
Christmas Holidays

The next day after Charms class, Professor Flitwick told Art to stay after class. Confused on what was going on, Art sat down and waited for Flitwick to talk.

"Art my boy, some teachers have decided to give you some extra lessons to help challenge you. Your homework must still be done for other classes though, and we will be checking." Professor Flitwick said, with a stern gaze but Art could see a smile behind it.

Art was shocked but his face lit up. He thanked Flitwick generously and left the room.

So his extra lessons with Professor McGonagall and Flitwick started. McGonagall taught his more advanced Transfiguration, almost a 4th year level, which Art soaked up like a sponge. The harder the challenge the more Art seemed to enjoy himself. Flitwick also gave Art advanced Charms to learn, even showing Art proper Dueling edicate. Though these lessons now made his time at Hogwarts less boring, he still made sure to practice wandless magic and continued in attempting nonverbal spells. Art noticed he was still lacking a fundamental part of his education, Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Professor Quirell was timid and hardly let them do any magic in class which made Art resort to learning them on his own. Though he was able to do it, without practice on someone it wouldn't mean much in an actual fight. Art heard a rumor that Professor Snape wanted the Defence Against the Dark Arts gig but Dumbledore wouldn't let him have it. With this in mind, Art stayed after Potions class one day to talk to Professor Snape.

"What do you want Mr. Cason?" Snape asked, not looking at him and kept focused on the parchment in front of him.

"I was wondering sir if you…" Art started but Snape interrupted.

"I will not give you extra potions lessoned Cason, no matter how much the other teachers think you are a genius." he said coldly, giving Art a glance before turning back to the parchment in front of him.

"That wasn't what I was going to ask sir. Potions is one of the few classes that I am not bored with." Art said, getting Snape's attention.

"Then what do you want Cason?" Snape said, looking at Art now.

"I was wondering if you could teach me Defence Against the Dark Arts class."

Snape's eyes lit up before dimming down again. He sneered, "You have a teacher already, ask him."

"No offense to Professor Quirell but his class isn't… educational." Art camly said before continuing, "I would like to learn from you if possible."

Snape black eyes stared into Art's, making him feel like his thoughts were exposed.

"I will have to ask the Head Master… come see me after next Potions class." Snape said absently before turning back to the parchment in front of him.

Art gave his thanks and made his way to his next class.

Later that week in the Head Master's office.

"Head Master?"

Albus Dumbledore looked up and saw Professor Snape standing there. A smile lit up his face, "Ah, Severus. Come in, it looks like you want to talk about something."

Severus sat across from Dumbledore but didn't say anything for a bit. Dumbledore waited patiently while he sipped some tea.

"The Cason child has asked me to teach him Defence Against the Dark Arts." Snape said slowly.

Dumbledore's face dimmed after hearing that. He slowly stirred his tea with a spoon. "And you want to… but Severus do you think that it is a smart choice?"

Snape looked down at his hands before clenching them. "I know my past sins are something I can never make up for but… I owe the child at least this much."

"And when he finds out?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"We have years until that happens."

Dumbledore continued to stir the tea until giving a light sigh. "Take care of the boy."

Hearing this Snape stood up and walked out of the office. Dumbledore sat there, his face unreadable.

Art got some great news after his Potions class, that Snape was going to teach him but Snape had some conditions. He wasn't allowed to tell anyone, he was to call him sir or professor when speaking to him, and if he was ever late the lesson would be cancelled. Art eagerly agreed to all these rules. The lessons would be every Monday night at Snape's office.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick both continued to teach Art after lessons and much to their delight, he excelled at everything they threw at him. If he was stumped with a spell by the next lesson he showed them that he mastered it. Lessons with Professor Snape was strict and no fun and games. He started by seeing the spells Art knows and after showing him, Snape called them sloppy and weak. Art didn't retort and listened to what Snape said. Demonstrating how the right technique and movement, Art mimicked Snape and quickly felt a difference. The magic he used casting the spells was less than before causing Art to smile.

Soon Christmas came and Art headed home for the holidays. His teachers had given him lots of homework to do over the break and Snape told him to practice clearing his mind before bed. Although Art didn't know why, he listened to him.

Seeing his parents, Art ran up and hugged them tightly. Bella had tears in her eyes while Tim had a light smile. Leaving the train platform and getting into their car, Art started telling them all the amazing things he had experienced at school and how he was taking extra lessons because he was bored in class.

His parents were amazed to hear about Hogwarts and how magical it was. Bella loved the idea of making the ceiling reflect of sky outside like in the Great Hall. The three of them spent Christmas together, Art was surprised to find that he got a Christmas card from the Delacours. The picture was them standing in front of their mansion in the snow. They all looked stunning as the picture moved and they were laughing and waving at Art. Writing them back, he told them that he had started his year at Hogwarts and that he hoped to see them during summer vacation. Christmas day came and the three of them exchanged gifts. It was peaceful and helped Art unwind and clear his head.

When Tim asked Art to spar he shuddered. He hadn't practiced since he left for Hogwarts and he knew Tim was going to kick his ass. As predicted, Art found himself on the ground and covered in bruises.

"You learn magic so you quit training?" Tim asked, frowning and clearly upset. Art was too gifted to let his talent go to waste.

"I'm sorry. I will start training again." he promised before brushing himself off.

Amelia came over and gave Art a scolding for not writing to her which he found himself apologizing for. He gifted Susan a gaming console which she squealed with delight at. The rest of the holidays passed quickly and Art soon found himself on the Hogwarts Express back to school.

The school remained unchanged as he entered the castle. Fred and George were already back and causing trouble. Stealing food from the kitchens, much to the annoyance of the house elves. The new term soon started and Art was back in classes. His extra lessons seemed more difficult than before and Snape was pushing him harder than before. Art took it in stride and pushed himself harder to improve. He made sure to take an hour everyday to work out and practice hand to hand combat so he wouldn't get beaten down so hard by Tim next time they fought.