
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs



Felix: The bear is sleeping and I need to escape and start running till I reach the city and why does time pass so quickly the sun is setting already

[Felix does whatever he said and the next day morning and stopped near a river]

Felix: My legs are paining like it is torn into pieces and maybe the cold water will help

[He puts his legs in the cool river water and drinks it and catches a few fishes and cooked them with his fire and eats them]

Felix: "Hah, I feel better and I think I can walk now"

A girl: "Help me, help me"

"Now what"

[A girl comes running from the other side of the river and falls into the river]

Girl: "Please! Help me"

[Two men enter chasing after the girl]

Assassin 1: ..Come here and make our job easier..

Felix: The emblem on the shoulder part of her dress is the same as Louis's emblem, maybe they are related

Assassin 2: ..Give me the poison stinger, we need to make this natural..

[Felix goes in front of the girl and says]

Felix: "Hey"

Assassin 1: ..Now who are you? Her manservant or perhaps a lover..

Felix: "No, a traveler"

[The Assassin 1 tries to kill Felix but Felix kicks him in the crotch]

Assassin 2: ..I was planning on letting you live but I changed my mind..

[The Assassin 2 lungs at Felix and tries to cut his neck but Felix dodges and kicks him also in the crotch]

Girl: "Thank you for saving me"

Felix: "You seemed calm when I was there, is this a usual occurrence for you"

Girl: "Kind of"

Felix: "What is your name"

Girl: "Melissa Ashford"

Felix: "Felix Leohart"

Melissa: "Shall we go to the city now"

Felix: "I'm headed there but I don't know the exact location so can you take me there"

Melissa: "For my hero yes"

[They start walking towards the city and Felix says]

Felix: "Do you anyone named Louis Ashford?"

Melissa: "Of course, I know him, he is my favorite uncle"

Felix: "Why were they chasing you"

Melissa: "Most likely because I rejected the Mayfeild union"

Felix: "Did you have your family's support on your decision"

Melissa: "My father is the head and after my mother died, he loves me so much that he gives me the freedom to an extent that is not given to other noble ladies"

Felix: "How is the city anyway"

Melissa: "It is the second largest after the capital in our nation"

Felix: "Why is called the grain city"

Melissa: "There was a disease a few years ago which wiped out all crops, except for crops watered with mana imbued water and the farmland in the grain city is irrigated by mana water and had enough to supply the entire population of our country for weeks"

[They exit the forest and see a large city surrounded by farms]

Felix: "How did you end in the forest so far from the city"

Melissa: "I was actually training my mana sense"

Felix: "If you are able to use mana sense then should't you be able to kill those assassins on spot"

Melissa: "Do you wanna see the strongest spell I have"

Felix: "Go ahead"

Melissa: "Should I use it on use it is a dangerous entrapment spell"

Felix: "Do it"

Melissa: "Fire jail"

[A ball of fire enguls Felix and he is surrounded by it]

Felix: Damn, this girl

Felix: "Melissa! Melissa!!"

[The spell is removed]

Melissa: "Are you okay"

Felix: "I could've broken out but my clothes would have been burnt"

[Melissa giggles]

Felix: "Do you want to see what I can do"

Melissa: "Please demonstrate"

[Felix punches a nearby boulder and it spilts]

Melissa: "Very impressive but that boulder is for marking the route"

Felix: "For what"

Melissa"The boulder is for marking the pathway for travelers"

Felix: "Oh shit"

[Felix uses his fire to fuse the split boulder together]

Melissa: "Ha, ha, ha this the first time I have seen somebody do this"

Felix: "What the funny part"

Melissa: "That is just a random boulder"

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