Well, it's an SI in A Song of Ice and Fire, set in the time of Old Valyria. Read or don't. I may or may not update, we will see... As always, I don't own shit from A Song of Ice and Fire, but the characters I made up. The Universe and everything belongs to George R. R. Martin.
The feeling of flying on Ancalagon again was indescribable for Kaelarys. The wind that rushed past him, the powerful flapping of his wings that parted the air. It was the pure freedom he had longed for so long, unconcerned about who would see him.
Ancalagon had grown to such enormous proportions in the centuries of his life that even other dragons seemed like mere birds fluttering in the sky compared to him. Humans were no more than dust motes, tiny figures barely visible from this height. Ancalagon was a living catastrophe, a walking volcano. His fire was so mighty that it could boil the earth and was able to devour entire fleets in a single breath. It was no exaggeration to say that Ancalagon was the epitome of all terror in this world.
But he had to admit that the sheer size of Ancalagon sometimes caused him some difficulties. He had grown so gigantic that Kaelarys had a hard time finding his way around on his back, let alone keeping an eye on the entire landscape below him. But Kaelarys would not be the man he was if he had not found a way to solve this problem.
He had experimented for a long time, made many attempts, until he finally discovered a method by which he could see the world through Ancalagon's eyes. It allowed him to connect with the mind of his dragon.
Kaelarys closed his eyes briefly, let the wind swirl around him, and concentrated. Suddenly his perception shifted, and he saw the world as Ancalagon saw it.
The rugged mountains, the forests that lay like carpets of green needles below them, the seas that stretched into the distance. Everything was bathed in a different light, in colors and shapes that only a dragon could perceive. It was overwhelming.
It was quite similar to warging, but different. He did not lose himself in Ancalagon or take on his characteristics, but only saw through his eyes.
Kaelarys was on his way to Essos, or more precisely to Astapor, the jewel of the Slave Masters when it came to slave soldiers. His thoughts were focused on the coming battle and the strategies he had already set in motion. The flames of war were already blazing, and he would see to it that they engulfed the entire bay.
Volantis had raised a new army in a few months to help him conquer the cities of Slaver's Bay and dominate the area once and for all. The tiger faction of Volantis had raised their war flags, but this time they were being waved for him.
But Kaelarys had long since taken the first step. New Ghis, the proud island city in the south, was unable to send help to the other cities.
Weeks ago, he had set up a strict blockade that closed off the Gulf of Grief and the harbor from New Ghis and cut off all trade routes. No ship could enter or leave, no slave traders, no supply fleets. Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen, the three proud slave cities, were trapped like rats in a cage.
But even though his destination was Astapor, Kaelarys decided to fly a longer route and headed first for New Ghis. The island city had been of enormous strategic importance to the Summer Sea since it was built, and gaining control of it was strategically important.
The city was in a position to dominate access to the bay and to the neighboring trade routes.
Its ports, infrastructure and location made it valuable. He did not like the idea of conquering and destroying it with fire and blood. Incorporating the city into his empire in one piece was much more valuable.
Ancalagon soared through the air like a huge shadow and the distant walls of New Ghis soon came into view.
Kaelarys held tight to the saddle as Ancalagon swept across the sea with even flaps of his wings.
Kaelarys flew lower, the blinding sunlight reflecting off Ancalagon's scales. Like an all-consuming shadow, he sailed over the city, so close that the guards on the walls sank to their knees in fear. Below, chaos reigned - people ran through the streets, unsure of what to do, looking up at the mighty beast with terror and fear.
Ancalagon let out a deep, rumbling roar that echoed through the city like thunder breaking from the heavens. The New Ghis fleet had already been destroyed, and the citizens knew this all too well. There was no escape.
Kaelarys pulled Ancalagon back into the air and he followed his command.
The wind whooshed around his ears as Ancalagon spread his wings wide and soared into the sky, the coast of New Ghis quickly disappearing behind them. His next target lay further to the northwest.
It was just a warning of what could come. The city had a chance to surrender, and Kaelarys hoped they would be wise enough to take it.
There would be no second.
Kaelarys entered through the wide opening of the war tent, the light fabric flapping in a gust of wind as he entered. Inside the tent was a massive wooden table on which lay a large map of Astapor and its surroundings, although it wasn't much.
As soon as Kaelarys entered the room, the generals and officers who were already assembled knelt on one knee. In one movement, they took the fist of their right hand into their left, a gesture of respect and absolute loyalty. Their eyes were fixed on the floor.
"We salute the Emperor!
"Stand," he commanded, striding into the room to the sound of armor rustling as the soldiers got to their feet.
His eyes fell on the large map on the table, and he stepped closer.
"Report to me," Kaelarys demanded, without taking his eyes off the map.
One of the older generals, a man with silver hair and sharp grey eyes, stepped forward. "Your Highness, the blockade is complete. No ship has left the port of Astapor for days, and the reports from our scouts indicate that supplies within the city are rapidly dwindling."
"Their morale?" Kaelarys asked, running a finger along a mark on the map.
"Fragile," the general replied immediately. "The slave population is starting to cause trouble. The Masters of the city are trying to maintain control, but it's only a matter of time before there are uprisings or they are forced to fight us in the open field."
"Your Highness, if I may?' asked one of the officers.
Kaelarys nodded to allow him.
The officer stepped forward and bowed slightly before continuing: "The dam on the river is finished. We have dammed up enough water to flood the city at any time. As soon as you give the order, we can open the floodgates."
"How much damage can we do?" Kaelarys asked with a spark of genuine interest in his voice.
Standing before him was Alarion Valtor, the officer who had proposed the plan. It had been Alarion who had come up with the idea of building a dam on the river and holding back the water until it had enough force behind it to flood the city.
Kaelarys had initially met the suggestion with skepticism, but the idea sounded as clever as it was stupid, so he liked it. He allowed it and ordered it to be done.
"Your Highness, "Alarion began, placing a hand on the map in front of them, running along the river and pointing to the city of Astapor. "We built the dam in a narrow gorge about five miles upstream. The amount of water that has been dammed up there is considerable. If we break the dam, the river will rush towards Astapor with such force that the lower quarters of the city will be flooded. They will be forced to surrender."
"Impressive," Kaelarys admitted before looking him in the eye. "Keep it up and you'll be rewarded accordingly. I appreciate inventiveness in all its forms."
Alarion bowed his head. "Thank you, your Highness."
"Furthermore," Kaelarys said before leaving the tent. "I need a glass candle and I need it at daybreak. I need to know what the Volantene are doing."
"As you command, Your Highness. I'll see to it," the older general replied.
Kaelarys nodded contentedly, his eyes once more scanning the gathering. Then he took the final salute of his generals and officers as they put their fists together and bent the knee in unison.
With a last look at the men, Kaelarys turned and left the tent.
Well, my updates are sporadic anyway, but I'm currently exploring everything there is in Yi Ti, which isn't much, but I'm trying to cobble something together in my head myself.
Their armies number in the hundreds of thousands, and Kaelarys will most likely have to kill millions of soldiers to take Yi Ti. That's why I want to make it as exciting as possible. To be honest, I'm finding it interesting to look at all the strategy books, etc.
Anyway, hope you liked it, bye...
Men scroll
Men see
Men smile
Men gifts Stones
Men leaves Review
Men leaves happily.