
Chapter 9

Lydia's House

Guest Bedroom.

It was the next morning when the news that Scott and Kira had been kidnapped reached them. Alex and Malia were in the middle of some...morning business when her phone started buzzing. At first they tried to ignore it and kept going but the longer it buzzed the more annoyed Malia and Alex grew.

"Answer the phone before I throw it out the window." said Alex as he got off the bed and grabbed her phone from his bedroom floor. He handed it to her and lay down on the bed besides her. "Its Stiles." said a panting Malia as she hit the accept button and put the phone to her ear.

"Stiles?...is something wrong?" asked Malia as she sat up on the bed and moved backwards so her back was against the headboard. "Its Scott and Kira, we think Kate took them." Alex could hear Stiles say from the other side of the phone. That made him stop staring at Malia's breast and sit up in the bed.

"What do you mean Kate took them?" asked a worried Malia as she pinched the phone with her shoulder and started grabbing her clothes from the floor, besides her Alex was doing the same thing. "We're at Derek's loft, its a mess, Scott and Kira were having a date here and now they're gone." said Stiles panicking.

"Lydia is with Deaton...they said it was Kate, she and her Berserkers took them back to Mexico, to La Iglesia." said Stiles causing Alex to growl as he put on his jacket and held open the door to his room for Malia. "We're on our way." said Malia before she ended the call and her and Alex left.

Scott's House

They met Stiles at Scott's House, the teen was so hyper and panicked that he forgot the awkward situation all three of them were in and welcomed them into the house with no problem. They ran upstairs towards Scott's room where Stiles threw open the closet and started pulling clothes out.

"Those won't work Stiles..." said Alex as he walked up to his friend and put a hand on his shaking arm to calm him down. "...I can smell the fabric softener from here, we need something else." Stiles looked at him with gratitude in his eyes before running into the bathroom to look through the dirty clothes hamper.

"Gross." said Malia when Stiles pulled out a pair of boxers and showed them to her, "Malia, Scott's life is on the line." said Stiles before Alex cleared his throat back in the bedroom, Malia and Stiles turned to him to see the Alpha werewolf holding one of Scott's pillows to his face.

"This works just as well as dirty boxers." said Alex with a smirk before he threw the pillow to Malia and grinned at them. Malia took a big whiff of the pillow before turning her had and nodding at Stiles. "Yeah that works too." said the hyper active Stiles before he threw the boxers back and started making his way downstairs.

There, in the McCall kitchen they found Liam nervously waiting for them. "Oh Liam go home, you're not coming with us." said Stiles as he moved past the Beta Werewolf dismissing him.

"Why not?" whined Liam as he and Malia stood back watching Stiles and Liam ducking it out. "Because it's a full moon and I don't feel like driving all the way back to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out." said Stiles making Liam glare at him.

"You can lock me up, chain me to the backseat or something." said Liam desperately, Malia shook her head as she walked to stand in front of Liam. "You tore through the last chains remember." said Malia always the helpful one that one.

"Yeah we would have to freeze you in carbonite just to get you down there." said Stiles causing Alex to grin but Liam and Malia to look confused. "OK, where do we get...carbonite?" asked Liam making Alex chuckle and Stiles left eye to twitch.

"Seriously you haven't seen it either?" asked Stiles looking at Liam like he was a particularly slow child before turning his back to him and walking away.. Malia just looked confused by the whole thing.

"Wait..." said Liam as he ran up to Stiles to cut him off. "...what if we put me in the trunk?" asked Liam trying to convince Stiles to let him come along. Stiles just shook his head before answering. "Liam you been a werewolf all of five minutes, you don't have to do this." said Stiles softly.

Liam shook his head before looking stubbornly into Stiles eyes. "I know I don't, but I want to, there has to be bigger chains, I bigger trunk, something...there has to be." said Liam hoping to convince them, Malia and Stiles looked unsure but Alex wasn't. "Fine kid..." said Alex as he stood from the wall he was leaning against and walked up to the three of them.

"...you can come." said Alex making Liam grin but Stiles and Malia frown. "He could be dangerous Alex." said Malia worried, Alex just grinned at her before shaking his head. "Don't worry darling, I'll keep him in check." said Alex, his eyes glowing Alpha red reminding everyone Scott wasn't the only one with the power to keep Liam calm.

Malia smiled back relieved while Stiles frowned at the pet name before Liam clapped to get everyone's attention, "Then what are we waiting for lets go." said Liam as he turned and started making his way out of the McCall house. Stiles frowned at Alex and Malia once more before leaving as well.

"No pet-names in front of Stiles." said Malia when she saw her ex-boyfriends reaction, Alex just nodded before he and her left after both their friends.

They walked out towards Stiles's jeep where Stiles was busy texting someone, Liam was already in the backseat where Alex jumped in besides him, Malia sitting in the front. "Who are you texting?" asked Malia trying to read what he was typing.

"I have an idea about better transportation." said Stiles before he put his phone down and turned on his car. "Lets go." said Stiles before stepping into the accelerator and peeling off the the sidewalk in front of the McCall house.

Beacon Hills downtown

Argent Warehouse.

They reached the warehouse at the same time as a Prison Transport Van and Derek's truck were parking in front of them. As Alex, Liam, Stiles and Malia got out of the car they saw Braeden get out of the van.

"How you get a prison van?" asked Stiles as he eyed the big fortified car. "I'm a U.S Marshall." said Braeden with a smug look on her face. "Yeah we just thought that was just a cover." said Stiles as Derek and Peter got out of the Derek's truck.

"We really bringing him." asked Derek while pointing at Liam, Stiles not one to not have the last word pointed behind the sourwolf at Peter, 'We really bringing him?" asked Stiles with a heavy dose of sarcasm. Peter looked annoyed.

"We're bringing everyone we can, and considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon we should probably get going." said Peter doing his best to match Stiles sarcasm. "What's that mean?" asked Malia looking curiously at her father.

"If Kate's taking Scott back to the same temple where she took Derek how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?" asked Peter while looking around at all of them. "Why would she want to pull a Benjamin Button on Scott?" asked Alex as he moved to stand next to Malia.

"Maybe to take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf?" offered Derek trying to be helpful. Peter shook his head before speaking, "A werewolf can't steal a True Alpha's power, but maybe a Werejaguar with the power of Texcalipoca behind her...maybe she can." said Peter getting frowns from everyone around him.

"That's not going to happen." said Alex as he glared at Peter, his eyes glowing Alpha red, he wouldn't allow one of his first friends to die...not like that. "Well if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I suggest we head out." said Peter pointing back to the cars. Stiles shook his head.

"We can't...not without Lydia." making everyone wonder where the Banshee was, she wasn't one to miss important things. "Where is she?" asked Peter annoyed.

"At the school, Stiles try to call her." said Alex as he walked over to lean back against Stiles's jeep, "Something's not right here." thought the Alpha as he stared at everyone in the room, trying and failing to see what he was missing.

"What was she doing at the school anyway?" asked Derek as he watched Stiles paced while trying to call Lydia. "We got Kira's sword but we needed something with a stronger scent, Lydia was getting a jacket out of her locker.." said Malia as she showed Derek the Katana.

They all turned to Stiles when they heard him curse and put the phone in his pocket, "Nothing, she's not picking up." said Stiles shaking his head. "She has a car, she can catch up to us." said Braeden getting Peter to point at her.

"That's a good point, we can call from the road." said Peter, Stiles just shook his head getting annoyed. "What if something's happened? What if she's in trouble." said Stiles looking worried about Lydia, Alex saw Peter shaking his head annoyed. "Why is he in such a hurry?" thought the Alpha as he heard Peter tell Stiles he should stay behind to find her while they all left.

"I could call Mason, he has a study group at school, maybe he can look for her?" offered Liam trying to be helpful, when Alex saw Stiles about to say no he decided to step in. "Replacement Alpha to the rescue." thought Alex as he stepped up and started barking orders.

"Do it Liam, Call your friend and ask him to look for Lydia, the rest of you..." said Alex as he looked from Liam towards the rest of the group,his eyes coming to land on the anxious Peter, "...get your asses in the car, we have a True Alpha and a Kitsune to go rescue." said Alex getting nods all around.

"Stiles, you and Derek go with Liam on the back of the Transport Van, keep him calm." said Alex flashing his eyes at them to let them know it wasn't a request. "Malia go with Braeden, I ride with Peter." said Alex as he looked at the now nervous Peter.

As they were walking towards the cars Peter decided to give them some parting words, "Remember what we are dealing with here, its not just Kate, its Berserkers, you might see human eyes behind those skulls but don't assume there's any humanity left in them.,," asked talked Alex and him could smell the fear coming from Liam, Alex didn't say anything but Peter did.

"This little on is terrified of then aren't you?..." asked Peter at Liam getting everyone to stare at the poor Beta. "...don't worry my friend it is that fear that will keep you alive." said Peter, his words not doing anything to make Liam, or really any of them, feel better.

"A reminder to everyone, you do not fight Berserkers to survive, you fight to kill." said Peter as he put on his jacket and walked off towards Derek's car. When he saw the look on Liam's face he moved close to the young werewolf and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about being afraid of the Berserkers, they scare me too. Remember being brave is not about not feeling fear, its about acting in spite of it." said Alex shocking just about everyone with his words of wisdom.

"What are you all waiting for...GO." said Alex when he saw everyone standing around looking at him. His shout got all of them to start moving, Stiles and Derek grabbing Liam and taking him to the van while Braeden went to get behind the wheel of the prison van. Malia walked up to him with a small smile on her face.

"Have I told you how sexy it is when you take charge?" asked the werecoyote as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. "No you haven't, but I'll keep it in mind." said Alex with a quick grin before turning serious.

"Be careful around your father." said Alex making Malia frown, "There's something not right here and I have a sneaking suspicion he has something to do with it...that's why I'm riding with him." said Alex, Malia stared at him for a few more moments before nodding at him and kissing him again. They were interrupted by Peter honking his horn at them.

"Come on Love-birds we're burning daylight." yelled Peter making Malia growl and Alex glared back at him. "We're coming." he yelled before he turned once more to Malia and kissed her. "Go, we'll be right behind you." said Alex. Malia stared at him for a few more moments before turning and running towards the prison van.

"To Mexico we go." said Alex to himself as he walked over to Derek's truck and got in, ignoring the look Peter was giving him. "You couldn't have showered first?" said Peter with a disgusted look on his face as he pulled down his window. Alex looked confused for a few seconds before remembering what he and Malia had been doing before getting the call from Stiles.

"Sorry...busy morning." said Alex grinning at the green tint on Peter's face. "Well next time take a fucking shower, I have no interest in knowing what my daughter sex juices smell like." said the werewolf with a snarl as he started the truck and drove off behind the van.

Few hours later

Mexico, Close to La Iglesia

The drive down to Mexico was long and filled with a very tense awkward silence. Peter had refused to say anything else to him and Alex had no problem with it. "How did you kill Agatha, she was one of the most powerful Alphas in this side of the world, even my sister Talia feared her?" asked Peter as he stuck his head back inside the car, his curiosity stronger than his not wanting to smell Malia all over him.

"It wasn't easy, and I had help." said Alex as he looked outside at the passing dessert. "Another Alpha, one you might probably know, called Deucalion helped me." said Alex watching Peter's reflection through the mirror, he looked stunned. "So what? He held her down while you killed her?" asked Peter in what Alex thought was a hopeful tone.

"No..."said Alex watching the hopeful expression on Peters face be replaced by one of disappointment, "He held back her son, another Alpha, while I went in and fought Agatha." said Alex as the claws on his right hand grew.

"I don't know how...but I manage to overpower her, then the first chance I got... I ripped her throat out." said Alex, as he looked at the stunned Peter. They were getting close to the temple, something he was thankful for if the way the van behind them was rocking was anything to go by.

When they reached the place Alex couldn't help but feel disappointed, he had been expecting something grand but what he saw was just a deserted town in ruins. Peter parked the car before turning towards him. "You mean to tell me, you overpowered one of the strongest Alphas of our times and ripped her throat out by yourself?" asked Peter dubiously while staring at him.

Alex just nodded as he watched the van park behind them before turning back towards Peter, "I'm not saying it was easy, she almost killed me, but yes." said Alex as he concentrated on getting his claws to recede, the full moon making it difficult for him.

"What about her son?, did Deucalion kill him?" Alex shook his head as his eyes glowed Alpha red, "He was the one that killed my Alpha, so I returned the favor, had Deucalion hold him down while I stabbed him in the neck with my claws, right through the jugular." said Alex with a bloodthirsty grin that frankly scared the hell out of Peter.

Before anything else could be said they heard a roar from behind them and when they looked they saw a Berserker had dragged Derek from the van and was busy slamming his hands on the former wolf's chest.

"Derek." said both Peter and Alex as they jumped out of the truck, Peter hesitated in helping his nephew but Alex didn't, before the Berserker could land his third blow a almost feral Alex had grabbed him by the arm and thrown him away from Derek.

"Derek." cried Braeden as she knelt on the ground next to him, around them, Peter, Malia, Stiles and Liam watched with sad eyes as their friend fought to breath, next to them stood Alex, his wolf features in full display as he stood guard over them, staring at the Berserker begging for it to try and attack again.

"Is he OK?" snarled Alex as he paced in front of them, the Berserker having turned tail and run from the group. "How bad is it?" asked Peter and surprising Alex the man meant it, he was worried for his nephew.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." said Derek as he struggle to catch his breath, with how much blood Alex could smell and considering Derek no longer healed he knew it was a lie. "Just get to Scott, go find him, we'll be right behind you." said Derek, everyone knew it was a lie, the wound was a mortal one, at least for a normal human.

"Go...GO." screamed Derek and Peter and Malia looked at each other before nodding, "Stiles, save him." said Derek getting a nod from Stiles, as they all started moving they noticed that Alex had yet to leave his spot, he was facing the town next to the church with a sneer on his face.

"Alex are you coming?" asked Malia as she walked up to her boyfriend and touched his back, Alex glanced at her before shaking his head. "Take a whiff darling, Berserkers, at least three." said Alex getting panicked looks from everyone. "She's made more." said Liam with a small squeak.

"Go find Scott...I'll stay here and keep them from going after you." said Alex, his eyes not leaving the town in front of him. Malia shook her head before standing in front of him. "The last time you fought a Berserker you ended up as Kate's captive for a week, and that was just two of them, I won't leave you alone with three." said Malia as she grabbed his head and forced her to look at her.

"Don't worry about me Malia, go find Scott, find your Alpha, I can keep these things busy until backup arrives." said Alex, his features going back to human, before he pulled her towards him and kissed her, not caring if either her father or Stiles were watching, if he was going to put his life on the line against these things he was going to kiss his girl.

"Alex..." said Malia sadly only to get a growl from the Alpha. "Go Malia, find Scott...I'll be fine." Alex lied, he received another kiss before the girl he was crazy about ran off towards her father and their friends. "Don't die you crazy bastard." he heard Stiles say from behind him causing him to give a small chuckle.

"Go get our True Alpha back Stiles...we need him." said Alex as he spotted a Berserker coming out from behind a ruined store and head towards them. The others, excluding Derek and Braeden, wasted no time in running inside the church. Alex shook his head as he moved to stand before Braeden and Derek.

"Couldn't get a mortal wound another time could ya." said Alex sadly as he watched his friend dying before his eyes. "Sorry..Lydia was right." smiled Derek weakly, Braeden was too busy crying to say anything.

"Are there...are there really...three Berserkers out there?" asked Derek as he coughed and wheeze trying to find the air to talk. "Yeah...and Kate, she's out here as well." said Alex as his red glowing eyes scanned the are around them.

"Damn." said Derek, apparently finding his funny bone while at death door.

"Can you still pull a trigger." asked Braeden when they heard a loud growl near them, Derek looked down before nodding his head. "Stay with me, you're going to be OK." said Braeden lying to herself, Alex could already hear Derek's heartbeat growing slower.

"Its a mortal wound...and right now I'm feeling pretty mortal."said Derek with a bloody grin on his face, Alex shook his head before he bend down and grabbed Derek's arm taking some of his pain away.

"Worst fucking time to find your sense of humor sourwolf." said Alex with a sad grin, his pain taking working if only a little because Derek could now breath a bit easier. It wouldn't heal him but it would buy him some more time.

"I'm not going to let you die." said Braeden in denial before another loud growl was heard close to them, this one in the opposite direction than the first one, "They're surrounding us." said Alex as his eyes tracked the three Bone monsters.

"We need help." grunted Derek as Braeden stood up with her shotgun in hand and Alex shook his head. "We need a fucking miracle." said the Alpha as he growled when one of the Berserkers got too close to them.

The silence seemed to stretch on forever before two Berserkers came out of the dusk cloud the town had around it with Kate right behind them. The werejaguar had a grin on her face as she eyed first Derek bleeding on the floor then Alex standing before him protectively.

"Ger ready Braeden, this is going to get bloody." said Alex as his claws popped out and he submitted to the power of the moon, his fangs sharpening and growing more numerous than before, his brow ridging and hair growing from the side of his face, his face also took on a slight grey hue as he allowed himself for the first time since he became an Alpha to go all out.

Before anything else could be said the two Berserkers charged at them, one heading towards Braeden and the other one running to Alex. With a roar so loud the ground around him vibrated Alex charged and slammed into the bone monster.

Safely behind the fighting Kate stood with a grin on her face as she watched the carnage around her. "Come on boys and girls no need to be shy." growled Kate, her eyes glowing bright green and her skin changing to purple and black as her fangs sharpened.

Alex slammed his Berserker to the ground just in time to see the one that had gone after Braeden grabbed her around the throat and lift her from the ground, Kate walking up to her with a smirk on her face. Before he could take more than a step in her direction the third Berserker appeared out of nowhere and tackled him to the ground.

Alex instantly jumped back to his feet but this time, between him and his friends stood two massive Berserkers growling at him and kicking at the ground like angry bulls. "Fuck me." thought Alex as the two bone monsters charged him and slammed into him.

"I will not lose, I will not let my friends down." grunted Alex as he met the Berserkers charge with his own, slamming into them and fighting for dominance. "I WILL NOT LOSE." screamed Alex as he felt a surge of power moving through his body, this time the surge was so powerful it made the ones with Agatha and the hunters seemed like nothing.

As he started winning the show of strength against the Berserkers he could feel himself growing hair all over his body, and unlike the times he shifted into a wolf he wasn't growing smaller, he was growing larger. In seconds he had grown almost five inches, he had grown fur all over his body and his ears and nose had disappeared, a snout and sharp wolf ears replacing them.

His claws had grown longer and sharper than ever before while his mouth was filled with razor sharp fangs made to rip things to shreds, his eyes glowing bright red while the whites had changed to black. "I...am fucking awesome." thought Alex as he threw the Berserkers away from him and roared so loud it was heard for miles and miles around

"And I still have clothes on.., bonus." thought Alex as he looked down at his tattered but still whole pants, thankful that this time his pants had remained somewhat intact. As he looked up he could see Kate and Braeden staring at him with their mouth wide open in shock.

"What the fuck?" said Kate before she snarl and ordered her three Berserkers to attack him at once, and even with the upgrade in power three Berserkers were too much for him alone, thankfully before the Berserkers had a change to do much damage backup arrived.

Just as one of the Berserkers had used his bone dagger to stab Alex in the side, three cars drove in, in them hunters from the Calaveras, plus Chris and Lydia's boy-toy Parrish arrived and started firing on the Berserkers and Kate. "Good timing." thought Alex as he felt his body going back to normal, the bone dagger in his side falling off as his body shrunk down.

"Who would had thought I be glad to see hunters." said Alex as he limped over to Braeden and helped her stand up. "Derek...is Derek alright?" asked Braeden before Alex helped her walk over to where the sourwolf had been laying. They found Derek breathing heavily barely conscious.

"Derek...Derek." cried Braeden as he opened his eyes to look at her before they close back again and his head fell to the side. "He's gone." said Alex as tears fell down his face, he had lost another friend. His grief was replaced by hate as he saw the Berserkers killing many of the hunters that were helping him and his friends.

"I'm going to kill them all." snarled Alex, his eyes burning red as he slowly started running towards the closes Berserker, his slow run started gaining speed till he was all out sprinting towards it. The Berserker was about to stab Parrish in the chest when Alex slammed into it and both of them crashed against one of the vans, severely denting it.

"I will not lose any more friends." screamed Alex as he bit into the Berserkers neck and, with a savagery that shocked both Chris and Parrish who were the closest to him, ripped its head clean off. As he did the Berserkers body turned to dust in his hands.

"You killed it." said Parrish astonished as he and Alex stared at the dust and dirt on the floor. "Can you do the same to the other two?" asked Chris as he moved over to them shocking them from their stupor. Besides them Saraya, the head of the Calaveras had pulled out a cattle prod and was readying herself to fight Kate.

"I don't know but that won't stop me from trying." said Alex as he pushed Chris out of the way of a charging Berserker and took the hit, they crashed against the van again totaling it. Parrish was about to try and help before the Berserker was sent flying away and a bruised and bleeding Alex peeled himself from the van.

Alex shook his head to get rid of the pain and was about to charge at the Berserker when a howl was heard all around them. "Derek?" said Alex shocked as he recognized the howl of his friend. Suddenly a black blur ran by them before jumping a terrified Kate and throwing her to the floor as it bit and scratched her. It was a wolf, a black wolf with glowing blue eyes.

"Derek?" said both Alex and Braeden as they watched their friend/boyfriend back away from Kate and begin growing, losing his fur and changing till Derek once again stood in front of Kate with a grin on his face. Also he was naked.

"You're...you're dead." said Kate as she crawled away from him with fear in her eyes, Derek just shook his head the grin never leaving his face. "No... I was evolving, something you'll never do." said Derek before a growl was heard besides him and the Berserker Alex had thrown away from him charged Derek trying to protect its mistress.

Derek just ducked under the charging beast and grabbed its head, applying pressure. In seconds the beast exploded into dust, leaving only the bear skull in Derek's hands. "Bastard makes it look so easy." grunted Alex as he limped over towards Derek and handed him his bomber jacket, which he had thankfully left inside Derek's truck before all the fighting started.

"Cover up wolfy, no one wants to see that." said Alex with a grin happy his friend was alive, Derek took the jacket and threw it on, thankfully the jacket was large enough and long enough to cover him up. "Try not to let your junk rub on the leather too much." asked Alex with a shudder not wanting to imagine Derek's business touching his only jacket.

"Shut up Alex." said a smiling Derek as both of them watch Kate back away in denial, before she could get too far her brother pulled out his gun and shot her in the shoulder wit a glowing yellow bullet, Chris looked crushed as he shot his sister but knew it had to be done.

Before Alex and Derek could relax they heard the growl of the third Berserker as it tried to run towards its mistress aid, it was about to attack Chris before Alex ran in and pushed the man out of the way taking the hit for him. The blow knocked him to the floor and before he could stand the Berserker was on him intending to stab him in the face with its bone spike.

Before that could happened Derek jumped him from behind and grabbed him in a bear hug, using all his strength to lift him off the floor. "Quickly Alex, his mask, its the weak spot." grunted Derek as he used all power he could muster to hold the Berserker in place.

Alex didn't need to be told twice he jumped to his feet and onto the Berserker grabbing on to his mask and pulling with all his strength, glowing yellow lines started shining from the bone monsters body before just like before it exploded into dust.

As the last of the Berserkers died both Alex and Derek looked towards the sky and roared to show the world their dominance. Alex looked down at Derek then towards the church before nodding in its direction. "Wanna go see what's keeping them?" asked Alex getting a nod from Derek, but before they could they heard Scott triumphant roar coming from the temple within.

"Ohh good, no need to go help." said Derek as he and Alex limped towards Braeden and fell to the ground next to her, both exhausted. "I'm hungry." said Alex as he lay his head back and closed his eyes.

"Me too." said Braeden as she rested her head on Derek's leather clad shoulder, Alex being the ass he was did the same with his other one. "What do you want to eat?" asked Alex ignoring Derek's annoyed look and Braeden's amused one.

"Do you think there's a Taco Bell near here?" asked the ex U.S Marshall with a grin on her face, Alex snorted before lifting his head off Derek's shoulder and looking at her. 'That's' racist...and yes we passed one like thirty miles back." said Alex making both Braeden and Derek laugh.

"You're both idiots." said Derek before he leaned back and and closed his eyes. "You were funnier when you were dying." said Alex only to get swatted by Braeden. "Too soon?" asked Alex with a grin as he followed Derek's lead and got comfortable.

"So, what we doing after this?...wanna go see that Winter Soldier movie? Liam said it was good" asked Alex as he sun started coming up bathing the ruins of the town in light. "Me and Derek are taking a little vacation from Beacon Hills" said Braeden surprising both Alex and Derek.

"We are?" asked Derek curiously since he didn't know about it. "We are, I have a place in Hawaii and you and me are going to spend some time in the beach, naked and with lots of alcohol." said Braeden with a sexy tone of voice and Alex could smell just how much Derek liked that idea.

"You guys are gross." said Alex as he turned away from them so he didn't have to smell anymore of Derek's arousal. "Look who's talking, I can smell Malia all over you." said Derek amused remembering Alex had driven there with Peter. "Peter must have enjoyed that." said Derek with a grin as he turned to look at Alex.

"Fuck Peter, he's a tool." Alex grunted as he could feel his wounds and broken bones start to heal. "No truer words have ever been said." said Braeden making both Derek and Alex laugh before both grunted in pain.

"Don't make us laugh woman." said Derek as he held his still healing ribs, Berserkers hit hard. Alex just smiled. "Hey Braeden..." said Alex with a massive grin as he waited for Derek's girlfriend to turn towards him. "What?" asked the bounty hunter as she opened her eyes to look at him.

"...did you see what I did when I was fighting the two Berserkers?" asked Alex with a grin making Braeden sigh. "You mean when you tuned into a seven foot tall wolf monster and threw them around like they were rag-dolls?" asked Braeden rolling her eyes when he nodded like a little kid. "...yes Alex we all saw that." deadpanned Braeden getting a laugh from Alex and a confused 'He did what?' from Derek.

"You didn't see that fucking thing he turned into?" asked Braeden shocked he had missed it. "I was kinda busy dying? He turned into what now?" Said Derek looking between both of them stunned.

"He turned into a seven foot tall wolf monster..." said Braeden like she was talking to a little kid. Alex all the while sticking his chest out with a smug look on his face, "...who then got its ass beat by the three Berserkers." said Braeden with a smirk when she saw Alex's chest deflate and he glare at her.

Derek for his part had given up trying to learn what had happened and was just enjoying the indignant look on Alex's face. "You try taking on three Berserkers at the same time see what happens." said Alex with a pout as he crossed his arms and looked away from both of his laughing friends.

Before Derek or Braeden could make fun of him some more the doors to La Iglesia opened and Stiles and Liam walked out, followed by Malia helping a limping Kira and Scott dragging in unconscious and Peter.

"They look like shit." said Alex before both Derek and Braeden looked at him incredulously. "What?" asked Alex when he noticed their look only to look down when they did, his naked chest was covered in dried blood and bruises the same as Derek's whole torso and Braeden's neck from when the Berserker had grabbed her.

"I didn't say we looked better." grunted Alex before he stood up and after helping Derek and Braeden to their feet limped over to their friends. As he got closer he was relieve to see that aside from a few bruises Malia was perfectly fine. Same as Liam and Stiles, Scott and Kira were a little battered and bruised but fine just the same.

"You look like you had fun." said Alex as he reached the group, who were looking at him and Derek in shock, him because of the dried blood on his chest and Derek because he was alive.

"So do you." said Scott with a smile as he walked to the front and threw Peter to the ground in the middle of the group. "I take it he did something?" asked Alex as he poked Peter with his foot. "You could say that." said Scott as he filled them in, telling them how Peter and Kate had been working together, Peter being the one to teach her how to make more Berserkers.

"Little Bastard." said Alex as he gave Peter a light kick almost losing his balance, fortunately Malia was there to steady him. "How come every time there's a fight you end up shirtless and bloody?" asked Malia as she wrapped her arm around his waist to help him.

Alex kissed her cheek before smiling at her. "Its what I do darling, I fight and I bleed." said Alex making all his friends smile at him. "Can we go home now?"asked Liam as he stepped forwards.

"Yes please." groaned Alex and Stiles at the same time, looking at each other before smiling. As they were speaking Braeden walked to the prison van before coming back with a change of clothes for Derek.

"I want my jacket back." yelled Alex as Braeden and Derek moved away so the sourwolf could dress in private. As they were standing around waiting for Derek, Chris came towards them with a small container in hand.

Scott and Alex moved forward to talk to the ex-hunter and Chris handed the container to Scott. "There's enough yellow Wolfsbane in there to keep Peter out for the trip back." said Chris with a grimace of pain as he moved back. "But be careful." said the hunter with worry in his eyes as he looked at Scott.

"Don't worry Mr. Argent, he wakes up I'll break his jaw." said Alex with a grin making Chris smile at him, "You really going with them?" asked Scott with a frown as he looked at Saraya and the other Calavera hunters behind Chris.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago, they'll leave you alone, all of you, but only if I help them catch Kate." said Chris as he looked over at all of them. "What if you can't?" asked Kira as she moved to stand besides Scott. Chris just smiled at her.

"I'll find her, someone has too." said Chris before he turned back and walked over towards Saraya. Nothing else was said as the hunters got in their car and left. "Alex." said Derek from besides his truck and when the Alpha turned it was to catch his leather jacket. "Thanks." said the sourwolf before he nodded at Scott and got in his truck.

"Where are they going?" Scott asked Alex as Derek and Braeden drove away. "To Hawaii, to have drunk sex on the beach." said Alex with a grin as he put his jacket back on and walked towards Malia ignoring Scott surprised look.

"Lets go home." yelled Liam from the back of the Prison Van as Stiles and Kira got in, Scott drawing the short straw and having to drive the thing back home. "Hey, where do we return this thing?" asked Alex as he and Malia got in the passenger seat with Scott.

"I don't know..." said the True Alpha with a grin as he started up the car and started driving out of town. "...I'm leaving it with Stiles dad." said Scott as he drove out of town. "Good idea." said Alex as he leaned back and closed his eyes, happy when Malia leaned into him and to lay her head on his shoulder.

"Lets go home." said Scott as he looked saw the town getting farther and father way through the rear view mirror.

Some Weeks Later.

As the weeks passed things started going back to normal, Scott, Stiles and Liam went back to Lacrosse being their only worry, Lydia started spending more and more time with Parrish trying to help him figure out what kind of Supernatual creature he was, Kira had grown or actually more like found her first tail and Alex and Malia were happily spending their time as a normal new couple would...watching loads of Game of Thrones and other different shows together.

Alex had moved into Derek's vacant loft, with the sourwolf's blessing, and he had used some of the money he stole from the Mute, not really caring that it was Peter's money, to buy himself a nice Harley Davidson Motorcycle so he didn't have to walk everywhere and on the plus side Malia loved the thing.

As a whole, things were good, so good in fact that Alex decided it was time to do something he had been putting off for a while. Which is why he was in school on a Saturday. He was walking down the hallway to led to the school lab when he ran into the exact person he was looking for.

"Oh Alex I didn't see you there." babbled Sidney nervously as she bend to the ground to pick up the books she had dropped when she ran into Alex. The Alpha just gave her a smile before he bend down to help her with her books. The girl looked like a nervous wreck as she babbled apologies and talked about her massive school workload

"Don't worry about it Sidney..." said Alex as he handed her the books and helped her to her feet, the poor girl had a few more bald spots than the last time he had seen her, "...I was actually looking for you." said Alex, his eyes glowing bright red as he grinned at her