
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs



[1 hour later]

Felix: "I am waiting for the mana cores to form"

Marcel: "Mana core?"

Felix: "Mana cores are starting to form in you"

[Felix is still doing it]

Marcel: "This is nice and you aren't gonna stay here forever or if you leave when will you comeback"

[Felix continues to inject mana]

Felix: "I don't know"

Marcel: "It's okay, leave and come back when you can"

Felix: "After the mana cores forms"

Marcel: "You made my life infinitely better"

[Marcel fall unconscious and the mana core has completed forming but she became unconscious due to the lack of mana]

Felix: "Marcel, you are a great person"

[Felix removes his hand and release a huge amount of mana into the cave and leaves]

Felix: Her mana channel should absorb it automatically

[Felix is coming back to town and sees 100 Orc's heading towards the goblin cave]

Felix: The hibs will handle them and female goblins also should have evolved

[Felix reaches the town and goes to the town hall]

Felix: "Hey Bailey, I sorted the problems with the goblins"

Bailey: "The women!Where are they"

Felix: "They all are dead"

Bailey: "What"

Felix: "The goblins killed them before I went, Take a day off and comwe back"

Bailey: "But"

[Felix releases a strong and dense aura under a fake smile]

Bailey: "Yeah, I'll do that"

[Felix stops Bailey]

Felix: "Good, first thing is getting more capable people you know financial incharge, defence incharge, food production incharge"

[Marian walks inside]

Marian: "I'll do that, with his help"

Felix: "Good luck, out of the 1000 people here, what will you do?"

Marian: "Find a promising and train him"

Felix: "I'll leave now to train"

Marian: "Come back soon"

[Felix leaves and goes deep into the forest]

Felix: This hould be a good spot to train but first I'll sleep

[The next day]

Felix: Now that mu mana is fully restored, I can practice properly

[6 days later]

Felix: Without sleep even if my body can survive, I'm still not used to not sleeping and the intense mana drain is very demanding

[Felix collapses and wakes up in Melissa's lap]

Felix: "Hey beautiful"

Melissa: "Now that I am officially married to you , I can live with you"

Felix: "Yeah, its finally nice to physically talk to you"

Melissa: "I missed you"

Felix: "We can't be spending with every single minute together, I need to do something in your new town, Baron"

Felix: "I have been looking for a person to take care of defence and even financial incharge"

Melissa: "Now that we got that out of the way, maybe we can have some fun"

[Felix gets up from her lap and kisses her, an hour later]

Melissa: "Such a huge load you gave me"

Felix: "Anything for you my love, just ask away"

Hi readers, if you have any doubts contact saianilok912@gmail.com