
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 10


[Felix is in the woods carrying Drak to the capital]

Felix: " Why are you slow, you can't even keep up if I am speed walking"

Drak: "Not everyone is a monster who can run for a few hours straight, either you are a demon to have such high stamina or the genetics of a hunter in you"

Felix: "I am half-demon"

Drak: "Holy shit!"

Felix: "Calm down, I am no different than a human in the way I think, but like you said, high stamina due to being a half-demon"

Drak: "So is it true that demons like to kill any living creature including their own siblings to gain more power"

Felix: "I actually have not met any demons"

Drak: "I won't ask you more because I am more tired and I have this burning question as to how you think like a human"

Felix: "Okay, I would like to start by actually responding with a question, how are tired even though I am literally carrying you and, I am normal"

Drak: "No you don't think like a human, I mean what kind of a person takes a slave on their back while running for a few hours, normal slave masters tie us to the back of the carriage and drag us along and even radicals who think slaves should be liberated also just takes us to a village near the city and helps us create our own lives but you, you don't think like a normal human you still don't understand why and how does human society work"

Felix: "Really, so then what do you think I should do"

Drak: "I don't know but just try to understand the world, listen to your heart when your brain can't give you an answer"

Felix: "So I need to think now so shut up and enjoy the wind"

[A few hours later in the night after hunting and while eating tells Drak and says]

Felix: "Hey Drak, tomorrow you will be running to the capital on your own"

[Drak says with sweat and a nervous smile]

Drak: "Please don't tell me that I was the one that caused you to make me run by telling you that you are too kind"

Felix: "Well, that is only half the reason, the first is why should I carry you and the second is what if your identity as a dwarf is exposed and you get kidnapped, at least outrun them away"

Drak: "I feel that it is just an excuse"

Felix: "Sleep well as this is going to be the last day that you can sleep without sore muscles"

[The next day Felix is running and Drak is barely keeping up with Felix's jogging speed]

Felix: I am surprised that he can keep up with me

[1 week later, Felix is gathering firewood while Drak is being chased by an ant after falling behind Felix's increased running speed]

Felix: It is so fun watching Drak get chased by an ant but I better intervene, He looks like he is about to get eaten

[Felix runs toward's Drak's location and Drak suddenly bursts into fire, Roasts the ant into a lump with the look of roasted almond, and starts leaking very dense mana which is so how that it has burnt Drak's clothes, and Drak faints]

Felix: Can't say shit about this

[Felix touches the visible mana and starts absorbing the mana]

Felix: I need to absorb this mana and there is the logic-defying underwear that Drak is wearing that does not burn but I got to strip and hopefully my underwear also defies logic

[Felix strips and sits down next to Drak and starts to absorb and enters the spiritual world]

God Felix: 'Felix'

Felix: 'You! Who are you

God Felix: 'I am Felix, god of knowledge and the wielder of the book of knowledge

Felix: 'So what is a god doing inside my head'

God Felix: 'Because I am taking refugee inside your spiritual world from other gods with the permission of your mother which is the reason why she died'

Felix: 'So you are the cause of my mother's death

God Felix: 'Yes but don't worry, if you grow strong enough, you can revive your mom'

Felix: 'Such a shameless god'

God Felix: 'I will swallow my pride and remind you to wake up you better wake up, your friend is going to wake up and you should get dressed'

[Felix wakes up and wears his clothes in 15 seconds and Drak just wakes up]

Drak: "Felix what the hell man, you are lucky to not be burned by my mana, and don't make me run again"

Felix: "Oh you will, but please explain your self"

Drak: "I guess I can't escape running and are you okay"

Felix: "Well I actually did level up to bronze blood, I checked after the color of veins changed and that still doesn't answer my question"

Drak: "It can't be kept a secret I guess, there is a magma leviathan that lives in the mantle of our planet and one day it decided to come up to the crust and it threatened our city, my father was the was a great magician and he sacrificed himself to kill the magma leviathan and it turns out that the magma leviathan is actually a guardian and my father got cursed but for some reason, the curse was passed onto me for some reason"

Felix: "I don't know what to say"

[1 week later outside the capital city gate while the sun is rising

Felix: "Finally, the capital"

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