
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs



Felix: What the hell are they, they never had a mana presence before but how could the elf break the barrier they aren't even making a single sound

[Felix focuses his mana on his 5 senses but starts to hear the guards and finds where there is a lot of yelling and runs there and it suddenly stops midway and then Felix halts]

Felix: Are they, dead?

[Felix increases the mana concentration on his senses and starts to smell a trail of blood]

Felix: There

[Felix charges towards the smell of blood and the smell gets stronger but Felix doesn't find it]

Felix: Is it running from me

[An elf emerges from the shadow but Felix uses wind mana and disarms the elf from its dagger]

Felix: "How do you not have a mana presence"

[The elf doesn't answer]

Felix: "I will kill you if you don't answer"

Shadow Elf 1: ..I am a shadow elf, my kind specialises in stealth and assassinations..

Felix: "You did not answer my question"

Shadow Elf 1: ..Elves don't use mana at all..

Felix: "How come you are darker than the shadow"

Shadow Elf 1: ..I have stayed in the shadow my entire life and have changed to become the shadow itself..

Felix: "Good enough"

[The Shadow Elf tries to fight back but Felix uses his fire mana and punches the Shadow Elf who is knocked out cold]

Felix: how many types of elves are there

[Felix follows the next trail of blood directly to the king's bedroom]

Felix: Why is the king's chamber

[Felix reaches the king's chamber and sees a bunch of dead guards, a young lady on the ground and the king looking around]

Felix: A Shadow Elf probably disappeared and is probably going to attack me now

[A Shadow Elf comes from behind and Felix slashes it but unexpectedly another from Felix's side, the opposite direction of where his sword]

Felix: My stance is not proper twist is going to make me lose my balance

[Felix's instinct uses wind to make him fall but the Shadow elf grazes Felix's abdomen]

Shadow Elf 2: ..The blade has poison, you will die in a few seconds..

[Felix stands up]

Felix: "I'm resistant to poison"

[The Shadow Elf runs but Felix is unable to give chase and the elf escapes]

Felix: That pains

[Felix lays down and focuses mana on his wound and the king sits next to him]

Felix: "I just saved your life so I am gonna talk informally"

King: "Good to be saved by an honest and direct young man"

Felix: "Are those your royal guards"

[Felix points at the bunch of dead bodies]

King: "Yeah, I need better guards"

Felix: "Agreed"

King: "Now for the reward part, do you need a reward"

Felix: "Depends"

King: "I will give you my daughter"

Felix: "You mean the one lying there"

[Felix points at the girl lying on the ground]

King: "Yeah, she needs her freedom but something tells me she is gonna get a whole lot of freedom with you"

Felix: "She can be my second wife"

King: "Who's first"

Felix: "Melissa Ashford"

King: "Had to be the Ashford girl, I'll convince Marlon"

Felix: "Really, you are not the kind of king I imagined"

King: "This country seems good from the outside but it is corrupt and as a king, I need to be direct, straightforward and efficient to get this country rid of its problems but I will be open with you"

Felix: "I like that"

[A bunch of guards come rushing]

Guard 4: ..My king, one Shadow Elf, one Moon Elf, and the Archer Elf have escaped and our men apprehended 2 Shadow Elves, one was found unconscious and has already requested the Ashford knights in the area of reinforcement..

King: "Good job on the report, I want you to raise your rank to A- knight and a B+ fighter to the minimum and you get the position of head of the royal guard and get this young man to a room"

Guard 4: ..Yes sir..

[Felix gets up and is escorted by 2 guards]

Felix: I am going to have 2 wives, I wonder how many more I can get

[Felix sees the room and enters it]

Felix: If I stay here, I can't go back to the Sliver Inn's

[Felix closes the door, sleeps on the bed and talks to Melissa in a dream world]

Felix: 'Hey Melissa'

[Melissa comes and is in a very frustrated mood]

Felix: 'Any luck on your father'

Melissa: 'What do you think'

Felix: 'Should've expected it and I have found a second wife'

Melissa: 'What!'

[The setting changes to Felix's room]

Melissa: 'Who is it?'

Felix: 'Some princess'

Melissa: 'You don't know the name!'

Felix: 'Calm down you only wanted to be the first wife'

Melissa: 'I didn't think you would get one so soon'

Felix: 'The king himself said he is going to convince your father about this'

Melissa: 'The king!'

Felix: 'He's a chill guy'

Melissa: 'My god, damn!'

Felix: 'Why are you so angry'

Melissa: 'I am not angry!'

 Felix: 'What do you want me to do now'

[Melissa is out of words and a minute later]

Melissa: 'Just talk to me before you make an important decision'

Felix: 'Sure, and how many wives can I have'

Melissa: 'Do whatever you want'

Hi readers, today is my birthday wish me. If you have any doubts please contact saianilok912@gmail.com