
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Leo's Backstory

Leo Backstory

[The demon continent and the human continent are in the brink of war, If one demon or one human is seen on the opposite continent full-scale war will break out and the 4 kingdoms king's and the chairman of the alliance are in a war room discussing strategy]

Chairman: "I would like to start with this request and please be honest, state your military numbers"

East king: ..But we can't do that..

North King: ..6000..

East king: ..north king you can't say that..

West king: ..11000 soldiers in the west"

South king: ..7000

Chairman: "East king don't believe that your country will remain unaffected"

East king: "..3000 in the east..

West King: ..So small..

East king: ..Shut up..

Chairman: "Please keep your childish rivalries aside and listen, The demon army is 50,000, 40,000 of them are around C, 9000 are B-, and 1000 are B+ excluding the demon queen"

West King: ..I don't think our numbers are not enough to defeat them..

South king: ..We need quality more than quantity..

North King: ..How about the new hero, Leo..

[The room falls silent and the chairman says]

Chairman: "He is like a free bird, he does not take orders from anyone and we will win the war if we send him into the heart of the demon continent so that he cripples the system and kills the queen"

West King: .. I don't think he will agree..

[The door is opened and Leo comes in]

Chairman: "Leo we were just talking about you"

Leo: "I know you want me to stop the war"

Chairman: "you are correct"

Leo: "Everybody in this room wants me to stop the war except one the eastern ruler"

[The east king tries to run away]

South king: ..East king, why..

East king: ..Stop your act all of you want a larger kingdom and for generations, our kingdom was getting oppressed by the others"

Leo: "That gives you no reason to do this"

Chairman: "Thank you for stopping this madman, stopping the war and how did you find out"

Leo: "You old bastard"

[Leo leaves and goes to the edge of the city into a small hut and there is a beautiful women in red]

Felix: "Oh red for passion what is it for"

Dafine: "For my passionate acting and the passion we share"

Leo: "You know with a bit of improvement you can become a poet"

Dafine: "It's overrated and shall we start over plan for peace"

Leo: "Well this is the best opportunity"

Dafine: "Let's start our journey back and implement the greatest plan in the history of this world"

Leo: "What was it again"

Dafine: "Leo you can't forget something so important"

Leo: "darling don't worry, basically I have to kill all your generals who have gathered for a meeting and pretend to kill you"

Dafine: "Don't worry about the pretending part, in my private chamber I will take my luggage, cut my hand and set fire to the room and you say that my body will be displayed as a show of strength and we shall leave to the cabin I built in mana forest"

[2 weeks later Dafine is aldready in her room and general bursts through]

General: .. My queen the Hero Leo has slaughtered half of our generals and is heading here..

[The general is cut into half]

Leo: "Look at the demon queen in all her glory"

[Leo closes the door]

Leo: "The plan? do your part"

[Dafine does what she says and Leo goes to the top of the castle and says]

Leo: "Your queen is dead and her body will be displayed in the human side as a show of strength"

[Leo runs off and the Dafine says]

Dafine: "Leo, I feel like this is the correct time to tell you, that I'm pregenent"