me Harold Peverell. Mr. Cardar Now that you know my name. Can we go get your daughter. There were other slaves that I would need. Can you help me with that when we are done getting your daughter?"


Meanwhile, back on Earth. The Goblin King was having a bad day. He just learned of what happened to Harry Potter. To make matters worse, the young Potter. Was the true own of the land they lived in. It was found out that he was the magic heir of Arthur Pendragon. The International Confederation of Wizards (ICW) did not know who they were getting rid of. They were just trying to cover up a huge mess. King Agkor was trouble about what to do. When one of his subjects ran in with news. "Mx komf heququx pussiqu rsokk kotir. Wi hars cgicj gor kodi rsumi. Is rsokk ecsoti cas gor tiqux dequ evex. (My King Harry Potter still lives. We just check his life stone. It still active but his very far away.)" King Agkor smiled and laughed. He now knows what he can do. It will take some time, but Harry will be back home. To claim his inheritance. He could not wait to see the look on some people faces. When they find out.

Newt Scamander was a man on a mission. Walking into the main meet room for the ICW. Seeing a group had just finished telling their report. About get rid of the texts subjects. He went forward with his report. Knowing that heads will roll when it is done. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I come with good news and bad news. The good news is that we found out the identity. Of the experimental subject that escaped. His identity was Harry James Potter. He had full control of his gift. Through the examination we found out. He has completely destroyed the curse of the werewolf. He was a completely new type of magical werewolf. When asked what to call his new from of werewolf. He replied to call it Lycan as it was different from the cursed wolf. We know as werewolves. The bad news is that you threw him through the veil of death. Before I could report his results. I hope you all are ready for the fallout. Of this because it is not going to be pretty." Newt could see that Professor Dumbledore was already upset about what they did. Now, to find out his missing student was thrown away. He was moving out of the room as fast as he could. Just after he left the sound of a Cannon blast when off. Everyone turned to see who fired off the blast. An old goblin was sitting down with his hand in the air. He had a number of guards around him. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is King Agkor, the 6th. I am the king of all goblins. The young prince, Harry Potter, is still alive. We, the goblins nation, will follow him when he returns. That all I have to say." With that, he and his guards left the room. No one spoke and let what they just learned settle in their minds. While trying to figure out how the Goblin King got there. No, one knew how the King of the Goblins had gotten there.


Harry had just arrived at the slavery place. When he felt six lives that were about to die. Knowing that he has to speed up his plans to help Val Cardar and his daughter. He transformed into Lycan form. The shocked look of old Val face was funny. Walking in Harry looked for someone to talk to someone. A Zeltron female came up to him. "Hello welcome to Orlando Merck & slave. My name is Tinny. How may I help you?" She looked at old man Val. Laughing in her mind. The old man had broth in another one. She hoped for his sake that he had money. Taking a good look at who the old man brought in. She could not believe her eyes. Nothing she had seen before looked like this. "Tinny, I would like his daughter and that broken ship right there. How much is all of that?" Tinny looked at the ship and back at Harry. "One he has no daughter, two that ship will cost you one million peggat. I even add a ship builder with no charge." Harry did say anything just tossed a bag at her. Tinny could see the bag so heavy, and the look of his face told it all.

Afterward, she made sure all the money was here. "You can take the ship, but how will you move it?" Harry just walked up to the ship and lifted off the ground and started walking away. Good thing the shop had big doors to walking through. As for old man Val. He was on his own for trying to trick him. "Hey, wait for me." A young woman in her teens runs up to him. "My name is Sara, thanks for buying me. They almost put the slave chip in." Harry looks down at the young woman. "Come follow me, this is not the place to talk." After walking about ten minutes. They both stop in front of a wall with no door. Sara was about to ask what they were doing. When Harry said something, she didn't understand, and a door appeared. "Get in. We don't have much time." To Sara, his voice was deep and masculine. She moved in the yard quickly and watched him walk in with the ship.

After Harry put the ship down. He rests his defense around his yard and house. Looking at the young woman named Sara. He knew some things would have to be explained. "There are some people in the ship who are about to die. I have the power to save them, but it will come at a cost. They would become like me. So, before I do that, would you like the same gift?" Sara was in shock about what he just said. She didn't say anything for a few minutes. Watching him work. Walking up to him and the six dying people. "Yes, I would like the same gift." Not really understanding what the gift was. Knowing in her heart that this was something big and she wanted to be a part of it. Harry looked at her for a bit. Then, I smiled and continued to work. It took him ten minutes to get everything ready. Using his own form of shadow clones. He was able to seal the area so as not to be disturbed.

Taking a deep breath, Harry began to speak. ^ I Harry James Potter. Lord of the Ancient and Most Nobel Houses of Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Pendragon. Heir to the Ancient and Most Nobel House of Black and Flamel. Do ask magic to grant me this boon. To save the lives of these six people. I would offer them a chance to join my pack. I will be there, King and Alpha. They will be my pack and vassals. My magic will strengthen their magic and bloodline. Their magic will strengthen mine. All knowledge will be shared on the first change. So mote it be.^

Sara POV

I watch Harry say some in a language I did not understand. When he was done speaking. He bean to bit each of them one by one. Then he came in front of me. I smiled at him and let him bit me to. Then everything went black.


Harry watched as his new pack began to change. Knowing this is going to take some time. He sifted into his full wolf form. He lay his head on his paws and went to sleep. He had used a good bit of magic and needed to rest.

Meanwhile, on Coruscant, the Jedi Council was meeting. Having narrow down the location of the disturbance of the Force. "Masters found out that the disturbance is near Hutt space. We did find out that there was some fighting over an old ship. Nothing else was found. Whatever caused the disturbance. Keep it self hidden." The Jedi Council thought about what Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn said. Mace Windu knew a turn point had happened. Where for good or bad he did not know yet. That did not change the fact. The Shatterpoints he was used to seeing have all changed. "Meditate on this we will umm." Master Yoda said, and he dismissed everyone.

Black with Harry, a lot was going on. Even though he was sleeping. His mind was working overtime. Sorting through all the information. coming from all seven individuals. He was learning the use of the force. from both the Jedi's point of view as well as the Sith's point of view. A long with technical knowledge from Sara. While they got all his knowledge on magic. Three days later, Harry wakes up and looks at his pack. Knowing them better than a few days ago. They all were waiting for him to say something. [ I would like to welcome you all to my pack. You're the first to accept but not the last. I still feel the pull of the Goblet. So we need to move fast and find a way to my home world. You all may choose new names or keep them. A lot of time has passed since the six of you. We are actively working for your groups. I don't know the status of either group. We can find one while working on this ship. A question? If not, let get to work. Change back to your base from.]

Harry and his pack talked for a few more minutes. Before going their own ways. To find what they need for the ship. As well to find out more information about their groups. Harry and Sara walk toward a junk shop. "I got this, Harry. Hello there, my name is Sara. We are looking for hyperdrive. Do you have one?" Watto look at both of them. "My name is Watto. I have a few hyperdrives. What kind of hyperdrive are you looking for?" They booth look at him few a bit. "Kandosii-type hyperdrive and any part you got of the ship." Watto starts to sweat. Looking nervous. He knows that the Jedi has been looking for the same type of ship. "It I going to cast you extra. The Jedi has been asking around about that type of ship. I have a broken hyperdrive and parts of a Droid. 40,000 Peggat, not a cent less." Harry acted like he was pulling out the money from a bag. "Throw in the droids that carry it, and I'll pay you 50,000." Watto, take the deal and send them on their way.

Jaa Feles, his wife and daughter. Have been collecting information about technology, Jedi, Sith, and hyperlanes. They were taking their time enjoying spending time with each other. It had been a long time since they did that. With no war to run off, too. That and finding out more the one billion years. Has passed since their war. Put things in a different light. They did find someone to sell them some Beskar. Using the magic they learned from Harry. They were able to make more. Not that they tell anyone other than the pack.