
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs



Felix: "Am I gonna live"

Bast: "Yes, and I am not going to kill probably the most important person in this century because of my anger"

Bason: "Bast, I think we should do a beast pact"

Bast: "This might be one of the few moments where you were right"

[Bast and Bason put their palm out and Felix touche their palm and makes a beast pact]

Bast: "Master, be careful, not all titan creatures can talk, only a few titan animals which have fur and high monsters can communicate with others, titan insects can't talk due to some unknown reason"

[Bast goes back into his cave and Bason leaves]

Felix: Thank goodness

[Felix collects the dead wolves and goes back to the guild

Felix: It's sunrise already

[The guild is open and one party is inside arguing]

Party leader: ..What do mean by saying that a kid took the moon wolf request yesterday, it's a B- request we are only B-party, how can you let C- take it..

Receptionist: ..Sir, anyway like you said he is C- so he probably can't make it and you can take his request by the following procedure..

Party leader: ..Why is it so noisy..

[Felix throws all the bodies inside and enters]

Felix: "C-right"

Party leader: ..Hey kid, tell me how you got them, obviously you didn't get them on your own..

Felix: "I got them on my own"

Party leader: ..Don't lie, there is no chance for a single B+ to defeat them so how can a C- defeat them..

Felix: "Because my rank was not properly determined"

Receptionist: ..Hey, I'm the insignificant receptionist here and according to guild rules if you complete a request 2 levels more than your's you will be ranked up, so you are C+ now, give me your card..

Felix: "Take it"

[Felix gives it and takes it back and tries to leave]

Party leader: ..Oh, you are not going anywhere..

[A voice is heard from the staircase]

Guild master: ..Stop it..

Party leader: ..Guild master..

Guild master: ..Just because you are a B rank doesn't give you the power over others..

Party leader: ..Sorry guild master..

[He turns towards Felix]

Guildmaster: ..You must be Felix, Alton mentioned you in one of his letters..

Felix: "Yes sir"

Guild master: ..You can go now, but how did you manage to transport 50 wolves here on your own..

Felix: "I stuck them together using mana and carried them here"

Receptionist: .. Your card sir, and you are now at C rank clearance and C+ rank..

Felix: "Thank you"

[Felix leaves]

Guildmaster: ..One moon wolf is around 25 kg and he carried 50 of them so his strength must be above that of B rank..

[Felix goes to the continental merchant company and sells each of them for 5 silver and gets 250 silver]

Felix: "Looks like I don't need to do some work for a while"

[Felix goes to the library and starts reading his monster guide]

Felix: Moon wolves are C- monsters alone but depending on the pack size can go up to A- and the alpha can be an S rank, the moon makes them stealthier, stronger, and faster and especially during blood moons, where the alpha can evolve, the swift hawk flies very high and dives down at an unprecedented speed which can pierce a titan tortoise's shell and titan bears are A+ but thankfully the one I encountered is actually smart

[Melissa enters and whispers in Felix's ear]

Melissa: "Great job last night"

[Felix falls down the chair]

"How did I not notice you, If it wasn't for the fact that I was in the city, I would've cut your head off"

Melissa: "I shut my mana and this carpet is made to minimize sound"

Felix: "How do you know what I did last night"

Melissa: "My father was spying on you"

Felix: "It feels weird to be spied upon by an old man"

Melissa: "He even wanted to recruit you but I told him that you won't be longing here for a long time"

Felix: "Thank you and how do you know that I have mana sense"

Melissa: "I will tell you that after you defeat me in the Elite tournament for the youth and the short form is E.T.Y which happens in the central alliance nation every year, the next one is in 10 months"

Felix: "Get ready to be defeated by me"

Librarian 1: ..Queit..

Melissa: "Let's see and learn to communicate with mana"

Felix: "Sure"

[Melissa leaves and Felix looks outside]

Felix: "It's sundown already"

Librarian 1: ..Queit..

Felix: "Okay"

[Felix leaves the library and decides to go see the nightlife]

Felix: This place is so lively as if there is only happiness the heat from the grills, the aroma, the laughter of children, a lucky guy who won the lottery, and adventurers chilling out after monster slaying

Lottery guy: ..Lottery, lottery try your luck today..

Meat seller: ..Grilled meat, have some ready-to-go barbeque..

[Felix buys some grilled meat and leaves the street and goes to the slum by the rooftops]

Owner: ..You better finish the sword or you won't get food..

Dwarf: "It's impossible to make a rare sword with steel and a lightning tiger crystal, I at least need a titan's mana crystal"

Owner: ..Then starve..

[The man leaves and the young dwarf is left behind Felix enters through the chimney and says]

Felix: "Hah, these clothes don't burn so easily and I used enough common sense to get drenched in water"

Dwarf 1: "Who are you? Leave before the owner comes back"

Felix: "I am Felix, and you are"

Dwarf 1: "Shut up and leave"

Felix: "Hey, You asked me who am I, and now you are telling me to leave"

[The owner enters]

Owner: ..Who's this!..

[Felix punches the man in the stomach, the owner flies and hits a wall and faints]

Felix: "So, your name"

Dwarf 1: "Please, please don't hurt me"

Felix: "You fool, why do you keep thinking that I will hurt you and tell me your god-given name"

Drak: "Drak"

Felix: "Weird name, and why are you here anyway"

Drak: "My own people, dwarves exiled me and I was forced into slavery"

Felix: "So common, I am going to the capital, do you want to come with me"

Drak: "Is it normal for you to just free slaves and take them to the capital"

Felix: "No"

Sorry viewers, the authors are in high school and we were writing our exams so I apologize for the delay