
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Ch 7


[In the process of awakening and gathering intel on the public, Marian approaches Felix nervously in a private room]

Marian: "Hey Felix"

Felix: "Yeah"

Marian: "What are your plans for the edge town"

Felix: "My own little kingdom and developing it is satisfying"

Marian: "How would you feel if I am with you"

Felix: "Like an advisor or special positioned official"

Marian: "As your wife"

Felix: "Are you sure?"

Marian: "Just accept it"

Felix: "Okay"

[Marian kisses Felix and runs away]

Felix: I thought she came for a hug, but I did get another wife, I'll talk to Melissa about it

[Felix is in dream world]

Felix: 'Hey Melissa'

Melissa: 'Yeah'

Felix: 'I got her successfully'

Melissa: 'Seriously'

Felix: 'And she kissed me'

Melissa: 'What! How dare she kiss you first'

Felix: 'You know Cara'

Melissa: 'I heard about her'

Felix: 'Turns out she is a host for a lust demon and I just happened to be there and had sex with me while, I was asleep'

[Felix is as red as a cherry]

Melissa: 'The only thing special about me is that I am the first'

Felix: 'No, it's not only that, I see you as an equal and capable and perfect partner for me, but I just feel that exclusivity is not needed'

[Melissa lost her anger and is sad]

Melissa: 'You are correct but, I still feel like it'

Felix: 'Don't worry, I do love you the most, and I promise to take you whatever I go'

Melissa: 'I want you'

Felix: 'I know!'

Melissa: 'I want you know'

[Melissa leaves and Felix is worried]

Felix: She made the same face as Cara

[Felix is talking to Cara now]

Felix: "Hey Cara, I assume you have a found a way to control your outbursts"

Cara: "That's what the slave is for"

Felix: "Now I want serious training"

Cara: "Don't worry, during the day, for at least 6 hours I can train you but not the rest of the time"

Felix: "I get it"

Cara: "Thank you so much for understanding my problem"

Felix: "Trust is very important, and I'm suggesting openness with the Old Lady"

Cara: "So I need to train you for the tournament"

Felix: "Noted, won't mention again"

Cara: "No, nothing like that, speak your mind"

Felix: I shouldn't

Cara: "I need to go now"

Felix: "Okay, tomorrow we will meet"

Cara: "This time in the woods"

Felix: "Sure"

[Cara goes to the room with the slave in it]

Felix: I pity how it must've been before she got used to the curse, and it seems that the way I am handling this situation is through wisdom bestowed upon me

Book Of Knowledge: 'Your joke is very true'

Felix: 'What, really!'

Book Of Knowledge: 'Yeah'

Felix: 'Why'

Book Of Knowledge: 'The irony is that I do not know'

Felix: 'How'

Book Of Knowledge: 'I know everything except myself and the other books'

Felix: 'Weird, but it must have a very good reason'

Book Of Knowledge: 'Of course'

Felix: 'How's the God, me?'

Book Of Knowledge: 'He was too lazy and is enjoying life, recreated memories of good times'

Felix: 'Makes more sense and do you have any life changing advice'

Book Of Knowledge: 'Sadly no'

Felix: 'Hoped for something but bye'

[Felix stayed at the royal palace and the next morning]

Felix: Now the training

[Felix goes to the woods but can't find her]

Felix: Oh, how I hate these test and training

[Felix is focusing all the mana in his body in his eyes but still cannot find her]

Felix: How could she hide

[Felix lets of a strong mana presence without even realizing and attracts all the scares every weak creature and other human in the woods]

Felix: Why are a bunch of titan beasts running towards the capital

[The ground is shaking]

Felix: Shit, they are coming for me

[Felix stops it but focus his mana again]

Felix: It is good to a bunch of titan beasts tame

[Felix starts to gather all the mana in the surroundings and focuses harder and starts to see the internal mana structure of the titan beasts and their mana cores]

Felix: Just a bit more

[Felix gathers all the mana and his range of mana gathering increased while the kingdom is in chaos caused by the titan beasts]

Felix: Bast and Bason are coming from behind and 5 other titan beasts are charging from all the directions a titan gorilla, a titan alligator, a titan boa, a titan vulture and a titan centipede, they're coming for me

[Felix amps up the mana in his eyes and with a surge and his iris's color changes]

Felix: Come on you beasts

[Bast and Bason reaches Felix]

Bast: "Master, they are going to attack you based on instinct"

Bason: "Show them your dominance"

Felix: "After all of them reach, stand back"

[The vulture is the first one to reach and starts attacking Felix simultaneously, followed by the other titans]

Felix: Good thing they are slow

[They all surrounded Felix, and he releases all his stored mana creating a shock wave equivalent to that of a nuclear explosion from a kilometer away]

Felix: "Bow down"

[All bow down to Felix out of fear and fascination]

Hi reader, sorry for the late in our school webnovel is blocked so we can't upload the chapters so fast, so we are so sorry. If you have any doubt, please contact saianilok912@gmail.com