
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasie
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50 Chs




[Felix is lying on the bed, the next day]

Felix: I want to do something before telling Master Gale, but what, I don't want to get drunk, make a request, talk to the dwarves, go to the fight, or destroy a criminal organization for no reason but I want to talk to Melissa! But I didn't perfectly learn dream world so it will be a bad connection

Felix: 'Melissa'

[Melissa also comes to dream world instantly]

Melissa: 'Hi Felix, your connection is very good'

Felix: 'Yeah, I was practicing it daily and last month's mind magic training helped in the mana control'

Melissa: 'I wonder how strong you are but let us change this background from the sky to something better'

[Melissa changes it to a lake with a clear, starry, full moon night and she is wearing a white gown]

Melissa: 'Climb up the tree'

[They climb up and sit together and talk]

Melissa: '6 months until we met'

Felix: 'Yeah, are you sure your father can't find out about our date'

[Melissa giggles]

Melissa: 'Still scared of him'

Felix: 'No, but having a good relationship with him is better'

Melissa: 'That is true'

[Melissa leans her head on Felix's shoulder]

Melissa: 'Can you ful this'

Felix: 'No, do you'

Melissa: 'Yeah, physical contact is possible depending on mastery'

Felix: 'Oh, but I don't know how to increase my mastery any further'

Melissa: 'Then 6 months later, the real fun starts'


[Felix is in the real world and goes to Master Gale]

Felix: "Master, I have defeated all the knights"

Gale: "Even Arthur?"

Felix: "Yes"

Gale: "Now I have nothing to teach you"

Felix: "What"

Gale: "I am done, and my last piece of advice to you is, go find a Master to teach you magic"

[Felix leaves quietly and goes to al ake]

Felix: I wish she was here with me

[After a long pause he says]

Felix: "I need to go find a Master, Old Lady"

[Felix doesn't know where he is and goes up a mountain to look for the city]

Felix: How could I forget where I am

[Felix is almost at the top of the mountain and suddenly a huge cloud forms and it starts raining heavily]

Felix: Where did this come from

[Felix runs down to get cover from nearby trees and the winds start getting stronger and the older trees are standing strong and mana channels are suddenly formed in the ground and connected to the trees and Felix hides his presence on instinct]

Felix: There are 2 presences one at A+ and the other at B+

[The storm stops and a woman and a girl around 15 are at the top]

Woman: "Did you notice a disappeared mana presence"

Girl: "Let me search with my mana sense"

[After a few seconds]

Girl: "No"

Woman: "Try your plant sense"

[The girl uses it and Felix runs away using the wind]

Girl: "It must be a bird"

Woman: "Let's go"

[Felix runs away and follows their mana back to the city]

Felix: I can't follow them, it's too dangerous

[Felix goes to the Old Lady's house and finds those 2 there]

Felix: What is happening

[Felix gathers mana to his ears and tries to listen but is unable to because of the barriers]

Felix: I'm leaving

[Felix goes to the library and reads a book on mastering mana control and sensing]

Felix: "That was an eyeopener"

Felix: But who are those 2

[Felix is in the library and starts practising and feels his mana channels clearing]

Felix: "Nice"

[Felix leaves the library and this time the Old Lady comes to Felix]

Old Lady: "Hello Felix"

Felix: "Hey, I almost came to your house but a crazy lady was there she made a huge thundercloud and some girl almost caught me with her plant magic"

Old Lady: "Come with me"

[They went to a battleground and the girl was there]

Felix: "Now I am confused"

Old Lady: "Fight her"

[The Old Lady disappears and the girl tries to tangle his feet but the moment he feels it he uses wind magic and charges towards her and slashes Plants slowed it down but she is not there and is far away standing on Plants and he gets attacked from all directions but with fire and wind he cuts all of them down to the ground and launches himself using fire and wind, which creates a small but powerful burst, and he pierces through her defense and holds the sword near her chest with his elbow 90 degrees ready to stab her and says]

Felix: "I don't stand a chance against women I do"

Girl: "My name is Grenda, I'm your new fellow disciple"

Felix: "Now I'm confused"

Grenda: "You should be"

[Felix lowers his sword and the Old Lady comes and says]

Old Lady: "She is my disciple's, disciple"

[After a pause]

Felix: "I understood but where is the woman who I assume is your disciple"

Old Lady: "We don't know but in the night and sometimes in the morning she just disappears and we can't find her"

Felix: "You can't find her?"

Old Lady: "We can't because we are magicians and her talent is too good for my mana sense and plant sense does not work in the city"

Felix: "The fight, is it enough that I defeated her"

[Grenda turns at him with a piercing stare]

Felix: "Okay, I fluked"

Old Lady: "She sensed it with mana sense"

Felix: "Okay, so what do I do now"

Old Lady: "Come back tomorrow"

Felix: "At the same time"

Old Lady: "Leave your sword and come"

[Felix leaves and on his way to the inn takes the usual route where he passes the red light district and sees a woman in a hood and wearing a mask with it covering only above her face]

Felix: I can't feel her mana or presence if it wasn't for her bright lips

[Felix goes back to the inn and the next day back in the arena he sees the woman with Grenda]

Felix: She must be my master but why does something seem similar about her face

[The woman nervously introduces herself]

Woman: "Hi, my name is Cara"

Felix: "Felix, my previous master was unconventional so, tell me what to do"

Cara: "Do you have anything you want to do or achieve"

Felix: "Get first in the tournament in central"

Cara: "That is a good enough goal but what is an attribute"

Felix: "I'm not sure"

Cara: "Give me your hand"

[Cara feels Felix's mana and is surprised]

Cara: "This is interesting, very interesting"

Felix: "What is"

Cara: "You are capable of all of the magic in your body"

Grenada: "That is not possible, how can he have dark magic"

Cara: "Doesn't matter, keep this a secret between us and I will teach you everything"

Felix: "Okay, but are you sure that I should keep this a secret"

Cara: "Sometimes, just listen to what I say"

Felix: "Yes, I will do that"

Cara: "So you can get a raw output of fire and wind but don't know spells, am I correct"

[Felix nods]

Cara: "So now, I need to go somewhere and you can come back after understanding how a spell works"

Hi readers, we changed the book's cover page so don't get confused this is the correct book. If you have any doubts please contact saianilok912@gmail.com