
Chapter 5 Conspiracy Revealed

After reading it she was surprised none the less it is a report about Konoha village genius kakashi hatake at the age of 5 graduated, at the age of 6 he became a chunin and at the age of 10 he can become a jonin (but don't have enough qualification and merit) next is Minato namikaze at the age of twelve defeated group of jonin and chunin to save his girlfriend. And after reading all other record of genius she finally let down the paper with a sigh of relief looks like my child is not that much different he can be even called normal by these standard ha.. here I started to worry he may never get a wife haaahaaa.

When Haruo here her word he nearly smashes the teacup in his hand he was cursing inside his heart but don't dare to show it in front of his sister normal my ass I would not be surprised if he may become the next generation of ninja god. You haven't even let him fight and get experience under his belt and he is already strong enough to go with toe to toe with an elite jonin who knows what this child will developed into after experiencing the baptism of 3rd ninja war. Then look up see his sister smiling at him as if to say something about send kai to war, the more he look at her smiling face the frighten he became he didn't say anything for fear to getting beating it a pity such talents rotting in village then he remember something and become serious and another file has been handed to her it's about the Uzumaki clan to make sure that this village don't become to strong to threaten then all 4 major ninja villages has decided to destroy it.

If they don't participate then other 3 shinobi village will gain all the loots and benefits the attack will be launched next month.

After hearing it Aimi got serious but said something that surprise him to the core, and it was the question that Aimi asked him "are you sure that we are not used as a pawn here to deal with Uzumaki clan as you know Konoha is an ally but it is not the truth the ally of Uzumaki clan was senju clan which was annihilated in their own village if I am not wrong they leak the new of seals and their danger to outside world so they can get a breather according to reports this child kakashi father commit suite was Konoha white fang a kage level figure the Konoha must be at it's weakest right now in many years the new generation is developing and the has died or become weak .

Uzumaki clan is a clan known for seals but they can't not fight strong ninja in upfront battle as they need time for making sealing formula's so if they come out of their village to fight use they will be defeated easily unless they are waiting for ambush with everything prepared so the threat of Uzumaki clan is not great to as we has a lot of ways to deal with them but going to their village to kill them is like poking a hornet nest.

In my eyes the best thing is to make alliance with this clan to get their sealing formula which will help us with strong enemy like tail beast is the best option, after all 1 hokage wife was Uzumaki they must have nearly all the techniques of Uzumaki clan so they don't need a ticking time bomb who might make other villages stronger.

I am 100 % sure they must also had a member of pure royal blood Uzumaki with them so they can make their own Uzumaki clan by letting her fall in love and then she might help him master all the fuinjutsu techniques after all clan is gone only lover remains that is fighting the clan enemy and also with Uzumaki clan gone they will not have to worry about the nine tail being taken by them if they do something bad to their jinchuriki and angered the clan and the nine tail jinchuriki can be brainwash by them.

The more Haruo starts sweating Konoha is really bad take everything and when use value is over just destroy it. Then he remembers that the letter that states about the danger of Uzumaki clan has no sender name this must be Konoha conspiracy to kill the clan and reduce the power of all other villages at same time. Konoha this village looks and talk with sunny smile but who knows that there was a hidden dagger behind each and every one of those smiles.

I would like to go and have a meeting with muzukage are you and kenta coming with me, he looked at her sister wating for reply she nodded and told a Gard to bring kenta to muzukage office.

Then they both left to the muzukage building leaving our hero with the bunch of children's

Kia was struggling to not leave from this house, but he decided against it after all who know how he will be beaten by his mother for running away I am a adult man how can I endure mother spanking well it was not a total wate though I did get some information of what going on outside looks like third ninja war a already started wind and Konoha are fighting and rock and lightning are fighting.

Don't know which village hidden mist going to be facing soon any way he is not the ninja of hidden mist right now so he can rom outside and look for adventure that he longed for teehee I will just run from home and disguise a medical ninja to collect information and also improve my medical ninjutsu as I am currently lacking in it it need lot of practice and knowledge the last thing I need to do was to help both my parents to develop yin and yang seal similar to tsunade seal to store chakra and curse seal in store the nature chakra so they can enter sage mode as the only drawback of Orochimaru, seal was that he left his soul and I am only making a seal to collect natural chakra from nature and convert and transfer into my parents body with no side effect accept the appearance is more like covered with ice phoenix look because I used it was the only healing and body straightening chakra as water and ice logia don't have special healing and body strength and outside natural energy is to dangerous he doesn't want to take risk as very few people have survive Orochimaru curse mark.

As he was thinking few boys came to him challenged him for their love at first he was puzzled then he saw every girl from 8-14 was staring him like a wolf watching its prey it actually sends chills to his spine he never face this situation weather in this life or the previous life he never even seen a mirror in this life so he don't even know if he looks cute or handsome as for his mother words each child is the most cutest and handsome person in their parents eyes.

As he was thinking about it the boys started making small ring space on ground for fighting then a boy came to him start explaining the rules of the match, he was dumbfounded he didn't even agree to any of the match, and it became a tournament for defatting him and taking their likeable girls home.

And now here he is in the middle of ring and wating for the fight to start ready 3,2,1 fight. The moments the voice fell he run toward it opponent with speed of academy student as he is using gravity and supressing seal to maximum and the reason he is able to move is because he is using his more-more devil fruit power to make it easier to used and might help him in awakening it in future after all this fruit has a broken ability but consume to much stamina just think of using a s level justu with power of 100 time but chakra amount remain the same.

So as not to break the balance of the world the ability of more-more fruit was recruited here as he has to work hard and rise from 1–100-time power with his own effort it took him 7 years with both hard work and mentality perk to raise it from 1-67 time although he can enhance only one ability at a time either speed, power, chakra, or justu attack.

He was fighting and also gaining combat experience and learning to adjust very quickly thanks to tiajustu perk. It took him 4 minutes to defeat his 1st opponent 3 for next and time decreased to few seconds at the end of the spar the children watching were completely dumbfounded and he also gain his first Fanclub here. As only tiajustu was allowed so no other technique was used here this was his reason for quick victory.

As all this was going with our hero there was a emergency meeting taking place in muzukage office.