
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs



[Felix goes to a bar and using his enhanced hearing, eveasdropped and keeps on ordering to act like a customer]

Felix: Nothing is happening yet 

[Felix hears one person say a keyword and enter]

Felix: Got it 

[Felix goes to the bartender]

Felix: "How's everything down at the, arena house"

[The bartender keeps a calm face and leans to Felix]

Bartender: ..Are you perhaps, a new fighter..

Felix: "Want to be"

Bartender: ..I am sorry without the papers I can't tell anything..

Felix: "But you know"

Bartender: ..Uh, I don't know, what you think I know..

Felix: "But you know, what I am thinking about"

Bartender: ..I need you to leave..

Felix: "What if I don't?"

[The bartender snaps his fingers and all the customers are standing with their weapons drawn]

Felix: "Suit yourself"

[One guy with heavy sword tries to attack Felix but Felix blocks the attack and moves the sword to the side which caused him to lose his balance and Felix cuts his neck and stares at them while emitting a murderous aura]

Felix: "Anyone else"

[They all hide awya their weapons and sit down]

Felix: "That's what I thought"

[Felix turns to the bartender]

Bartender: ..I know what you want and I'll take you there, no traps..

[Felix sheathes his sword and follows him to the basement and there is a trapdoor and a tunnel is there]

Bartender: ..Please don't tell anyone that I lead you..

Felix: "They won't be there after I'm done"

Bartender: ..Go towards th-.. 

Felix: "I know the way and seal the trapdoor"

[Felix enters the tunnel and continues till the entrance and sees a huge arena and an auction is happening]

Felix: I guess the fights are later

[Felix sees a corridor next to the entrance that says 'fighters']

Felix: "Fighters, I'll go there"

[Felix goes to a hall filled with criminals and fighters]

Felix: Why are so many people here

[Felix sits down at the edge of the room waiting]

Felix: Hope no one disturbes me

[A group of people approach Felix]

Felix: My bad luck, again

Random person: ..Hey kid, that sword looks nice, how about yountrade it with us for this long sword..

[They shows Felix a very good looking sword]

Random person: ..It is strong, sharp and very light..

Felix: "Not interested"

Random person: ..I'm afraid my friends over here are not happy with your choice..

[They surround Felix and threaten him]

Felix: "You are inviting death"

[Felix stands and sighs]

Felix: "Why do weak, pathetic morons try this on me again and again"

Random person: ..You have made a grave mistake my friend..

[Felix slices them in half before even started attacking]

Felix: "Idiots"

[Felix has blood on his face and sits down and he starts cleaning the blood of those people off his face]

Felix: I hate blood stains on my clothes they are hard to clean

[A gate opens and everybody goes out]

Announcer 1: ..Today, is the last survival round, the last person standing will face the top ten rankers of our auction house..

[The announcements stop and everyone starts fighting and Felix is walking to the centre and slices everyone in his way]

Felix: Their sword can't block my slashes and I'm cutting them like butter

[After Felix reaches the centre he uses ice magic to freeze everyone the crowd goes silent and starts cheering louder than ever]

Announcer 1: ..As this is a survivor will be facing the ten! Immediatly..

[The arena is being reset by magic and the next fighter enters]

Hock: ..My name is Hock, I am a former holy knight, you shall see my spear arts..

[Felix uses an advanced flashy parry and stabs Hock]


Announcer 1: ..It seems we have a new promising fighter on our hand, fuming bull..

[A large berserker enters and Felix stays calm with his sword]

Bull: ..My name is Bull and I shall crush your skull..

[Bull charges at Felix but he freezes the ground and Bull slips and falls down and he slashes rapidly at Bull's heart and slicing a thin layer with each strike and creates a icicle in the air and dropes it]

Announcer 1: ..Oh my god! It's unbelievable! He defeated the fuming Bull and used flashy, such innovative, such unseen moves, he is equivalent to a S rank..

Felix: That is such exaggeration

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