
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs



[Felix went back to the place where he got the clothes from but this time from the gate and then sees the name Master Gale's academy]

Felix: What I came to Master Gale yesterday but I didn't know that

[Then he goes to Master Gale]

Gale: "Hey, kid why are you here I told you to take the clothes and get out right"

Felix: " I am Felix, son of Leo"

Gale: "If you claim that you are Leo's son I need to test you"

Felix: " How"

Gale: "A fight"

[Master Gale's eyes turn red like a comedic cartoon angry eyes and he lunges at Felix. Felix bends back and his sword grazes Felix's nose]

Gale: "How are you so fast"

Felix: "Me, wind and you use lightning"

[Master Gale now hits Felix using the blunt side of the sword at twice the speed Felix's seed and Felix hits a tree few meters away and breaks the tree and Felix passes out]

Gale: "The real starts noe let's see if he can heal like Leo"

[Felix wakes up the next day and starts walking around thge estate and sees Master Gale using his sword to carve a peice of ironwood and shaoes it to look like somebody punched it]

Felix: What could that be for

[Master Gale disappeared and is next to Felix in a fraction of a second]

Gale : " So you are Leo's son"

Felix: "Yes master and my father told me about you and he told me that you live in Basalt city and go there and take training from you"

Gale: "If you are here asking me to train you he must be dead"

Felix: "He is and can you teach me to use all warrior classes"

Gale: "Then what else are you here for"

Felix: "You got a point there but I officially wanted to ask you"

Gale: "Kid, you are so different from your father"

Felix: "Really?"

Gale: "He liked games and was confident, but you are unsure and direct"

Felix: "Is that a bad thing?"

Gale: "Depends on the situation but my main reason for not believing that you are Leo's son is because he went off 9 years ago and Dafine gave birth 8 years ago so how can you look like 15 years old"

Felix: " Huh, what are you talking about I am only 8 years old"

Gale: "What, even you didn't realize that you are looking like 15 years old"

Felix: "No"

Gale: "Ok leave about that, take the opportunity to be my disciple"

Felix: "Master Gale, can I ask you a question"

Gale: "What is it"

Felix: "Father told me to become the strongest, I don't understand why?"

Gale: "He was always like that, from what I know something happened to him before he came to me"

Felix: Why is it so hard to get an answer

Gale: "Felix, enough of chit chat and listen to me, for the first part of your training, do you have a sword"

Felix: "Yes, core metal"

Gale: "Now I want you to take that sword and cut a tree in 7 strikes and bring the log and cut it down into small spheres for my fireplace"

Felix: "Are you sure"

Gale: "I am your master so, yes"

[Felix goes to their inn and stays for some time then he leaves through the window into the alley next to the building and starts running like an assassin]

Felix: Why did I get a sudden urge to start practicing my stealth skill

[ Felix reaches the alley next to the building, goes through the entrance and sells the extra hawk eggs he bought, and sold each of them for 3 gold]

Felix: 9 gold and unlocking wind magic is a big boom for me , now I'll get the sword and go to Master Gale's academy and start chopping the trees surrounding th house

[Felix does what he says and manages to cut one tree in 20 strikes]

Felix: I'll have to improve on that and now it I shardest part

[Felix starts and ends up with a very rough sphere in 2 hours]

Felix: "Finally"

Felix: A ball

[Felix looks at the tree during his celebration and stops]

Felix: It took me 2 hours to carve 1 and that entire tree will be around 70 balls

[Felix continues until sunset and goes back to the inn and does this for a week]

Felix: "Yes! My final ball"

Felix: I'll give this to Master Gale now

[Felix sticks the balls using his mana and takes it to Master Gale]

Felix: "Master Gale I completed the work you gave me"

[Master Gale from his gardening approaches Felix in his usual way]

Gale: "Oh I think you got used to my entrances, the way you stuck these balls together is fascinating is the correct word to describe how you are sticking, the balls but the balls are so rough"

[Master Gale takes 2 of them in 2 minutes and cuts all of the balls so smooth that it will feel polished]

Gale: "Do this until you make all these like these"

Sorry sorry sorry readers we are in our 10th right now so we can't be so consistent but we will try as much as we can