
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
50 Chs



[3 days later, Felix is on top of a building spying on someone]

Felix: This guy is clean

[Drak comes up the building]

Drak: "We have gone through half the list of suspects and we haven't found anything"

Felix: "Just continue"

Drak: "Whatever you say"

[2 days later a dinner]

Drak: "Man we haven't found anything and the list is almost done"

Felix: "It's just one week of our time"

Drak: "When I'm researching, it is"

[Felix pays and they leave]

Drak: "This is a big one, a bunch of merchants and courtiers are meeting"

[Felix is on the roof watching and listening to them using enhanced hearing while Drak enters as a servant]

Felix: These guys are also clean I will go to sleep

[Felix is about to leave but hears something]

Felix: Woah, well well, what do we have here

[All the personal assistants of the merchants and courtiers are together talking about the Princess and a man wearing a butler's uniform, he seems to be their badger]

Butler: "These are the orders from higher-ups, kill the princess along with the orphan, they are poking their noses into somewhere they shouldn't"

P.A 1: ..I'll use my boss's name to hire a B+ assasin..

P.A 2: ..The palace's defences are weakened so it should work..

Butler: "We better get back before our bosses meeting ends"

[They leave]

Felix: Huh, who knew a bunch of secretaries were the master minds, what a world

[Felix leaves and the next day]

Felix: "Dagger check, resume check, the perfect plan to become a secretary by killing one and taking their position"

Felix: But which one, the treasurer's won't be given off so easily nor the armory's but I could be the secretary od construction and planning's head

[Felix with Zircon kills the secretary with ease and applies for a job and gets it the next day]

Head: ..Your application was a real coincidence and the recommendation letter is good enough..

Felix: "Yes sir, can I familiarize myself with your plans for the week"

Head: ..Yeah, sure..

[The Head hands a sheet of paper to Felix and a meeting between all the country's officials is going to take place in a week]

Felix: What a luck I have, and those peasant boys surely will be there

[One week later by the Felix spreading rumors on king looking a husban for Marian]

Felix: Now the real plan begins

[After a fancy lunch all the officials are in the meeting and half of the secretaries follow the butler and leave, the peasant boys ignore Felix]

Felix: Shit, they don't know who am I

[Felix thinks for a while and relaxes]

Felix: I can go along with Marian and introduce myself

[The meeting ends, Felix resigns and follows the peasants back to the cave]

Felix: "Hey Marian"

[The peasants get surprised]

Peasant 1: ..You are a secretary..

Felix: "I am the guy who is going to marry her"

Marian: "No, and suddenly a bunch of suitors are coming to propose"

Felix: It's working

Felix: "I'm going to leave"

[Felix leaves the palace but is secretly guarding it against the assassin]

Felix: When is the dude gonna try to kill her

[An hour later]

Felix: He is going to arrive in 3, 2, 1

[A few moments later]

Felix: Nothing

[Felix hears rustling]

Felix: He's here

[An owl lands on the branch]

Felix: Okay I give up

[Felix senses a presence appearing in the castel suddenly from the ground]

Felix: Real sneaky bastard

[The assassin beaks into Marian's room and Felix instantly arrives and blocks the attack]

Felix: "Will you marry me"

[The assassin gets confused]

Felix: "Not you, Marian"

Marian: "No"

Felix: "Are you sure, I can leave and let him kill you

Marian: "No"

Felix: "Stubborn"

[Felix uses Zircon and cuts the assassins fingers and leaves out through the window]

Felix: The plan is still a work in progress

[Back at the palace]

Marian: Why did he leave?

[Back to Felix]

Felix: Should I just kill all of them, nah, she should get some recognition

[Felix goes to the butler and when he is alone, puts Zircon at his throat]

Felix: "Now either you are gonna confess or you can die"

Butler: "You can kill me"

Felix: "This is your last chance, go and confess to princess Marian"

Butler: "It's too late you can't stop our revolution!"

[The Butler pushes Zircon into his throat]

Felix: "This is not good"

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